

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The City and the Book
International Congresses in Florence, Italy
The Certosa, Florence
30, 31 May, 1 June 2001, The Bible=3B The Gospel:
Suggested Topics for Papers: Sacred Alphabets=3B Hebrew Scriptures, Greek
Testament=3B (Helena), Jerome, Paula and Eustochium, Egeria=3B Codex =
St Catherine's=3B Cassiodorus, Pandect, Vivarium=3B Codex Argenteus, =
Uppsala=3B Codex Aureus=3B King's Library, Stockholm=3B Codex Amiatinus,
Laurentian Library=3B Lindisfarne Gospels, British Library=3B Book of Kells,
Trinity College Library, Dublin=3B Icelandic Bible, Arn=ED Magn=FAsson =
Reykjavik=3B Benedict's and Columban's Rules=3B Bede, History of the English
Church and People, etc=3B Mission Pilgrimages from Ireland to Iceland and
Italy (Fiesole)=3B Spain, Beatus of Liebana, Apocalypse.

Call for Papers: Papers on above topics from librarians and scholars to be
presented in Florence and to be published on web, with appropriate jpg image
file of paleographical manuscript page and, where appropriate, author =
Deadline for Abstract: December 15, 2000.

Co-sponsorship invited: St Catherine's Monastery, Sinai=3B Societas
internationalis pro Vivario, Italy=3B British Library, London, Bede's World
Museum, Jarrow=3B Oxford University, Bodleian Library, Computing Centre=3B =
University, England=3B Trinity College Library, Dublin, Ireland=3B Arn=ED
Magn=FAsson Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland=3B Government of Spain=3B National
Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C., Graduate Theological Union,
Berkeley, U.S.A.=3B Laurentian Library, SISMEL, Associazione Fioretta =
Biblioteca Fioretta Mazzei, Associazione Giorgio La Pira, Florence, etc.

Book Fair, publishers of facsimiles and editions, bookbinders, paper makers,
paper marblers, digital editions of manuscripts, bi-lingual website,
librarianship, paleography and codicology, textual editing, calligraphy
course (Brody Neuenschwander of Prospero's Books), Alinari photographs,
Becocci postcards, Scala books. In Piazzale Donatello.

Mass in San Lorenzo, Visit to the Laurentian Library, Medici Palace, Benozzo
Gozzoli frescoes, San Marco, Fra Angelico frescoes, Fiesole, Santuario della
Madonna delle Grazie al Sasso, Santa Brigida, San Martino a Mensola for
hermitages of Irish Saints Andrew, Bridget. Congress proposed to be held,
Palazzo Vecchio, the Certosa.

May/June 2002, The Manuscript Book, The Illumination
Suggested Topics:
British Isles and Scandinavia: Celtic Epics, Icelandic Sagas, Beowulf, Song
of Roland
Spain: Beatus of Liebana, Apocalypse, Alfonso el Sabio, Las Cantigas de
Santa Maria (Biblioteca Nazionale Manuscript, Concert in Orsanmichele)
Florence: Brunetto Latino, Tesoro, Dante Alighieri, Commedia, Libro del
Baidaiuolo (Orsanmichele) and Tuscan Misericordias.
Distaff: Egeria, Itinerarium (Arezzo), Hildegard, Liber Divinorum Operum
Simplicis Hominis  (Lucca), Marguerite Porete, Mirror of Simple Souls
(Riccardiana, Florence) and the Friends of God, including Julian of Norwich,
Showing of Love (Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, England), Birgitta of
Sweden, Revelationes (Siena, trans. by Catherine's Cristofano di Gano).
Letter from Lapo Mazzei, Notary for Santa Maria Nuova to Francesco Datini,
Merchant of Prato about  Birgitta of Sweden. Dante and Christine de Pizan,
Chemin de Long Estudes,  St  Francesca Romana.
Classics, Boccaccio and Chaucer (I Tatti), Mass in Santa Maria Novella

Call for Papers: Papers on above topics from international librarians and
scholars  for presentation at conference and for publication on the web,
with appropriate jpg image files of paleographical manuscript folio, where
appropriate, author portrait.
Deadline for Abstract, December 15, 2001.

Co-sponsorship invited: Societa Dantesca Italiana=3B Dante Society of =
Societas internationalis pro Vivario, Italy, British Library, London,
Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Open University, England=3B Trinity
College Library, Dublin, Ireland=3B Arn=ED Magn=FAsson Institute, Reykjavik,
Iceland=3B Government of Spain=3B Laurentian Library, Biblioteca Nazionale,
SISMEL, Florence=3B Sweden=3B Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France=3B =
Harvard, I
Tatti, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Medieval Academy of America,
Modern Language Association of America, National Endowment for the
Humanities, Canada Arts Council, Associazione Fioretta Mazzei, Biblioteca
Fioretta Mazzei, Associazione Giorgio La Pira, etc.

