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ARLIS-L Archives

April 2013


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Table of Contents:

"architectural models" (1 message)
4th Annual ARLIS/NA Vegan and Vegetarian Dinner (1 message)
Agenda for Communications and Publications Committee Meeting in Pasadena (1 message)
Agenda set for OCLC RLP Roundtable at ARLIS (1 message)
Agenda- Artist Files SIG meeting in Pasadena (1 message)
Announcing SEI Reunion at the ARLIS/NA Conference (1 message)
Announcing the Samuel H. Kress Scholarship Recipients for SEI 2013 (1 message)
Announcing the SEI Alumni Survey (1 message)
Annual Reports (1 message)
Apr. 17 - Marin Hopper + Petra Giloy-Hirtz - Dennis Hopper - An Art Book Series Event (1 message)
Archaeology and Classics SIG Meeting (2 messages)
Architecture Section 2013 meeting agenda (1 message)
Architecture Section meeting--finalized agenda (1 message)
Archivision Module Eight Images Ready and Exciting News! (1 message)
Are Grove spinoffs updating Oxford Art Online (2 messages)
are you teaching artists' books? like talking about it? let's chat (1 message)
ARLIS Ohio Valley Chapter Meeting (1 message)
ARLIS So CA Chapter Mtg Agenda (1 message)
ARLIS/DC-MD-VA chapter meeting at Pasadena conference (1 message)
ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference -- Interlibrary Loan SIG Agenda (1 message)
ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference Evaluation (1 message)
ARLIS/NA Canada Annual Meeting / Assemblée générale (1 message)
ARLIS/NA Northwest Travel Award Recipient (1 message)
ARLIS/NA Public Policy Committee meeting Friday 5:45-6:30 (1 message)
Art Documentation - Spring 2013 electronic version now available (1 message)
Art Librarians Down Under Study Tour (1 message)
Art+Design School Libraries Division Meeting in Pasadena (1 message)
Article assistance (1 message)
Article received (1 message)
article request - Industrial Design (3 messages)
ARTstor Travel Awards 2013 (1 message)
Attention Fashion, Textile & Costume librarians ... and all who are curious! (1 message)
available: assorted periodicals (1 message)
Be Our Guest for a Panel Discussion on 4/17 (1 message)
Benchmarking-are you like us? (1 message)
Berg Fashion Library Wins PCAACA Electronic Reference Award (1 message)
Book Art SIG (1 message)
Bring Your Own Conference to Pasadena (1 message)
Call for program proposals: 2014 MLA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia (1 message)
Call for publication reviewers for ARLIS/NA Reviews (1 message)
Cataloging Advisory Committee Agenda, Saturday 8-9 am, Conference Center 204 (1 message)
Cataloging Section 2013 meeting agenda items (1 message)
Cataloging Section Agenda 4/26 (1 message)
Chicago ACRL ArtsGuide: Call for Contributors (1 message)
Chrysler Museum Library Moves to ODU (1 message)
Collection Development SIG: Last Call for Agenda Items (1 message)
Columbia Libraries Symposium 2013: video on YouTube (1 message)
Continue the discussion! Join the #arlischat on Twitter this evening. (1 message)
CPDG at ARLIS/NA in Pasadena (1 message)
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Due Apr. 19: Silent Auction Pasadena Edition (1 message)
Deadline is TODAY! for Conference Networking in Pasadena (1 message)
Decorative Arts ar ARLIS (1 message)
Development Committee Agenda (1 message)
Digital Imaging Labs -- physical layout (1 message)
Diversity Committee Conference Meeting Agenda (1 message)
Don't miss the Convocation and Reception! (1 message)
Duplicate periodicals to give away (1 message)
Early bird pricing for the ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference ending soon! (1 message)
Exhibitors! Welcome to Pasadena (1 message)
FIAA Alumni Grant and Award - Deadline Extended! (1 message)
Finance Committee Agenda (1 message)
Fleet Library at Rhode Island School of Design Receives IMLS Grant for Materials Forum (2 messages)
Free tix to Los Angeles Museum of Art/Watts Tower Tour (1 message)
Free Webinar: Copyright in Academia, offered by Copyright Clearance Center (1 message)
Fresno Met. Museum final strategic plan (1 message)
FYI - Coordinated Visual Literacy program example (1 message)
Getty Foundation Grant Recipients to Attend the 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference (1 message)
