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ARLIS-L  September 2005

ARLIS-L September 2005


FW: NEWS: H-Museum News Digest (USA, UK)


Jack Robertson <[log in to unmask]>


Jack Robertson <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 5 Sep 2005 14:26:24 -0400





text/plain (255 lines)

-----Original Message-----
From: H-Net Network for Museum Professionals
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of H-Museum [Blank]
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 1:52 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: NEWS: H-Museum News Digest (USA, UK)

From: "Stephanie Marra" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: News Digest
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 13:01:44 +0200

August 29 - September 4, 2005


-- August 29
++ American newspapers
Tourists turning from art to 'museums of conscience'
When people travel to visit great cities, they often spend most of their
time at art museums -- the Louvre, the National Gallery, the Uffizi, the
Kunsthistorisches, the Hirshhorn -- and that's all very commendable:
These structures display the highest achievements of human art and
culture (San Francisco Chronicle)

++ British newspapers
David's toe points art historians to origins of Michelangelo's marble
Scientists have identified the precise origin of the marble block used
for Michelangelo's David, and say the discovery will be useful for
helping to preserve one of the world's greatest sculptures (The

Preview: Kabuki Heroes On The Osaka Stage 1780-1830, British Museum,
London The British Museum's take on the current obsession with celebrity
is, naturally, rather highbrow, focusing on the theatrical form of
Kabuki and its performers, the original celebrities of 18th-century
Japan (The Independent)

-- August 30
++ American newspapers
Life and death
Arne Svenson's photos of forensic sculptures highlight their humanity
(Los Angeles Times),0,5

-- August 31
++ British newspapers
Image of deformed David to assail Italian consciences
A shock campaign involving mutilated Michelangelos and beaten-up
Botticellis is to be launched at Italians over the next few weeks, to
get them used to the idea of contributing personally to the upkeep of
their vast cultural heritage (The Guardian),11711,1559603,00.html

-- September 1
++ American newspapers
Cracks in the Guggenheim Get High-Tech Attention
It may not be as disappointing as finding the Trevi Fountain obscured by
construction platforms and heavy plastic, or the Arc de Triomphe. Still,
tourists and New Yorkers alike are bound to be frustrated by the
scaffolding that began to rise this week around the Guggenheim Museum,
designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. (New York Times)

++ British newspapers
RI gets 'salon for science'
A treasure trove of scientific artifacts, from Humphrey Davey's mining
lamps to parts from the original electric motor, will go on display for
the first time when the Royal Institution opens its doors to the public
in 2007 (The Guardian),11711,1560348,00.html

Hirst snaps up rotting Gothic manor
Damien Hirst has purchased crumbling, grade one listed Toddington Manor
in Gloucestershire and intends to turn it into a museum for his art
collection. (The Guardian),11711,1560335,00.html

New chief for national galleries
The director of Amsterdam's Van Gogh Museum has been named as the new
head of the National Galleries of Scotland (BBC News)

-- September 2
++ American newspapers
The Emigrants' Story: Where It Began
The slogan at the entrance to the new museum of emigration says it all:
"Over seven million people departed from here to an unknown world." Why
so many did undertake it is one of the questions that the museum, known
in German as Auswanderer Haus, or Emigration House, which opened in this
busy port city a few weeks ago, is intended to answer. The spacious,
modern building, framed in latticed wood, overlooks Bremerhaven's Old
Port, created in 1837 in large part to take advantage of the wave of
emigration to America that began around then (New York Times)

Wide Open Spaces, Within and Between the Frames
"Landscape," a selection of works from the permanent collection at the
Whitney Museum of American Art, achieves freshness with an unusual
combination of grandiosity and pickiness. With only 20 works, dispersed
through the six galleries of the museum's second floor, it uses - even
wastes - space in an extravagant, exhilarating manner (New York Times)

Wandering in a Forest of Poses
The exhibition "Acting Out: Invented Melodrama in Contemporary
Photography," which opens Sunday at the Neuberger Museum of Art on the
campus of the State University of New York here, is a modest but focused
effort that brings back old memories and differences (New York Times)

Latino Art, and Beyond Category
We see this absorption in process in two large museum group shows that
are serving as prequels to the new season. One, "The (S) Files/The
Selected Files 2005," is at El Museo del Barrio in Manhattan; the other,
"AIM 25/Artist in the Marketplace," at the Bronx Museum of the Arts (New
York Times)

Black History, Powerfully Displayed
Despite the often-bittersweet history contained within its walls, the
Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture
was a place of ringing laughter and conversation one recent busy
Saturday (Washington Post)

Real life shows its true colors
A Philadelphia exhibit honors four Americans who proved that artful
photographs needn't be in black and white (Los Angeles Times),0,

Getty kept items to itself in probe
Lawyer's memo advised the trust it did not have to reveal letters and
photos that could tie its accused curator to suspected looters (Los
Angeles Times),0,4554

Report: Getty Trust failed to disclose documents in Italian probe The J.
Paul Getty Trust failed to disclose letters and photographs that show
its chief antiquities curator had close ties to dealers suspected of
selling art embezzled from Italy, according to a published report Friday
(San Francisco Chronicle)

++ British newspapers
First show for Iran's Western art
A collection of modern art that has spent much of the past 25 years in a
vault has gone on public display in Iran for the first time (BBC News)

-- September 3
++ British newspapers
A curator's startling use of space at the Whitney
Like the starship Enterprise, museum curators are supposed to go where
no curator has gone before (International Herald Tribune)

-- September 4
++ American newspapers
Toll Is Also Exacted on Gulf Region's Historical and Cultural Treasures
The hurricane and the flood that followed took their toll on the
cultural riches of New Orleans and the cities in its orbit. Museum
directors were still struggling to gain a clear picture of the extent of
losses, but some collections seem to have been spared, including the
core holdings of the New Orleans Museum of Art, one of the most
important in the Deep South (New York Times)

Field Guide to Judging a Show by Its Title
This time of year, the titles of oncoming art exhibitions blare from
magazine covers and museum posters, amplified by megawatt names, weighty
epochal allusions, clever colloquialisms or restrained, status-reeking
factuality. (Can you say "2006 Whitney Biennial"?) (New York Times)

The Ghost in the Darkroom
IT is not a place you would normally expect to find a curator preparing
for a major photography show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. But a
few summers ago, Pierre Apraxine was camped out on the third floor of a
rambling town house on West 73rd Street near Central Park, the
headquarters of the American Society for Psychical Research, a
120-year-old repository of the paranormal whose founders included the
philosopher William James (New York Times)

'Matisse the Master': The Colored Museum
This concluding volume of the first biography of the greatest French
painter of the 20th century, by Hilary Spurling were covered, or
uncovered, in the first volume, ''The Unknown Matisse,'' published in
this country seven years ago), is a continuing revelation of the demonic
quest pursued by this apparently tame bourgeois artist to a triumphant
and radical fulfillment (New York Times)

A cabinet, an egg and an antibody
One crucial detail of a masterpiece seemed off, but what did the maker
intend? How biologists helped unravel an art-world mystery (Los Angeles

++ British newspapers
Museums tally the cultural damage wrought by flooding
The hurricane and the flood that followed took their toll on the
cultural riches of New Orleans and the cities in its orbit.
(International Herald Tribune)

Family Outing: Ulster Folk Museum, Northern Ireland
We're off to the era of steam and thatch
(The Independent)

Museums see decline after blasts
Museums and galleries in London saw a big decline in visitor numbers in
the wake of July's bomb attacks, according to a report in The Art
newspaper (BBC News)

H-Net Network for Museums and Museum Studies
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