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ARLIS-L  December 2016

ARLIS-L December 2016


The Mute magazine archive and collaborative bibliographies


Simon Worthington <[log in to unmask]>


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Fri, 2 Dec 2016 19:30:02 +0100





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I hope this is of interest to the ARLIS/NA email list members, and thank
you for a great list.

Mute magazine continue to be an agenda setting magazine in digital arts,
left activist political discourse and (expanded) art practice. Based
mainly in the UK, its contributors and coverage have a global reach.

Mute's archive of over 6,000 plus long-form articles is free to read
online since 1994

ISSN 1356-7748 - as of 2014 online only

Mute has started what will be an ongoing round of digital archive
activation (as we call it). First we've looked at the experimental
DIY-librarian use of Zotero for cataloging and engaging communities of
interest in 'collaborative bibliography' making. So far we have
demonstrated connecting Zotero to a customisable Web output, which is
also open source on GitHub

The 'collaborative bibliographies' project is a way to engage new
audiences in using and creating guides to specialist topics of open
resources like Mute's collection or of publications in a physical
collection the user has to later visit.

In Mute's case it can be a way to explore its relationship to
cyberfeminism and look back at works like Donna Haraway's 'A Manifesto
for Cyborgs' and see how this came from mid '80s West/East Coast journal
Socialist Review (note we're only just at the beginning of this
journey). This leads us to try and figure out how to visit and explore
the Socialist Review archive held by Paley Library of Temple University.
BTW, if anyone happens to have a scan of the cover of the SR issue #80
or the article it would be very much appreciated.

Donna J, Haraway. “A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and
Socialist Feminism for the 1980s.” Socialist Review 15, 2, no. 80 (April
1985): 65–108.

As fans of Zotero and seeing its potential in many areas of archive
publishing and activation, Mute is very open to exploring experiments
and prototypes of this great free and open source platform. Currently we
work with a spin off network of our own, the Hybrid Publishing Group'
across Canada, UK and DE. But very happy to collaborate and network with

We'll keep you informed of significant developments as they turn up.

Greetings from a chilly but so far sunny Berlin

Simon Worthington

Co-founder Mute and acting director Mute


More about the mag

Since its launch in 1994, Mute has acted as a platform for independent,
critical analysis of the cultural and political impact of the Internet
and networked capitalism. Marked by irreverence, a certain intellectual
rigour, and design innovation and play, the magazine provided an
idiosyncratic home to an expanding community of individuals and
collectives with a deep-seated scepticism of the promise of new
technologies, and a desire to undo the capitalist status quo. These
artists, poets, activists, technologists and scholars were also known as
cyberfeminists, unlibrarians, hackers, free university organisers and
critical cartographers – and developed between them a uniquely fertile
discourse which respected no disciplinary boundaries.

Having started as an art and technology newspaper, Mute grew, explored
and roamed editorially, attracting new friends and collaborators, and
forging new editorial ground. Over two decades of epochal social and
technological change, Mute focused on the tropes of the time —
precarity, gentrification, credit and crisis, surveillance, immaterial
labour, hacktivism, the global slums, to name a few of its themes.

In 2014, twenty years after its launch in November 1994, Mute became a
voluntary editorial collective: it continues to publish an online
magazine and periodically releases titles under the Mute Books imprint.
The Mute magazine archive will, over time, be contextualised by a number
of personal introductions, sister projects and collaborations.

*Mute Magazine Issues* (ISSN 1356-7748)

