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ARLIS-L  April 2001

ARLIS-L April 2001


Academic Libraries Division--New Vice-Moderators, Column Editor, Etc. (Long Message)


"Juarez, Miguel" <[log in to unmask]>




Tue, 10 Apr 2001 10:54:28 EDT





text/plain (102 lines)

Dear Colleagues:

It was great seeing everyone at ARLIS as well as meeting new people! The
Academic Libraries Division meeting on Monday, April 2 was well attended.
As incoming Moderator,
I plan to be very visible and active. :-)

Please join me in welcoming our new Co-Vice Moderators:

Kim Collins, Art History Librarian, Emory University and
Susana Tejada, Art and Art History Librarian, SUNY Buffalo

And our new ARLIS Update column editor:

Rebecca Price, Architecture & Urban Planning and Visual Resources Librarian
Media Union Library, University of Michigan (please consider writing an
for the column and not let the entire responsibility fall on Rebecca).

In order to keep our discussion from the general meeting rolling, following
is a list of possible program ideas discussed at the meeting (they are NOT
the complete minutes-I will post those later (I'd like to thank Liz Ginno
for taking notes at our meeting! :-)

Keeping in synch with the "gateway" idea for next year's ARLIS/NA Conference
in St. Louis, some possible workshop topics may include:

Visual Literacy
Providing Access to Visual Resources
How do we catalog visual resources?
How do we connect users to Visual Resources?
Gateways for Scholarly Communication: Electronic Publishing
Collaborations with local governments
Building Projects in Academic Libraries
Partnering Opportunities
Regulation of electronic products and services such as UCITA
Issues in Visual Culture
Different kinds of appointments and tenure (possibly an Ask ARLIS session)

Remember, the deadline for programs, workshops, etc. is right around the
corner (May 1st), so now is the time to organize! Please contact me with
panel ideas, etc. and a list of participants, including budget and equipment
needed ASAP.

There was also lengthy discussion in our meeting by Lee Sorensen for
creating standard bibliographies for the Division. A group will be
collaborating with Lee to accomplish this task. Those of you with expertise
in distinct subject areas can take advantage of this wonderful opportunity!

After the general meeting, we divided in three groups: Small, Mid-sized and
Large Institutions.

Also, it was suggested that Academic Libraries Division members introduce
themselves via profiles on the list. So, here's my introduction:

I'm currently an Assistant Librarian in the Fine Arts/Humanities Team at the
University of Arizona Library and at the Center for Creative Photography
Library (my office is located in the CCP Library and I'm also responsible
for the Art collection in the Main Library). You'll usually find me walking
back and forth from the CCP Library to the Main Library (and in this heat!).
My current subject areas include: Art, Art History, Photography and
Architecture. I received my MLS from SUNY Buffalo and prior to coming to
the University of Arizona, I worked as a Visiting Reference/Instruction
Librarian in the Undergraduate Library in Buffalo. I'm originally from El
Paso, Texas. So for me, the Southwest is home.

My publications include: a chapter "Margarita "Mago" Orona Gandara: Frontera
Muralist/Artist" in Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives: Women in American
History (2000, Scholarly Resources Inc.); an essay "De Frontera a Frontera:
the University of Buffalo Library Residency Program" in Diversity in
Libraries: Academic Library Residency Programs (forthcoming from Greenwood
Press). In 1997, I also published the book Colors on Desert Walls: the
Murals of El Paso (Texas Western Press, University of Texas at El Paso).
For more info on me see my web page at:

I'm also the new Moderator for the Women and Art Roundtable and was the
previous column editor for the Academic Libraries Division. I'm also a
member the ARLIS/Mountain West Chapter.

My interests in art librarianship include: Visual Culture; Visual &
Information Literacy; Space Planning; and Women, Multicultural & Gender
Issues in Art.

Miguel Juarez, Moderator
Academic Libraries Division

University of Arizona Library
Office: Center for Creative Photography, Rm. 101F
P.O. Box 210103, Tucson, AZ 85721-0103
Phone: (520) 626-9434/FAX: (520) 621-9444
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