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ARLIS-L  March 2011

ARLIS-L March 2011


Toronto 2012 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Papers and Workshops


"Patrick, Jill" <[log in to unmask]>


Patrick, Jill


Sun, 27 Mar 2011 18:04:15 -0400





text/plain (95 lines)

Dear Colleagues,

Please feel free to forward this message to your extended network of professional contacts beyond ARLIS/NA. The Toronto 2012 Program Co-Chairs welcome submissions for Papers and Workshops from librarians, visual and media resource specialists, archivists, curators, educators, artists, designers, architects, historians, researchers, practitioners, and others.

COLOURING OUTSIDE THE LINES: 40th Annual Conference of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)
March 29-April 2, 2012
Toronto, Canada
Conference website:

Conference Theme
As a metaphor for creative thinking, “colouring outside the lines” suggests openness to change, willingness to risk, confidence to lead, and courage to reaffirm values and traditions. As a programmatic framework, it enables a focus on professional excellence from diverse viewpoints, sharing knowledge, celebrating innovation, exploring alternate formats, and promoting collaboration. It provides opportunities to showcase creative thinkers from community-based arts organizations in one of the most multicultural cities in the world.

Abstract Deadline – May 15, 2011

Individuals are invited to submit proposals for papers that provoke critical exchange and debate as well as practical advice and solutions in relation to the broad thematic areas referred to below. Submissions are encouraged that support opportunities for interaction between participants and enable the conference to engage in a truly interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and viewpoints. 
Individuals wishing to contribute paper abstract proposals for the ARLIS/NA 40th Annual Conference must submit a 250 word abstract for review by the Conference Program Committee. All abstracts must be submitted electronically using the online form.
The abstract submission deadline is May 15, 2011. Abstracts received after the submission deadline will automatically be placed on the waiting list 
Please see the online form for complete abstract guidelines. Incomplete abstracts will not be reviewed. 

For more details, see the online form.
The Program Committee welcomes responses that extend and develop these themes in areas that will engage attendees in sharing different perspectives and provoke speculation about the future direction and development of art librarianship in the twenty first century. 

ACCESSIBILITY (Diversity & Equity, Inclusive Art & Design/Universal Design Principles, Open Access & Creative Commons Licensing, Ethics & Social Responsibility)
FUTURE OF ART LIBRARIANSHIP (New Voices, Alternate Voices/Inclusive, Diverse, International, Multiplicity of Viewpoints and Perspectives: Community-Building, Collaboration, Partnerships, Mentoring and Succession Planning)
COLLECTION MANAGEMENT (Visual Resources & Image Management/Digital Content & Rights Management, Acquisition & Licensing Practices, Collecting for Inclusivity & Diversity, Collecting New Information Objects, Documenting the Un-collectable)
EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES (Systems, Repositories, Platforms and Tools, Digital Imaging and Preservation, Conversion, Close-Captioning, Reformatting, E-Learning, Distance Education/Streaming Media & Pod-casting, Social Media, Networking)
VALUES & TRADITIONS (Cataloguing, Description, Metadata, Documentation, Preservation, Conservation, Standards, Principles, and Best Practices, Research & Publication, Professional Identification & Advocacy)
ENABLING LEARNING (Education of Librarians/Librarians as Educators, Faculty & Curatorial Liaison/Collaboration, Information Literacy, Reference, Instruction, Understanding Learning Styles/Creating Learning Environments)
LEADING CHANGE (Effective Outreach & Communication, Needs Assessment & Strategic Ideation, Proof-of-Concept/Demonstration of Value, Experimenting with Innovative Programming/Testing New Service Models, Planning for Sustainability)

Submission deadline – MAY 15, 2011

Individuals are invited to submit proposals for half day or whole day workshops to take place on either the first or last day of the conference (to be determined). Workshops provide an opportunity to discuss current and emerging topics in a smaller, interactive atmosphere. Workshops that bring together professionals from different library communities as well as from researchers and other outside practitioners are especially encouraged. Each workshop should be well-focused, aim to be hands-on and participatory, and encourage collaboration and discussions among the participants. 
Proposals should contain the necessary information for the Conference Program Committee to judge the importance, relevance, quality and community interest in the proposed workshop. Proposals should include the following: Name of the workshop, Workshop description, Workshop length, Maximum number of people best served by the workshop, How the workshop relates to the theme of the conference, What the learning objectives are for the workshop, Possible format of the workshop, Technical and space needs for the workshop, Information about previous offering(s) of the workshop, if applicable: attendance, structure, feedback, and Names, affiliations, and research interests of the workshop proposers.  