1. Mute Vol 1, No. 0 − Can Art Survive the 20th Century? Nov 1994
2. Mute Vol 1, No. 1 − Homo Ludens, May 1995
3. Mute Vol 1, No. 2 − The Chocolate Covered Highway, Jun 1995
4. Mute Vol 1, No. 3 − CODE, Sept 1995
5. Mute Vol 1, No. 4 − Analogue City, Dec 1995
6. Mute Vol 1, No. 5, Jun 1996
7. Mute Vol 1, No. 6, Sept 1996
8. Mute Vol 1, No. 7, Nov 1996
9. Mute Vol 1, No. 8 – Cyberfeminism, Aug 1997, (second edition)
10. Mute Vol 1, No. 9, Sept 1997
11. Mute Vol 1, No.10 – Mongrel Culture, Apr 1998
12. Mute Vol 1, No. 11 – Vote Now! Net. Sex, Net. Money, Net. Work, Aug 1998
13. Mute Vol 1, No. 12 – Bringing It All Back Home, Jan 1999
14. Mute Vol 1, No. 13 – Next Five Minutes: Tactical Media, Jun 1999
15. Mute Vol 1, No. 14 – Space: Intergalactic Overdrive, Sept 1999
16. Mute Vol 1, No. 15 – Y2K Positive: Bring Your Own Media, Jan 2000
17. Mute Vol 1, No. 16 – Art Wars, May 2000
18. Mute Vol 1, No. 17 – Europe Undone, Jun 2000
19. Mute Vol 1, No. 18 – I Am The Network, Nov 2000
20. Mute Vol 1, No. 19 – Global Systems Meltdown, Apr 2001
21. Mute Vol 1, No. 20 – Digital Commons? Jul 2001
22. Mute Vol 1, No. 21 – Total Paranoia, Sept 2001. Inserts:
Surveillance and Privacy Map, ISBN 978-1-906496-60-9. Fall Out audio CD
23. Mute Vol 1, No. 22 – The Art Issue, Dec 2001. Insert: CD-ROM
Untitled Game by JODI
24. Mute Vol 1, No. 23 – Info-War V.2.0, Apr 2002
25. Mute Vol 1, No. 24 – Beach or Border? May 2002
26. Mute Vol 1, No. 25 − (Winter/Spring 2003), Nov 2002
27. Mute Vol 1, No. 26 − (Summer/Autumn 2003), Jun 2003
28. Mute Vol 1, No. 27 − (Winter/Spring 2004), Nov 2003
29. Mute Vol 1, No. 28 − (Summer/Autumn 2004), Jun 2004. Insert: INCT/t0
30. Mute Vol 1, No. 29 − The Precarious Issue, Feb 2005, (second edition)
31. Mute Vol 2, No. 0 − Precarious Reader, Sept 2005
32. Mute Vol 2, No. 1 − Underneath The Knowledge Commons, Dec 2005
33. Mute Vol 2, No. 2 − Dis-Integrating Multiculturalism, Jun 2006
34. Mute Vol 2, No. 3 − Naked Cities: Struggle in the Global Slums, Oct 2006
35. Mute Vol 2, No. 4 − Web 2.0 Man's Best Friendster, Jan 2007
36. Mute Vol 2, No. 5 − It's Not Easy being Green: The Climate Change
Issue, Apr 2007
37. Mute Vol 2, No. 6 − Living In A Bubble: Credit, Debt & Crisis, Sept 2007
38. Mute Vol 2, No. 7 − Show Invisibles? Migration/Data/Work, Jan 2008
39. Mute Vol 2, No. 8 − Zero Critical Content/No Added Aesthetics, Apr 2008
40. Mute Vol 2, No. 9 − Your Five A Day, Jul 2008
41. Mute Vol 2, No. 10 − We Don't Need Another Hero, Oct 2008
42. Mute Vol 2, No. 11 − Exhuming The Human, Mar 2009
43. Mute Vol 2, No. 12 − The Creative City in Ruins, Jun 2009
44. Mute Vol 2, No. 13 − Out of Time, Sept 2009
45. Mute Vol 2, No. 14 − Disorder/Colony/Collapse, Dec 2009
46. Mute Vol 2, No. 15 − Grey Goo Grimoire Apr 2010
47. Mute Vol 2, No. 16 − Real Life Training, Jun 2010
48. Mute Vol. 3, No. 1 − Double Negative Feedback, Jun 2011
49. Mute Vol. 3, No. 2 − Politics my Arse, Feb 2012
50. Mute Vol. 3, No. 3 − Becoming Impersonal, Aug 2012
51. Mute Vol. 3, No. 4 − Slave to the Algorithm, Apr 2013

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Twitter @mrchristian99
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