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ARLIS-L  April 1996

ARLIS-L April 1996


PCC Core Bib. Record for AV (Pt. 3 of 3 -- Graphics (2nd draft))


"Eric R. Childress" <[log in to unmask]>




Mon, 22 Apr 1996 09:59:35 EDT





TEXT/PLAIN (168 lines)

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

PCC CBR-AV Task Group

[LONG VERSION: Pt. 3 of 3 (Draft core standard for graphic materials)

for Audiovisual Materials Task Group (PCC CBR-AV Task Group)

RE: Request for comments on the 2nd draft of the proposed core record
standard for graphic materials.

        The PCC CBR-AV Task Group offers below a 2nd and final public-
comment draft of the proposed PCC Core Bibliographic Record for
Graphic Materials standard (PCC CBR-GR/draft/2P)

        The task group encourages careful examination of the proposed
standard and requests comments from the community.

DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS: Sunday, April 28, 1996


        E-mail: [log in to unmask]

        Fax: (910) 538-6547

ADDITIONAL copies of this document, a proposed 2nd draft core record
standard for moving image materials, and a cover sheet are available
from the task group chair, Eric Childress. Please direct requests
to the task group via e-mail <[log in to unmask]>.

INFORMATION ABOUT THE PCC (Program for Cooperative Cataloging)
is available on the PCC home page on the World Wide Web:


Proposed 2nd draft of
The PCC Core Bibliographic Record for Moving Image Materials standard
(PCC CBR-MI/draft/2P)

{M = Mandatory ; MA = Mandatory if applicable}

LEADER & DIRECTORY Code as national level [1]

VARIABLE CONTROL FIELDS Code as national level [1]
  (001, 003, 005, 007, 008)

010 Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) MA

020 International Standard Book Number (ISBN) /a MA

037 Source of Acquisition. /a MA [2]

040 Cataloging Source. M

041 Language Code. /a /b MA

042 Authentication Code. M

1XX Main Entry. MA

240 Uniform Title. MA

245 Title Statement. /a /h M
          (all other subfields) MA

246 Varying Form of Title. MA

250 Edition Statement. MA

260 Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint). /c M
          /a /b MA

300 Physical Description. /a M
          /b /c /e MA [3]

4XX Series Statement. MA [4]

5XX Notes.

          546 Language Note. MA
          500 Source of title proper
               (if other than chief source) MA
          502 Dissertation Note. MA [5]
          520 Summary, etc. Note. MA [6]
          505 Formatted Contents Note. MA [7]
          501 With Note. MA

6XX Subject Access Fields. M [8]

7XX Added Entries/Linking Entries. MA [9]

8XX Series Added Entries/Alternate Graphics, etc. MA [10]



[1] Leader & Directory, Variable Control Fields: Applying the latest
published version of the National Level Record (NLR) standard, code all
bytes and fields designated by the NLR as mandatory, and any applicable
bytes and fields designated by the NLR as mandatory-if-applicable. The NLR
standard is detailed in Appendix A of the USMARC Format for Bibliographic Data
prepared by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of
Congress. Note: Depending on the individual automated system, part or all of
the leader & directory, and some variable control fields may be system-supplied.

[2] Source of Acquisition: Minimally, supply readily available publisher
number(s)(i.e. numbers appearing on the item, container, etc.).

[3] Accompanying material (300 /e): Minimally, supply brief information on
any significant accompanying material.

[4] Series Statement: Transcribe all series as found on the item in either a
490 or a 440 field. All traced series must be supported by a national- level
authority record. Untraced series need not be supported by a national-level
authority record. If a national-level authority record already exists for the
series, follow the first tracing practice indicated on the record and record
the series and tracing appropriately (i.e., in a 490 field, a 440 field,
or a 490/8XX pairing).

[5] Dissertation Note: Supply for unpublished theses.

[6] Summary, etc. Note: Minimally, supply a brief summary note if the content
 of the work is not obvious from the remainder of the bibliographic record.

[7] Formatted Contents Note: Supply as appropriate for collections,
compilations, or for any multi-part work.

[8] Subject access/genre term assignment: Minimally, supply one or two
headings from an established thesaurus or a subject heading system, and/or
an appropriate genre list.

[9] Added Entries/Linking Entries: Using judgement and assessing each item
on a case-by-case basis, assign a complement of added entries that covers at
least the primary relationships associated with the work (e.g., added entry/ies
for featured photographer(s) and/or other artist(s), related work entry/ies
for named image(s)/work(s) of art, related work entry for an adaptation of a
literary or dramatic work).

[10] Series Added Entries: Supply 8XX entry/ies as necessary to provide
access point(s) for an authoritative form of series name.

Eric Childress Elon College Library
Special Materials Cataloger P.O. Box 187
[log in to unmask] Elon College, NC 27244
(910) 538-6544 voice (910) 538-6547 fax

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