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ARLIS-L  August 2012

ARLIS-L August 2012


ARLIS/Midstates and VRA//Midwest joint chapter meeting


Lynette Korenic <[log in to unmask]>


Lynette Korenic <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 21 Aug 2012 08:43:33 -0500





text/plain (149 lines)

ARLIS/NA members:
Madison, WI is the exciting venue for the fall joint meeting of the ARLIS/Midstates Chapter and the VRA/Midwest Chapter. Below is the schedule for the meeting to be held September 28-29, 2012.
Madison will offer attendees a view of new architectural spaces of inspiration and some fabulous art. It will be a chance to network, share a combined session, and enjoy tours and good food together. The chapters will hold separate business meetings.
If you plan to attend the joint meeting, please R.S.V.P. Lyn Korenic ([log in to unmask] ) by September 15. Note: there is no registration fee. We hope you will be excited about coming to Madison!

ARLIS/Midstates and VRA/Midwest Fall Joint Meeting
September 28-29, 2012 – Madison, WI

Friday, September 28 (Day 1)
Noon-12:30 pm: Gather at the Kohler Art Library for welcome, orientation to joint meeting. (Note: eat lunch on your own BEFORE meeting starts—food carts on library mall are located nearby or bring own sandwich to eat outdoors)
12:30-12:45 pm: Walk to Textile Collection (1/3 mile)
12:45-1:30 pm: Tour of the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection and Ruth Davis Design Gallery, both part of the School of Human Ecology. Attendees will see brand new LEED certified facility, samples of fabulous textile collection, and learn a bit about Textile Collection database. See and
1:30-1:45 pm: Walk to Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (WID) (1/5 mile)
1:45-2:15 pm: Explore the visionary Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery. Science Festival exhibits will be going on. (Note: This state-of-the-art facility brings together scientists and researchers from a broad spectrum of disciplines. It includes public spaces such as the Town Center, which is “designed as a vibrant gathering place where today’s interactions will spark tomorrow’s breakthroughs.” Interactive niches, Fibonacci chimes, and a real Mesozoic-era forest await your discovery! See
2:15-3:15 pm: Stimulate your senses with a tour of the six-sided CAVE (virtual reality space) and a demonstration of building an object from a 3-D printer. Both located in WID.
3:15-3:30 pm: Walk to Chazen Museum of Art (1/2 mile)
3:30-4:15 pm: Tour of Chazen Museum of Art with Director, Russell Panczenko. The fabulous new wing, designed by Machado and Silvetti Associates of Boston, opened in October 2011. Special exhibitions on view will be: “Offering of the Angels: Paintings and Tapestries from the Uffizi Gallery,” showing masters such as Sandro Botticelli, Jacopo Tintoretto and Titian, as well as “The Golden Age of British Watercolours: 1790-1910,” with landscape, still life, fairy painting, and classical themes. The Chazen has superb collections of contemporary art, among other areas such as African art and American 18th century decorative arts. The notable Terese and Alvin S. Lane Collection includes work by Picasso, Magritte, Calder, Louise Nevelson, Joan Miró, and many others. A gallery devoted to Midwest American 20th century art is a must see for all attendees. See
4:15-5:00 pm: Wine/cheese reception in new Chazen Museum of Art conference room with time to explore Chazen on own.
5:00-6:00 pm: Separate business meetings of each group. ARLIS/Midstates will meet in Kohler Art Library. VRA/Midwest will meet in room L140 Elvehjem Building.
6:00-8:00 pm: Dinner on own or in small groups. Many excellent restaurants are located nearby on State Street and around the Capitol Square. A restaurant guide will be provided later.
Saturday, September 29 (Day 2)
Early bird options before we start: Farmer’s Market on Capitol Square (opens at 6:30 am) or visit Wisconsin State Capitol (opens at 8:00 am). The former is the largest producer-only market in the country and is a Madison tradition. The latter, designed by George B. Post, has the only granite dome in the U.S and contains work by Daniel Chester French, Kenyon Cox, and Edwin Blashfield.
8:30 am – Gather at Kohler Art Library to carpool to Jacobs House or drive there on own (441 Toepfer Avenue, Madison, WI 53711).
9:00-10:30 am –Private tour of the Jacobs House (1936), a Usonia 1 house by Frank Lloyd Wright. Coffee/rolls with Jim Dennis, owner and art/architectural historian.
10:30-11:15 am: Drive by famous Unitarian Meeting House (1951), designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (Note: we’ll take a quick peek at the lovely auditorium if the building is not being used for another event).
11:15 am-12:30 pm: Session: “Locally Created Online Image Databases and Digital Resources: a Panel Discussion” (meet in L140 Elvehjem):
· Chazen Museum of Art Collections Database (Andrea Selbig, Chazen Registrar)
· Wisconsin Decorative Arts Database (Emily Pfotenhauer, Wisconsin Library Services)
· InSitu: Visual Resources Database (Jacob Esselstrom, VR Curator, UW Art History Dept.)
· Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture (Linda Duychak, Kohler Art Library)
· Artists’ Book Collection Database (Lyn Korenic, Kohler Art Library
· Plus! Spontaneous demos by other attendees
12:30-12:45 pm: View ornate Library Reading Room of Wisconsin Historical Society, recently renovated to its original 1900 grandeur (
12:45-1:30 pm: Lunch on the Memorial Union Terrace, located on beautiful Lake Mendota
1:30 pm: Depart Madison
Post-conference activity: If you wish to stay longer in the Madison area, you can explore the nearby Overture Center for the Arts and Madison Museum of Contemporary Art (MMOCA), designed by Cesar Pelli, or visit the award-winning Madison Children’s Museum. MMOCA will have a special exhibition by light artist Leo Villareal and the James Watrous Gallery housed in the Overture Center will have an exhibit on “The Art of Seeing.” See,,, and All of these places could be visited pre-conference as well!
Finally, if you wish to visit Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin, located in Spring Green, WI, you will need to self-schedule a tour in advance. Taliesin is located about an hour’s drive west of Madison. There are several late afternoon tours such as: House Tour at 3:00 pm ($47); Hillside Studio and Theater Tour at 3:30 pm ($16); and the Highlights Tour at 3:15 pm ($52). RESERVATIONS ARE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR ALL TOURS as space is limited. If you wish to tour Taliesin, you should reserve a spot as soon as possible and inform Lyn Korenic ([log in to unmask]) of your reservation. Lyn will be happy to escort attendees to and from Spring Green. See or call (877) 588-7900.
Your hosts: Lyn Korenic, Linda Duychak, and Jacob Esselstrom
Lyn Korenic, Ph.D.
Kohler Art Library
800 University Avenue
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706
tel: (608) 263-2256
fax: (608) 263-2255
email: [log in to unmask]

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