

I'm forwarding this announcement on behalf of Heidi Hass.

Daniel Fermon
Assistant Librarian
Museum of Modern Art Library
11 W. 53rd Street
New York, N.Y.
(212) 708-9434

> The next meeting of the NYC Catalogers Discussion Group will be held
> Monday June 11, 2001, 3:00 p.m., at the Pierpont Morgan Library (29 E.
> 36th St., just east of Madison Ave.).
> Agenda items include:
> Discussion on the future of OCLC and RLG, following up on a discussion
> of the RLG Art and Architecture Group in conjunction with ARLIS/NA in
> L.A. OCLC has been discussing "extending the OCLC cooperative" and
> more info can be found at Discussion
> questions: what is the future of the bibliographic utilities?
> how do you work with them? what is the influence of users?
> Heidi Hass will try to arrange for a demonstration/discussion of
> Catalogers' Desktop at the meeting. To this end an accurate count of
> attendees will be useful, so please rsvp to Heidi at
> [log in to unmask], or (212) 590-0381.
> --
> V. Heidi Hass
> Head of the Reference Collection
> The Pierpont Morgan Library
> 29 East 36th Street
> New York, NY  10016-3403
> TEL: 212 590-0381
> FAX: 212 685-4740
> NET: [log in to unmask]

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