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ARLIS-L  March 2010

ARLIS-L March 2010




Jonathan Franklin <[log in to unmask]>


[log in to unmask]


Thu, 4 Mar 2010 14:58:42 -0500





text/plain (390 lines)

Heidi and everyone
That's a great idea, which has been on our radar for a little while, and about which Nedda Ahmed, as ARLIS/NA Web Site Editor, and Kraig Binkowski, as Professional Resources Editor, and I have just been emailing behind the scenes as this discussion unfolded.
In the meantime, we would be happy to collaborate with Ray Anne on receiving the compiled master list and posting it on the ARLIS/NA web site as an online publication:
Jonathan Franklin
Chair, ARLIS/NA Communications and Publications Committee
Chief, Library, Archives and Research Fellowships Program
National Gallery of Canada
380 Sussex Drive
PO Box 427, Station A
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 9N4
telephone (613) 990 0590
fax (613) 990 6190
email [log in to unmask]

From: ART LIBRARIES SOCIETY DISCUSSION LIST [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Heidi Rempel [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: March 4, 2010 2:24 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [ARLIS-L] BHA

As a student new to ARLIS and still finding my way around, is there a
wiki space on the ARLIS site? That might be a helpful place to create
this type of collaborative project, if so.

If not, perhaps it's an idea going forward.

