

Dear Museum Librarians - It seems with each new director (and that's been a
lot lately) I am being asked to reinvent the wheel.  I have a couple of
questions to ask and I hope you'll share your views, experience, etc.  I'm
trying to gather information to kick start my brain.

How many of you have Friends of the Library groups for your museum library?

Have you had a Friends group in the past?

If your Friends group is now longer active can you tell me why?

If you have an active Friends group does it raise money for your library?

What kinds of activities do you organize for or through your Friends group?

Thanks for your help!

Mona L. Chapin
Cincinnati Art Museum
953 Eden Park Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45202-1557

Tel: 513-639-2976
Fax: 513-639-2981
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