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ARLIS-L  May 2003

ARLIS-L May 2003


FW: NEWS: Weekly News Digest (USA, UK)


Jack Robertson <[log in to unmask]>


Jack Robertson <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 21 May 2003 08:57:58 -0400





text/plain (629 lines)

Here is the latest H-Museum news from U.S. and U.K. sources.
I am going to forward to the list two other digests as well:
France/Spain/Italy and Germany/Austria/Switzerland.


-- jack

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Jack Robertson. Foundation Librarian. Jefferson Library
Thomas Jefferson Foundation
P.O. Box 316. Charlottesville, VA 22902
434-984-7545 || 434-984-7546 fax
[log in to unmask] ||

-----Original Message-----
From: H-Museum [Marra] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 3:45 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: NEWS: Weekly News Digest (USA, UK)

[Editor's note: The following articles are published in American and British
newspapers and magazines. The WEEKLY NEWS DIGEST service is made
available by the editorial staff of H-Museum <[log in to unmask]>.]

May 12 - May 18, 2003

-- May 12
++ American newspapers / magazines
Obituary: Gerrit Henry, An Art Critic Who Also Wrote Poetry, Dies at 52
(New York Times)

Masterpiece Is Stolen From a Vienna Museum
Police investigate the possibility of an inside job after thieves take a
$57-million sculpture.
(Los Angeles Times)

++ British newspapers / magazines
Photography's lost ancestors laid bare
Several 160-year-old pornographic photographs are among 300 daguerrotypes
going on show at Paris's Orsay museum
(The Guardian),11711,953992,00.html

Obituary: Peter Jackson
Illustrator who brought London's history to life in the Evening News, and
made his vast library available to all
(The Times),,1-45-677289,00.html

Obituary: Graham Burr
Potter who sought to blur the boundaries
(The Independent)

Tate Modern faces birthday challenge
In three short years the Tate Modern gallery has become part of the
capital's cultural landscape and an essential stop for many tourists
treading the art trail
(BBC News)

-- May 13
++ American newspapers / magazines
Director of the Whitney Resigns
Maxwell L. Anderson, director of the Whitney Museum of American Art,
resigned Monday after a tumultuous five years in the post, the museum
(New York Times)

Thieves Take Cellini Sculpture From Art Museum in Vienna
In an audacious caper that matched cunning thieves against apparently
complacent security guards, intruders broke into Vienna's art history museum
before dawn on Sunday, stealing a 16th-century gold-plated sculpture by the
Florentine master Benvenuto Cellini
(New York Times)

In New York, a gallery with an edge
"The biggest luxury in New York is space," says Bruce Hoeksema, who has
transformed a former bank on Madison Avenue into a temple of modern design
(International Herald Tribune)

++ British newspapers / magazines
Auction revival for painter born too late
In December 1922 the mixture of scandal, tragedy and farce in the newspaper
reports of the artist's death must have been the last twist of the knife for
his bourgeois in-laws
(The Guardian),11711,954629,00.html

Obituary: Graham Binns
Campaigner for the Elgin Marbles
(The Independent)

Solid start for pottery museum
The manager of a Stoke-on-Trent tourist attraction that opened three years
late says it is getting enough visitors to keep it in business
(BBC News)

-- May 14
++ American newspapers / magazines
Whitney Museum Director to Step Down
Maxwell Anderson, director of the Whitney Museum of American Art, will step
down in the fall after five years in the post, citing differences with the
museum's board
(Washington Post)

So Famous, It's Puzzling Anyone Would Steal It
Cellini Saltcellar Is an Art History Class Staple
(Washington Post)

Museum may negotiate for stolen sculpture
Vienna's Art History Museum said it would consider negotiating with whoever
stole a 16th-century, gold-plated sculpture by Florentine master Benvenuto
Cellini, valued at $57.5 million
(Los Angeles Times)

This is totally off the wall
The laugh-out-loud wall labels for 'Whiteness' at Laguna Art Museum are just
one indication of an overreaching concept
(Los Angeles Times)

Whitney director resigns
Maxwell Anderson cites the New York museum's decision to shelve a planned
expansion as a reason for his decision
(Los Angeles Times)

A museum-warming gift
New to the neighborhood, the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco was offered a
135-piece collection of Chinese art that it just couldn't refuse
(Los Angeles Times)

2003 NEA grants top $66 million
$4.6 million to be shared by state groups
The National Endowment for the Arts will hand out $66 million to arts groups
across the nation in its second and biggest round of grants for fiscal year
(San Francisco Chronicle)