Getty Vocabularies: AAT Chinese translation (1 message)
gio ponti (1 message)
Guides Needed for Conference Networking in Pasadena (1 message)
Happy 40th Anniversary NEDCC! (1 message)
Have you considered publishing your ARLIS/NA conferencepresentation? (1 message)
Hunt Library - NCSU (1 message)
IFLA WLIC 2013 Art Libraries Section Offsite Workshop registration now open! (1 message)
Index of Christian Art news (1 message)
International Attendees Forum - Saturday 12:15-1:15 (1 message)
Internship opportunity at the Smithsonian Libaries (1 message)
Interview with Larry McGilvery (1 message)
Invitation to a Colloquium in Berlin, June 13-14, 2013: From Wunderkammer to e-Resource: Promoting Art Information Across Borders in the 21st Century (1 message)
iPads and iBooks: circulation and cataloging (1 message)
IRC Committee Agenda Pasadena: Saturday 4/27, 8AM (1 message)
Job Posting - Director of Libraries, The Society of the Four Arts,Palm Beach, FL (1 message)
Job Posting - Fine and Performing Arts Librarian, University ofNorthern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA (1 message)
Just a few spots remain for SEI 2013! (1 message)
Just Published: Visual Resources 29-1-2 - Special Issue - Digital Art History (1 message)
LA: Found Watch at Society Circle Party (1 message)
Last chance for Early bird pricing to attend the ARLIS/NA 41th Annual Conference “Crafting our Future" (1 message)
LAST DAY: Systems at ARLIS Libraries - 2013 Survey (1 message)
LGBTQ SIG Meeting Finalized Agenda, Friday, April 26th - 4:45 PM (1 message)
LGBTQ SIG Meeting in Pasadena, Friday, April 26th - 4:45 PM (1 message)
Long-time ARLIS/NA member to exhibit! (1 message)
Looking for article from Design Week (1 message)
Looking for vertical files on Norma Bassett Hall (1 message)
Materials Special Interest Group MATSIG - Pasadena meeting (1 message)
May 24 / Joint Meeting / VRA & ARLIS o/ Northern California Chapters (1 message)
Meet the Getty Foundation Grant Recipients (1 message)
Meeting Agendas (2 messages)
MFA theses - archiving questions (1 message)
More Museum Library thoughts (1 message)
Museum library cuts in hours/service - Museum Division meeting (3 messages)
need: Auto & Design (2012) (1 message)
Needing advice on slides and carousels (2 messages)
New and Changed LCSH for Art and Architecture approved March 2013 (1 message)
New Exhibition '“In the Midst of the Jovial Crowd”: Young James Boswell in London, 1762–1763' on view at the Lewis Walpole Library (1 message)
New Finding Aids from Dumbarton Oaks (ICFA) (1 message)
New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish — Rembrandt (1 message)
New Schedule (6 messages)
New Schedule/Museum Library Future (1 message)
NG/Getty Conference: London and the Emergence of a European Art Market (c.1780-1820) - Details of programme and ticket link (1 message)
non-financial benefits (1 message)
One Day Conference on Preserving Paper-Based Ephemera in Providence, RI! Registration deadline approaching! (1 message)
Order Your Conference Goodies!! (1 message)
Paris Photo Los Angeles (1 message)
Pasadena "roses" photo (1 message)
Pasadena - free access to designinform during the conference ! (1 message)
Pasadena - Instagram Photo Feed! (1 message)
Pasadena 2013 Conference Proceedings and Publication Agreement (1 message)
Pasadena Conference Self-Schedule Rooms (1 message)
Pasadena congratulations!!!! (3 messages)
Pasadena Dance Festival 4/27/13 (1 message)
Pasadena Room Changes (1 message)
Pasadena Transportation tips (1 message)
Pasadena Workshop: Don't miss out! (1 message)
Pasadena: Alastair Johnston: Stephen A. Kanter Lecture on California Fine Printing at the Clark Library (1 message)
Pasadena: ARLIS/SC Cafe Press site is up and open for business! (1 message)
Pasadena: Big-ticket Items in the Silent Auction (2 messages)
Pasadena: Bits 'n' Bobs: fun, food, sights, happenings (1 message)
Pasadena: Bits 'n' Bobs: Radio (1 message)
Pasadena: Bring Your Own Conference (BYOC) (1 message)
Pasadena: Colorado Street Bridge Restoration (1991-93) Featured in Photo Exhibit at Pasadena Central Library in April (1 message)
Pasadena: Get the Conference Program On-The-Go! (1 message)
Pasadena: Navigating the Conference (1 message)
Pasadena: Social Media Sites and Blog! (1 message)