The workshop proposal submission deadline is May 15, 2011. Proposals received after the submission deadline will automatically be placed on the waiting list. Incomplete workshop proposals will not be reviewed. 

Following are some ideas for topics relating to the conference theme. Please feel free to suggest others. 

ACCESSIBILITY: Making Inclusive Art & Design; Understanding and Applying Universal Design Principles; Application and Limits of Fair Use/Fair Dealing under Copyright Law; Supporting Open Access and Open Standards; Creative Commons Licensing Principles.
FUTURE OF ARTS LIBRARIANSHIP: The Demographics of Collection Development, Assessment and Evaluation; Collaborations, Partnerships, Affiliations; Mentoring and Succession Planning.
COLLECTION MANAGEMENT: Visual Resources & Image Management; Digital Content & Rights Management; Acquisition & Licensing Practices; Collecting for Inclusivity & Diversity; Collecting New Information Objects (Games, Materials, Zines, Sound Art, etc.); Documenting the Uncollectable (Graffiti, mural art, billboards, etc.).
EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES: Systems, Repositories, Platforms and Tools; Digital Imaging and Preservation; Conversion, Close-Captioning, Reformatting; E-Learning, Distance Education; Streaming Media & Pod-casting; Social Media, Networking, etc.:  
VALUES & TRADITIONS: Cataloguing, Metadata; Documentation, Description; Print and Digital Preservation; Paper Conservation; Bookbinding  
ENABLING LEARNING: Information Literacy, Reference, Instruction; Understanding Learning Styles; Creating Learning Environments  
LEADING CHANGE: Effective Outreach & Communications; Needs Assessment & Strategic Planning/Ideation; Working with Consultants  

Workshop proposers are encouraged to think of ways that workshops can take advantage of the rich educational resources of the Toronto area, including our universities (University of Toronto, York University, Ryerson University, and Ontario College of Art & Design University) and our major museums and galleries (Royal Ontario Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Power Plant, Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, Textile Museum, Bata Shoe Museum). The Program Committee welcomes ideas and will work with approved workshops to explore the resources of the area that can be incorporated into the workshop. 
When drafting your proposal please keep the following in mind:

Target Audience – This conference will include library professionals and students from academic, art and design school, museum, public and special libraries and visual resources collections, among many others. Attendees work with collections that include architecture, art, landscape architecture, planning (city and regional), dance, theatre, photography, visual culture, material culture, visual and multimedia resources and more.  
Educational Objectives – Workshops should have stated learning objectives so that those attending come away with information to assist them with their own career.  

For further information on submitting a workshop proposal, please see the online form.


We are following the programming process established for the Boston 2010 conference. There will not be a Call for Sessions. We are issuing a Call for Papers and a Call for Workshops for Toronto 2012. In the fall we will issue a Call for Moderators, a Call for Poster Sessions, and a Call for User Group and Special Interest Group Meetings.

What is a Call for Papers?
The Call for Papers is for individual proposals for papers on thematic areas. The call does not ask for a fully finished paper or even a published paper. It asks for a 250 word abstract about the topic you'd like to present.

We are not accepting proposals for whole sessions.


Take one of the ideas you have for a speaker and submit an abstract about the topic.
Take one of your ideas and find someone who'd be interested in speaking on that topic and ask them to submit an abstract.
Take one of your ideas and ask on ARLIS-L if anyone is interested in submitting an abstract on that topic.
If you already had a session with different speakers in mind, contact those people and ask them to submit abstracts along similar topic lines.
Note: There is no rule against coordinating but we cannot guarantee that you will be placed together.

How will sessions get created from papers?
The Program Committee and the CPAC will review the ideas for papers and group the papers into sessions. When this is done, there will be a Call for Moderators. The moderators will work on the individual sessions, working with speakers to ensure that they will present in the time allotted, work with the conference planning committee to obtain appropriate AV equipment, etc. This will give members another opportunity to be involved with the conference. At that time, there will also be a Call for Poster Sessions, which will give us more flexibility to address some of the topics that arise after the sessions have been set, such as projects and other topics of interest. It also gives more time to the membership to think about the things they'd like to share with their colleagues.

If you have any questions, contact the Program Co-Chairs
Jill Patrick, University Librarian & Director of Library Services, OCAD University [log in to unmask]
Stephanie Frontz, Art Librarian and Head of the Art/Music Library, University of Rochester [log in to unmask]

Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]

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