Book Fair, publishers of facsimiles and editions, bookbinders, paper makers,
digital editions of manuscripts, bi-lingual website, librarianship,
paleography and codicology, textual editing, calligraphy courses, Alinari
photographs, Becocci art postcards. In Piazzale Donatello.

Pilgrimage to the Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie al Sasso, Tour of
Misericordia Confraternities, Ospedale degli Innocenti, Santa Maria Nuova,
Concert in Orsanmichele, Mass in Santa Maria Novella.  Congress proposed
to be held in Palazzo Vecchio, Certosa, I Tatti

May/June 2003, The Printed Book, Engraving, Photograph, Film, Web

Suggested Topics: Alfonso, Brunetto, Dante, and Cervantes=3B Ariosto, Tasso,
Camoens, Edmund Spenser, Faerie Queene, John Milton, Paradise Lost
(Vallombrosa). Augustine Baker and the English Benedictine Nuns. William
Blake on Dante and Milton. John Keats, Percy and Mary Shelley, Lord Byron
(Rome and Florence,  Protestant Cemeteries). Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
Casa Guidi Windows,  Aurora Leigh, Robert Browning, The Ring and the Book,
George Eliot, Romola (Savonarola), Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Marble Faun,
Alessandro Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi. Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux.
Risorgimento, Pre-Raphaelites and  Oxford Movement. Florence Nightingale,
John Ruskin, Augustus Hare, Henry James, Dosteivsky, The Idiot, don Divo
Barsotti, Dosteivsky. Fratelli Alinari, Julia Margaret Cameron. James Joyce,
Samuel Beckett on Italy and Dante. Haldorr Laxness, Independent  People,
etc. The 1966 Flood

Call for Papers: Papers on above topics from international librarians and
scholars  for presentation at conference and for publication on the web,
with jpg image files of manuscript/editio princeps page, author portrait.
Deadline for Abstract: December 15, 2002.

Co-sponsorship invited: British Library, London, Bodleian Library, Oxford,
Trinity College Library, University College, Dublin, Ireland, Arn=ED =
Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland, Government of Spain, Laurentian Library,
Biblioteca Nazionale, SISMEL, Florence, Milton Society, International James
Joyce Foundation, Browning Institute, Armstrong Browning Library, Baylor
University, Bronte Society, Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux, Fratelli Alinari,
British Council, British Institute, Open University, England=3B =
Associazione Fioretta Mazzei, Biblioteca Fioretta Mazzei, Associazione
Giorgio La Pira, etc.

Visits to Vallombrosa (organ concert at Mass), Bellosguardo, Museo della
Storia di Scienza, Casa Guidi, Piazzale Donatello, etc. Banquet at =

Book Fair, publishers of facsimiles and editions, bookbinders, paper makers,
digital editions of manuscripts, bi-lingual website, librarianship,
paleography and codicology, textual editing, calligraphy courses, Alinari
photographs, Becocci art postcards. In Piazzale Donatello.

Book Publishers
Facsimile or Other Editions: SISMEL, Codex Amiatinus=3B British Library,
Lindisfarne Gospels=3B Trinity College, Library, Book of Kells=3B Moleiro,
Barcelona (St Petersburg, Brunetto Latino, Tesoro)=3B Edilan, Madrid
(Florence, Brunetto Latino, Tesoro)=3B LiCosa s.p.a. Dante, Commedia,
Botticelli=3B Early English Text Society
Others: Paolini/Paulist Press (Classics of Western Spirituality), Qiqajon,
Bose, Penguin Classics, Boydell and Brewer, Peter Lang, AMS Press,
Peregrina, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, La Giuntina, etc.
Encourage Concurrent Manuscript Facsimile Publications: Lindisfarne =
Book of Kells=3B Icelandic Bible=3B Hildegard of Bingen, Lucca Manuscript=3B=
Baidaiuolo, Laurentian Orsanmichele Manuscript=3B Christine de Pizan, Chemin
de Long Estudes
Of first editions: Brunetto Latino, Treviso, 1474=3B Birgitta of Sweden,
Revelationes, Lubeck, 1492=3B Catherine of Siena, Orcherd of Syon, Wynken de
Worde, 1519. Augustus Hare, Florence.

Housing: Monasteries, Hotels, Friends

Julia Bolton Holloway, Ph.D.
Biblioteca Fioretta Mazzei
Piazzale Donatello 38
website: =3C   e-mail:

Further Information and Registration Form at =
And God was a child curled up who slept in her and her veins were
flooded with His wisdom which is night, which is starlight, which is
silence. And her whole being was embraced in Him whom she
embraced and they became tremendous silence.     Thomas Merton

Julia Bolton Holloway, Hermit of the Holy Family, Librarian
Biblioteca Fioretta Mazzei, Piazzale Donatello 38, 50132 Firenze, Italy
e-mail:  website:

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