Pasadena: Tours: ONE Archives, Outfest Legacy Project, and UCLA’s Clark Library, Chicano Studies Research Center and Special Collections tour canceled. (1 message)
Pasadena: Visit the Exhibits (4 messages)
Penguin collection being offered by Quaritch (1 message)
Periodicals on microfilm to give away (2 messages)
Peter & Donna Thomas make a visit to the Museum . . . (1 message)
Photography Librarians SIG meeting agenda, Friday 4/26, 4:45pm (1 message)
Please join us at Friendly Gestures [namaste] exhibition at Queens College Art Center (1 message)
Poster Session plus Ice Cream and Frozen Fruit Bars! (1 message)
Pratt-SILS alums & students gathering at ARLIS conference, Saturday April 27, 5 pm (2 messages)
Pre-conference chat transcript posted! (1 message)
Press release - Bridgeman Education reaches a milestone! (1 message)
Professional Development Committee, Education Subcommittee, Mentoring Subcommittee Meeting Agenda (1 message)
ProQuest Forum on Digital Resources for Art, Archaeology and Design research (1 message)
Public Librarians SIG (1 message)
Publishers' Bindings at UNCG (1 message)
Q & A for ARLIS/NA Membership - ASK THE ARLIS/NA BOARD (1 message)
quantifying the value of creative businesses (1 message)
RDA (& beyond) session in Pasadena (1 message)
Reading Room - Elizabeth Felicella - Art Wall on Third Exhibition Series (1 message)
Reference and Information Services Section Meeting - Final Agenda (1 message)
Remember the University Prints series (Cambridge, Mass.)? (4 messages)
Reminder: Special Interest Group meeting: Digital Humanities (1 message)
RISS Meeting in Pasadena: Friday the 26th at 12:30-1:30 Call for Agenda Items (1 message)
Roommate for Pasadena Conference (1 message)
SAH 2014 Call For Papers and Fellowship Announcement (1 message)
Samuel H. Kress Foundation Grant Recipients to Attend the 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference (1 message)
Sat & Sun Yoga at the Conference (1 message)
Sched and Google Calendar (5 messages)
Scholars Resource Image Set: Richard Wagner (1 message)
Scholars Resource: Highlighting Vendors (1 message)
Scholars Resource: Highlighting Vendors: Dr. Kiracofe (1 message)
SCIP SIG Meeting Agenda (1 message)
SCIPIO Users Group meeting at ARLIS/NA annual conference: Sunday 4/28, 5:30-6:30 p.m. (1 message)
SE Chapter meeting Pasadena (1 message)
Seeking list of Jewish art museums (3 messages)
seeking share during Conference for Wed and Sun (1 message)
shuttle--to reserve or not to reserve? (5 messages)
Silent Auction donations (1 message)
Silent Auction FAQ Responses (1 message)
Sneak Peek into your Registration Bag (1 message)
Social Media Sewing Circle (1 message)
Some results from the Survey of the use of Tablet Computers by Academic & Special Libraries (1 message)
Still time to sign up for Conference Networking!! (1 message)
Summary: MFA theses - archiving questions (1 message)
Sunshine, Rainbows and Elk in a Little Yellowstone Book (1 message)
Take the survey of musuem and library special collection use of major internet sites and receive a free copy of the ensiung report (1 message)
Teaching Librarians SIG meeting, 4/26 4.45 pm (1 message)
Thank you ARLIS/NA Pasadena Conference Sponsors! (1 message)
Thank you to our Pasadena conference sponsors! (1 message)
TODAY!! 2pm EST -- Preparing for Pasadena: Crafting Your 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference Experience (1 message)
Top Tips for All Pasadena Conference Goers: How to dress for the Conference? (2 messages)
Top Tips for All Pasadena Conference Goers: The Mall, more than a shopping destination (1 message)
two needles in haystacks (1 message)
Update from SAH (1 message)
Urban and Regional Planning SIG Agenda at ARLIS/NA (1 message)
Urgent request (2 messages)
Urgent! Room space available. (1 message)
Veronese book on exchange (1 message)
Vine Video in Pasadena (1 message)
What a wonderful conference! (1 message)
Wi-Fi at the Pasadena Conference! (2 messages)
Women & Art SIG Meeting Agenda (1 message)
Yale Center for British Art, building conservation project 2013 (1 message)
Yoga at the conference (1 message)
Zandra Rhodes fashion archive now online! (1 message)
[acrl-ir] Time to Step Up - looking for an IRIG Convener for 2014 (1 message)
[ARLIS-L] ProQuest Forum on Digital Resources for Art, Archaeology and Design research (1 message)