New City Museum puts emphasis on everyday Washingtonians, not politicians
A capital city already rich in museums -- Air and Space, Natural History,
the National Gallery of Art -- is getting a new one devoted entirely to
(San Francisco Chronicle)

++ British newspapers / magazines
Call to save Iraqi treasure
Looters left a scene of devastation at Baghdad's National MuseumThe UK
Government is backing a move to outlaw the illegal trade in Iraq's plundered
art and antiquities
(BBC News)

Hominid site saved for research
The quarry where Britain's oldest human-like remains were found has been
bought by English Heritage to enable further digging and conservation work
at the site
(BBC News)

-- May 15
++ American newspapers / magazines
In Italian Dust, Signs of a Past Jewish Life
Amid rolling pastureland about 180 miles southeast of Rome, dust is flying.
Workers carefully dig through crumbling sandstone deep beneath the surface
of a grassy hillside. Stout wooden beams support a makeshift entrance and a
labyrinth of newly exposed passageways that lead into an ancient underground
maze. A loopy string of construction lamps illuminate the way
(New York Times)

'Under the Radar' Museum Plans New Home on the Bowery
As the proposed grand architectural projects of the 1990's fade from the
horizon - the Whitney, the Guggenheim and Lincoln Center have all backed off
ambitious plans by world-famous architects over the past few months - one
modest museum is trying not to appear smug as it chugs determinedly forward
(New York Times)

The Stuff of Cold War History
Son of U-2 Pilot Finds Former Lorton Prison a Prime Spot for Museum
(Washington Post)

It's Still 'All Aboard' for a Celebration
B&O Museum to Mark Railroading Milestone
(Washington Post)

A pallid start for a week of New York art auctions
A week of contemporary art auctions here got off to a tepid start Tuesday
night at Sotheby's with a $27.3-million sale that brought $5.2 million for a
Jackson Pollock drip painting but toted up less than the predicted sales
total of $33.7 million to $46.7 million
(Los Angeles Times)

Italian named to head ORHA office responsible for finding Iraqi antiquities
A retired Italian diplomat is joining the U.S. civilian administration in
Iraq to head the office responsible for finding and restoring Iraq's looted
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Modern art blockbuster pulls big crowds to MOMA's temporary digs
An odd list by any standard. But the combination succeeded as host cities
for "Matisse Picasso," one of the greatest retrospectives ever mounted
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Historians try to preserve stories from veterans of the Civilian
Conservation Corps
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Hundreds of Titanic artifacts go on display in London
(San Francisco Chronicle)

German Memory and the Culture of Remembrance
Being confronted with the past, coming to terms with it, documenting it and
educating future generations about it, are the four steps historian Habbo
Knoch identifies in the process German society has gone through in
confronting its Nazi past
(Aufbau - Transatlantic Jewsih Paper)

Tripping on History
A German Artist Seeks a Way to Memorialize the Holocaust's Victims as
(Aufbau - Transatlantic Jewsih Paper)

The Bebelplatz Memorial
Retreading the Topography of Terror
(Aufbau - Transatlantic Jewsih Paper)

A Small German Town Honors Lost Jewish Life
The Jewish Museum in Esens, Ostfriesland
(Aufbau - Transatlantic Jewsih Paper)

Soldiers of Another War
Charles Guggenheim's Final Film
(Aufbau - Transatlantic Jewsih Paper)

The mystery grows
Scientists examine Stonehenge lichen
(The Guardian),11711,956342,00.html

Turner's paired pictures on display at Tate Britain
(The Guardian),11711,956336,00.html

Forgotten plate sells for record £40,000
A large platter designed by Clarice Cliff, which spent the past 30 years
gathering dust on top of a wardrobe, was sold yesterday at Christie's for
nearly £40,000
(The Guardian),11711,956278,00.html

Obituary: John Hurst
Developing the new discipline of medieval archaeology, and supervising the
investigation of 3,000 deserted villages
(The Times),,1-45-680589,00.html

Obituary: Geoffrey Bardon
Art teacher who almost single-handedly started the Australian Aboriginal Art
(The Independent)

Museum wins top award
The National Centre for Citizenship and the Law (NCCL) in Nottingham has
been named as the inaugural winner of the UK's richest arts prize, the
Gulbenkian Prize for museums and galleries
(BBC News)

Museum misses £100,000 arts prize
Rotherham's Clifton Park Museum has narrowly missed out on a new arts
award - and a £100,000 prize
(BBC News)

-- May 16
++ American newspapers / magazines
A New Museum as Unconventional as Its Collection
The opening of Dia:Beacon on Sunday changes the landscape for art in
America. "Have you seen it?" people in art circles have been asking each
other for months. Now you can
(New York Times)

