

The following notice about the Association of Architecture School Librarians
Conference in March 2001 was first posted to AASL-L in July.  Response on
the points below was very low. I am hoping to hear from more of you now that
the fall semester has begun. I'm expanding the posting to ARLIS-L to let
those interested subscribers know of this event also.  We welcome your
attendance and input!  Judy Connorton


The Association of Architecture School Librarians conference team is now in
the planning stages for the annual AASL meeting in March, 2001.

For the purposes of "HOLDING THE DATE," please note the following

The AASL Annual Meeting will be held in conjunction with:

The 89th ACSA Annual Meeting, March 16-20, 200l, Baltimore

ACSA Theme:  "The Paradoxes of Progress; Architecture and Education in a
Post-Utopian Era."

Place:    Baltimore Hilton & Towers
6   20 West Baltimore Street
6   410-539-8400

FYI, The ACSA site link for information on its call for papers is:


IN THE MEANTIME, I would appreciate your responding to me
([log in to unmask]) re the following:

1.  BRAIN-STORMING SESSION: This session would be in addition to the regular
conference business meeting (now scheduled for Sunday - probably late
morning). We're acting on suggestions to add an extra discussion session,
about an hour in length. We would like to give it some structure and
therefore ask you to tell us what topic/s related to academic architecture
librarianship or simply to the everyday running of your library would be of
interest to you around which we could have a give-and-take discussion.

2.  MONDAY MORNING SESSION: This two-hour formal session will offer
presentations focussing on using the Internet & WWW to teach nformation
Literacy skills. We have now two librarian presenters signed on, but would
like one more.  If you are involved in this approach to teaching information
research skills, I'd love to hear from you. Or if you can recommend someone,
please let me know.

3.  Any other comments on what you'd like to see & do at our conference are

We'll be arranging other presentations on architectural topics and of course
a tour of one or two of Baltimore's wonderful neighborhoods.

4. Finally, we're considering arranging a day in Washington, DC on Tuesday.
This MAY include traveling there on public transportation with the group,
touring a well-known library, & then leaving folks on their own to explore.
Is there interest in this??  Or would you rather spend the extra day in
Baltimore itself - on your own, or guided?  We'd like your thoughts.

Here's to a great turnout in March!!

Judy Connorton
The City College of New York
Architecture Library
Shepard Hall - 408
New York, NY 10031
212 650 8766
212 650 7214 (fax)
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