-Heidi Rempel
Student, Syracuse University

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Lockard, Ray Anne <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> This sounds much more practical than me making a list and sending as an
> attachment to everyone or posting it on the list. As the website created
> list would end up providing more input, no doubt. ARLIS, please let us know
> if this is possible. Thanks so much for the suggestion, Marilyn! Ray Anne
> Lockard
> Bibliographer and Public Services Librarian
> Frick Fine Arts Library
> University of Pittsburgh
> Pittsburgh, PA 15260
> Voice-mail: 412-648-5972
> E-mail: [log in to unmask]
> "A book should be a ball of light in one's hands." Ezra Pound
> From: Marilyn Nasserden [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:02 PM
> To: Lockard, Ray Anne
> Cc: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [ARLIS-L] BHA
> Could we post such a list on the ARLIS website - which we could also link to
> in our webpages - rather than each reinvent the wheel? ....including
> Jeffrey's extensive list of links?
> Marilyn
> --
> Marilyn Nasserden
> Head, Fine Arts and Visual Resources
> University of Calgary Library
> (403) 220-3795
> Lockard, Ray Anne wrote:
> Thanks so much for posting this, Jeff. This is _exactly_ what we need to be
> doing as professional art librarians. Let’s all chime in with such lists!
> I volunteer to combine it all and send it to the lsit as an attachment, if
> you will all add to this type of listing. Thanks so much again, Jeff! Ray
> Anne Lockard
> Perhaps the final document could be added to the ARLIS web site??
> Bibliographer and Public Services Librarian
> Frick Fine Arts Library
> University of Pittsburgh
> Pittsburgh, PA 15260
> Voice-mail: 412-648-5972
> E-mail: [log in to unmask]
> "A book should be a ball of light in one's hands." Ezra Pound
> From: ART LIBRARIES SOCIETY DISCUSSION LIST [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
> Behalf Of Jeffrey Weidman
> Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 1:32 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [ARLIS-L] BHA
> Colleagues,
> The French, who co-published/processed BHA from its beginning, were the ones
> that began the demise of BHA when, several years ago, they decided to pull
> out of the joint responsibility with the Getty. This information was
> advertised rather limitedly, but it was what began the downslide that has
> resulted in where we are now, so it is no wonder that the French are not now
> interested in hosting the “dead” BHA.
> We must all now prepare for the disappearance of the online BHA, but those
> of us who have retained the print volumes, to whatever extent (I suspect
> that most libraries discontinued the print volumes, once they began the
> subscription to the online BHA, but some chose to withdraw those volumes
> entirely, alas), so some of us will now move our print volumes back to our
> main reference collections, along with the RILA volumes, and the RAA
> volumes.
> For, if it hasn’t all sunk in yet, what with where events have now brought
> us, we are now facing the extinction of not only the online BHA, but also
> the online RILA, and those relatively few years of the RAA that were
> accessible electronically.
> Not only those libraries that possess the print volumes of these three
> titles, but the libraries that possess the following three titles, will be
> in a good shape to assist their users in identifying articles published in
> festschriften:
> --Lincoln, Betty Woelk. Festschriften in Art History,
> 1960-1975: Bibliography and
> Index. New York: Garland Publishing, 1988.
> And
> --Rave, Paul Ortwin. Kunstgeschichte in Festschriften:
> Allgemeine Bibliographie
> Kunstwissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen in den bis 1960
> Erschienenen
> Festschriften. Berlin: Verlag Gebr. Mann, 1962.
> As well as
> --Rounds, Dorothy. Articles on Antiquity in Festschriften: The
> Ancient Near East, The Old
> Testament, Greece, Rome, Roman Law, Byzantium: An Index.
> Cambridge:
> Harvard University Press, 1962.
> As we move forward from the wrenching disappearance of the electronic
> versions of BHA, RILA, and some of RAA, we need to think about ways and
> resources that can assist us and our users to identify sources, when we can
> no longer rely on what many of us may have once taken for granted.
> While arguably no other online resources will ever individually replace as
> equivalents or really ever come close to approaching the richness and depth
> of RILA, the relatively little bit of RAA that had been converted, or of
> BHA, there are many online databases that include the indexing/abstracting
> of international art and architecture materials.
> We need to share, on this listserv, the sources that we find viable for our
> work, even if some of the resources may be economically outside our
> individual library’s price-range at the present.
> (Also, there are many excellent non-subscription websites that provide
> related material, and these are resources to explore parallely, in another
> listserv email discussion; as an example, for those interested in American
> Art before 1945, see my document of “Web Resources for American Art Founded
> by Jeffrey Weidman,” on the newly redesigned website for the Association of
> Historians of American Art:
> < >, and then click on “Read More” under “New Web
> Resources,” at the far right. I can also share with anyone, as a WORD file,
> the Bookmarks file of URLs that I have been compiling since 1998, the latest
> version of which is a resource on our public PCs, which consists of 14,000+
> URLs organized by 320+ subject categories. Many on the ARLIS/NA listserv
> already regularly receive the updates of this file; anyone who would like to
> begin receiving the latest version, and subsequent updates, just send me an
> email requesting such, at [log in to unmask])
> For now, regarding online databases vis a vis the immediate demise of
> BHA/RILA/RAA, here are some sources to consider as potentially useful:
> --Academic OneFile
> --Academic Search Premier
> --ACLS humanities E-Book
> --ArchiveGrid
> --Art Abstracts
> --Art Full Text
> --ArtBibliographies Modern
> --Arts & Humanities Citation Index
> --Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
> --British Periodicals I and II
> --FIAF members Publications
> --General OneFile
> --Google Scholar
> --Guide to Reference Online
> --OmniFile V Full Text
> --Oxford Art Online
> --Oxford Reference Online Premium
> --Project Muse
> --Scopus
> For Images:
> --Art Museum Image Gallery
> --ARTStor
> --CAMIO – Catalog of Art Museum Images Online
> Jeffrey Weidman, M.A., Ph.D., M.L.S.
> Senior Librarian, Public Services & Collection Development
> Spencer Art Reference Library
> The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
> 4525 Oak Street
> Kansas City, MO 64111
> Tel: 816-751-1215
> FAX: 816-751-0498
> [log in to unmask]
> From: ART LIBRARIES SOCIETY DISCUSSION LIST [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
> Behalf Of Anne Haas
> Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 10:12 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [ARLIS-L] BHA
> So true, Ruth...even a closed database is better than none in this case...
> I’ve had some messages from people about some things I’ve not heard
> of—FRANCIA is one—does anyone have info about this?
> Anne
> On 3/2/10 10:01 AM, "Ruth Thomas" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> It is unfortunate Getty (or a publisher) cannot simply host the existing
> database without adding or editing content--much like e-books generally
> work. I have heard that a publisher is interested but can't get the
> French on board.
> Ruth S. Thomas
> Archaeology, Art, Art History, Classics Bibliographer
> Mugar Memorial Library
> Boston University
> 771 Commonwealth Ave.
> Boston, MA 02215
> (617)353-3770
> On Tue, 2 Mar 2010, ARLIS-L automatic digest system wrote:
> [NON-Text Body part not included]
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> Questions may be addressed to list
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