Subject Sorted by Subject, Chronologically




New Thread

"architectural models"

"architectural models"

Thomas, Ruth S

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 16:13:49 +0000

100 lines

New Thread

4th Annual ARLIS/NA Vegan and Vegetarian Dinner

4th Annual ARLIS/NA Vegan and Vegetarian Dinner

Heather Slania

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 12:59:05 -0400

235 lines

New Thread

Agenda for Communications and Publications Committee Meeting in Pasadena

Agenda for Communications and Publications Committee Meeting in Pasadena

Amy E Lucker

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 09:54:31 -0400

56 lines

New Thread

Agenda set for OCLC RLP Roundtable at ARLIS

Agenda set for OCLC RLP Roundtable at ARLIS


Mon, 22 Apr 2013 14:31:33 -0400

301 lines

New Thread

Agenda- Artist Files SIG meeting in Pasadena

Agenda- Artist Files SIG meeting in Pasadena

Sally McKay

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 08:07:09 -0700

260 lines

New Thread

Announcing SEI Reunion at the ARLIS/NA Conference

Announcing SEI Reunion at the ARLIS/NA Conference

Trendler, Amy

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 15:45:00 +0000

154 lines

New Thread

Announcing the Samuel H. Kress Scholarship Recipients for SEI 2013

Announcing the Samuel H. Kress Scholarship Recipients for SEI 2013

Trendler, Amy

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 18:00:31 +0000

181 lines

New Thread

Announcing the SEI Alumni Survey

Announcing the SEI Alumni Survey

Trendler, Amy

Mon, 1 Apr 2013 16:45:43 +0000

185 lines

New Thread

Annual Reports

Annual Reports

Nedda Hassan Ahmed

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 15:08:51 +0000

100 lines

New Thread

Apr. 17 - Marin Hopper + Petra Giloy-Hirtz - Dennis Hopper - An Art Book Series Event

Apr. 17 - Marin Hopper + Petra Giloy-Hirtz - Dennis Hopper - An Art Book Series Event

Arezoo Moseni

Sat, 13 Apr 2013 11:11:04 -0400

592 lines

New Thread

Archaeology and Classics SIG Meeting

Archaeology and Classics SIG Meeting

Amy Ciccone

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 16:18:14 -0700

685 lines

Archaeology and Classics SIG Meeting

Amy Ciccone

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 13:43:27 -0700

1842 lines

New Thread

Architecture Section 2013 meeting agenda

Architecture Section 2013 meeting agenda

Trendler, Amy

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 14:33:47 +0000

329 lines

New Thread

Architecture Section meeting--finalized agenda

Architecture Section meeting--finalized agenda

Trendler, Amy

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 18:04:08 +0000

294 lines

New Thread

Archivision Module Eight Images Ready and Exciting News!

Archivision Module Eight Images Ready and Exciting News!

Maureen Burns

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 18:21:31 -0700

5125 lines

New Thread

Are Grove spinoffs updating Oxford Art Online

Are Grove spinoffs updating Oxford Art Online

Margaret Ericson

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 09:26:11 -0400

102 lines

Re: Are Grove spinoffs updating Oxford Art Online

Margaret Ericson

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 12:15:04 -0400

165 lines

New Thread

are you teaching artists' books? like talking about it? let's chat

are you teaching artists' books? like talking about it? let's chat

Tobias, Jennifer

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 11:31:26 -0400

62 lines

New Thread

ARLIS Ohio Valley Chapter Meeting

ARLIS Ohio Valley Chapter Meeting

Alison Huftalen

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 14:48:03 -0400

295 lines

New Thread

ARLIS So CA Chapter Mtg Agenda

ARLIS So CA Chapter Mtg Agenda

Patricia Peregrine

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 13:50:55 -0700

269 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/DC-MD-VA chapter meeting at Pasadena conference

ARLIS/DC-MD-VA chapter meeting at Pasadena conference

Shalimar Abigail Fojas White

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 10:47:55 -0400

153 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference -- Interlibrary Loan SIG Agenda

Re: ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference -- Interlibrary Loan SIG Agenda

Lane, Elizabeth

Sat, 20 Apr 2013 16:17:27 +0000

387 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference Evaluation

ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference Evaluation

Lawson, Roger

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 14:02:38 +0000

261 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA Canada Annual Meeting / Assemblée générale