Eye-Catching Women in an Altered Reality
A major fault line running through the shaky world of contemporary art
separates the land of the verbal from the land of the visual. That line is
spotlighted by the concurrence of two exhibitions at the Dia Center for the
Arts in Chelsea: works from the 1960's and 70's by Robert Whitman and, on
the floor below, an installation by the contemporary German Conceptualist
Rosemarie Trockel
(New York Times)

Rembrandt in Full
Five years in the making, "Rembrandt's Journey: Painter, Draftsman, Etcher,"
will open at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, on Oct. 26. It is the first
American exhibition in decades to include international and national loans
and explore the full range of the artist's work. The last exhibition of the
artist's work in the United States was "Rembrandt/Not Rembrandt," at the
Metropolitan Museum in 1995, but it was based on works from the museum's
(New York Times)

In New Museum, Smith Puts Its Best Forward
The ribbon has been cut, the galas have been held and no less than seven
exhibitions are open for viewing. After a two-year shutdown for its $35
million makeover, the art museum at Smith College here is up and running
again, renamed the Brown Fine Arts Center for three Smith alumnae from the
Brown family of Houston, who donated $10 million
(New York Times)

Rothkos Rise to the Top in Contemporary-Art Sale
The audience was greeted with the thumping sound of techno music. In the
heart of Chelsea, surrounded by a neighborhood dense with galleries,
Phillips, de Pury & Luxembourg held its first sale of contemporary art in
its downtown space
(New York Times)

An Elegant House of History
Old Library a Fine Fit For the City Museum
(Washington Post)

Tracking missing Iraqi artifacts will take years, investigator says
A team of U.S. investigators has recovered 951 artifacts stolen from the
Iraq National Museum but tracking down the rest will take years, they say
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Iraqis have sworn not to return missing artifacts until Americans leave,
investigator says
Thousands of antiquities missing from the Iraq National Museum have been
found but not returned because citizens won't hand them over to either their
American occupiers or remnants of the hated former government, U.S.
investigators say
(San Francisco Chronicle)

Some missing antiquities may be safe in hidden vaults, U.S. official says
U.S. authorities said Friday they are scaling back the estimates of how much
treasure was looted from Iraq's National Museum after discovering that
museum officials have been stashing items in secret vaults for at least 13
(San Francisco Chronicle)

++ British newspapers / magazines
The world's dearest pinch of salt taken in 54 seconds
Interpol called in to help Austrian police find the thief who stole a £35m
cruet set
(The Guardian),11711,957158,00.html

Gormley displays enigmatic new work
Before strolling through the massed ranks of shimmering steel life forms,
the sculptor turned artistic showman noted dryly that his latest work was
open to interpretation
(The Guardian),11711,957268,00.html

Last pictures of Titanic to be auctioned
The last photograph of the Titanic, taken on April 10 1912, showing the
great liner steaming confidently away across a millpond sea, is still in the
album given to a 12-year-old passenger who kept it all his life
(The Guardian),11711,957252,00.html

£100,000 prize for legal museum
An audacious attempt to keep potential young offenders off the streets last
night won for a small independent Nottingham museum the largest cash prize
in the arts, the newly created £100,000 Gulbenkian museums prize
(The Guardian),11711,957245,00.html

Museum with six staff wins £100,000
A small independent museum in Nottingham won £100,000 yesterday in Britain's
largest arts award
(The Times),,1-2-681727,00.html

Museums fight pressure to return human bones
Government moves to repatriate human remains held in British museums would
decimate two of the most significant anthropological collections in the
world at huge cost to research, leading scientists said yesterday
(The Times),,1-2-681813,00.html

Alarm raised over return of human remains
Leading scientists said yesterday that their research would become
practically impossible if the Government sanctioned the return of human
bones and other museum exhibits to their countries of origin
(The Independent)

Iraq antiquities 'stashed away
Valuable items missing from the Baghdad Museum were squirreled away in a
secret location by the regime of Saddam Hussein in the weeks before the war
in Iraq, according to Pentagon officials
(BBC News)

Washington looks at its own history
Despite its status as the nation's capital, Washington DC has never had a
museum devoted to its own history - until now
(BBC News)

Plane art upsets New Yorkers
An artist has angered residents near Ground Zero in New York with a painted
sign reading "Caution, low flying planes"
(BBC News)

Egyptian goddess on the move
A delicate operation to move an ancient Egyptian statue out of a museum
begins on Friday
(BBC News)

Free museum admission pays off
Visitor numbers to an Oxfordshire museum tripled in the month following the
introduction of free admission
(BBC News)

