

The Delaware Valley Chapter of ARLIS/NA is pleased to announce the
establishment of a conference travel award to honor the memory of one of its
founding members, Marietta Patzau Bushnell Boyer.

Marietta, a native of Viennia, Austria and a graduate of the Agnes Irwin
School, Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts (BA), and Drexel University
(MLS), participated in ARLIS/NA through conference attendance and committee
work.  A member of the Delaware Valley Chapter from 1976 until her untimely
death in 1997, she was active as an officer, committee member, and general
supporter of the Chapter's work.  For twenty years she served as the
librarian of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, building that
library's collection and helping the Academy's students to find their own
artistic styles through acquaintance with the works of other artists. Before
joining the Academy, Marietta worked in the slide libraries of the
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  She also
volunteered her service at the Ludington Library in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

The members of the Delaware Valley Chapter of ARLIS/NA believe that the
travel award we have established is a fitting tribute to a colleague who was
especially concerned with offering encouragement to art librarians new to
the profession, and who emphasized the professional growth made possible by
attendance at ARLIS/NA conferences.

This year's Boyer Travel Award recipient is Mary Louise Castaldi, Reference
Librarian from the University of the Arts and Delaware Valley Chapter Vice
President/President-Elect.  Mary Louise will be using this funding to
participate in the upcoming Los Angeles meeting of ARLIS/NA.

Allen K. Townsend
Past President, Delaware Valley Chapter, ARLIS/NA
Arcadia Director of the Library
Philadelphia Museum of Art
PO Box 7646
Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101
215 684 7651 (Voice)
215 236 0534 (Fax)

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