Art to brighten business park
Plans have been submitted to brighten up a Devon business park with public
(BBC News)

Chris Smith takes art post
Senior Labour politician Chris Smith is to leave Parliament at the next
election after a 20-year stint as an MP
(BBC News)

-- May 17
++ American newspapers / magazines
Phillips Sells Young Art in a Space Reinvented for the Young
The audience was greeted with the thumping sound of techno music. In the
heart of Chelsea, a neighborhood dense with galleries, Phillips, de Pury &
Luxembourg held its first sale of contemporary art in its downtown space
(New York Times)

Egypt Unveils Returned Antiquities
Egypt on Saturday unveiled six antiquities -- dating back thousands of
years -- that were returned from North America, including a snake statuette
that a Canadian woman gave away because she felt a Pharaonic curse had
entered her house
(New York Times)

Obituary: William E. Day
William E. Daya veteran broadcaster who became one of the nation's first
tribal historic preservation officers, died Friday after battling cancer and
heart problems. He was 71
(New York Times)

Shaping the City
At Age 10, the Holocaust Museum Remains a Looker
(Washington Post)

What Becomes A 'Goddess' Most
Met Exhibit Traces How Greek Attire Became Mod Fashion
(Washington Post)

Lofty art dreams in a slumping town
Contemporary work gets a very big home along the Hudson River
(Los Angeles Times)

Culture in the hinterlands, even Queens
By the time the "Matisse Picasso" retrospective closes Monday, some 350,000
art enthusiasts will have visited the working-class neighborhood of Queens
to see the blockbuster show at the New York Museum of Modern Art's temporary
home, putting to rest any concerns that it wouldn't work outside midtown
(Los Angeles Times)

Antiquities Loss Estimates Called 'Gross Exaggeration'
A U.S. investigative team concludes that many valuable pieces thought to be
missing from the Iraq Museum may be in a secret storage spot.
(Los Angeles Times)

South Korean leader strolls through museum
President Roh makes symbolic visit to new Asian galleries
(San Francisco Chronicle)

++ British newspapers / magazines
Touchy feely
Barbara Hepworth was a fiercely ambitious sculptor of great talent. And when
she was defined in terms of the men in her life, it merely spurred her
(The Guardian),11710,957569,00.html

The beauty of the disregarded
When Robert Frank first published his photographs of workaday America in the
50s, they were derided as too hopeless, too bleak. By the 70s, when Stephen
Shore was at work, realism was finding its way into the gallery. Our way of
looking had changed
(The Guardian),11710,956717,00.html

Confusing the connoisseur
James Fenton on how reproductions colour our view of art
(The Guardian),11710,957591,00.html

-- May 18
++ American newspapers / magazines
When Buildings Became Pin-Ups
"Did modern photography beget modern architecture, or the converse?" P.
Morton Shand asked in a 1934 article in The Architectural Review. He never
answered the question, but concluded, "Without modern photography modern
architecture could never have been `put across.' "
(New York Times)

How Much Is That Storefront in the Window?
In 1967, Christo's "Store Front" and "Wedding Dress" dominated the gala
premiere of "The Museum of Merchandise," a seminal exhibition of Pop, Op and
trendy artist-designed furnishings and fashions held here at the Young Men's
/Young Women's Hebrew Association. It was the Y's fourth show in five years
to explore artist-designed works created for mass production, a movement now
being re-examined in gallery and museum shows here and elsewhere
(New York Times)

Obituary: Skunder Boghossian, 65, Artist Who Bridged Africa and West, Dies
Skunder Boghossian, an Ethiopian-born artist who played an important role in
introducing European modernist styles into Africa and who, as a longtime
resident of the United States, became one of the best-known African modern
artists in the West, died on May 4 at Howard University Hospital in
Washington. He was 65
(New York Times)

Fired by imagination
What started as a whim blossomed into an obsession with Mexican trees of
life. Inspired by a show at UCLA's Fowler Museum, a collector recalls the
crafts' gradual, irresistible lure
(Los Angeles Times)

Austria fights ruling that it can be sued for Nazi-looted art
The Austrian Gallery tries to keep disputed Klimt painting
(The Art Newspaper)

Steve Wynn rakes in a Renoir and a Cézanne
Spending spree: the resort tycoon spent $45 million buying the two top lots
in New York
(The Art Newspaper)

++ British newspapers / magazines
Untold wealth and unseen treasures: inside the vaults of the British Museum
It's not just archeologists who unearth ancient riches. Many are found by
ordinary people, purely by chance. Now, to celebrate its 250th anniversary,
the British Museum is revealing the stories behind its most incredible
(The Times)

H-Net Network for Museum Professionals
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