ARLIS/NA Canada Annual Meeting / Assemblée générale

Payne, Daniel

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 19:38:47 +0000

3733 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA Northwest Travel Award Recipient

ARLIS/NA Northwest Travel Award Recipient

Dan McClure

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 15:06:30 -0700

129 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA Public Policy Committee meeting Friday 5:45-6:30

ARLIS/NA Public Policy Committee meeting Friday 5:45-6:30

Orth-Alfie, Carmen

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 02:15:46 +0000

261 lines

New Thread

Art Documentation - Spring 2013 electronic version now available

Art Documentation - Spring 2013 electronic version now available

Judy Dyki

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 02:01:25 +0000

367 lines

New Thread

Art Librarians Down Under Study Tour

Art Librarians Down Under Study Tour

J. Margaret Shaw

Sat, 27 Apr 2013 12:30:17 +1000

383 lines

New Thread

Art+Design School Libraries Division Meeting in Pasadena

Art+Design School Libraries Division Meeting in Pasadena

Kim Detterbeck

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 13:18:36 -0400

150 lines

New Thread

Article assistance

Article assistance

Alison Huftalen

Tue, 2 Apr 2013 10:26:48 -0400

147 lines

New Thread

Article received

Article received

Alison Huftalen

Tue, 2 Apr 2013 15:34:45 -0400

131 lines

New Thread

article request - Industrial Design

article request - Industrial Design

Gabrielle Reed

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 09:10:19 -0400

72 lines

Re: article request - Industrial Design

Gabrielle Reed

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 12:36:46 -0400

42 lines

Re: article request - Industrial Design

Chris Mees

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 17:39:07 +0100

302 lines

New Thread

ARTstor Travel Awards 2013

ARTstor Travel Awards 2013

Giovanni Garcia-Fenech

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 14:27:13 +0000

165 lines

New Thread

Attention Fashion, Textile & Costume librarians ... and all who are curious!

Attention Fashion, Textile & Costume librarians ... and all who are curious!

Ley, Sandra

Mon, 8 Apr 2013 18:08:39 -0700

50 lines

New Thread

available: assorted periodicals

available: assorted periodicals

Steve Majure

Mon, 1 Apr 2013 15:25:16 -0400

284 lines

New Thread

Be Our Guest for a Panel Discussion on 4/17

Be Our Guest for a Panel Discussion on 4/17

Deirdre Donohue

Sat, 13 Apr 2013 00:15:08 +0000

531 lines

New Thread

Benchmarking-are you like us?

Benchmarking-are you like us?

Krivickas, Jennifer (krivicjh)

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 19:55:02 +0000

176 lines

New Thread

Berg Fashion Library Wins PCAACA Electronic Reference Award

Berg Fashion Library Wins PCAACA Electronic Reference Award

Fegely, Erin

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 15:30:55 -0400

202 lines

New Thread

Book Art SIG

Book Art SIG

Teresa Burk

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 15:31:25 -0400

39 lines

New Thread

Bring Your Own Conference to Pasadena

Bring Your Own Conference to Pasadena

Jill E. Luedke

Sat, 20 Apr 2013 11:22:38 -0400

148 lines

New Thread

Call for program proposals: 2014 MLA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia

Call for program proposals: 2014 MLA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia

Resnick, Alyssa

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 14:46:04 -0700

139 lines

New Thread

Call for publication reviewers for ARLIS/NA Reviews

Call for publication reviewers for ARLIS/NA Reviews

Litts, Doug

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 10:25:05 -0400

189 lines

New Thread

Cataloging Advisory Committee Agenda, Saturday 8-9 am, Conference Center 204

Cataloging Advisory Committee Agenda, Saturday 8-9 am, Conference Center 204

Maria Oldal

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 16:04:19 -0400

184 lines

New Thread

Cataloging Section 2013 meeting agenda items

Cataloging Section 2013 meeting agenda items

Bronwen Bitetti

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 11:23:08 -0400

134 lines

New Thread

Cataloging Section Agenda 4/26

Cataloging Section Agenda 4/26

Bronwen Bitetti

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 11:42:47 -0400

86 lines

New Thread



Carol Fruchter

Thu, 4 Apr 2013 07:50:49 -0700

47864 lines

New Thread



Carol Fruchter

Thu, 4 Apr 2013 07:39:32 -0700

11719 lines

New Thread

Chicago ACRL ArtsGuide: Call for Contributors

Chicago ACRL ArtsGuide: Call for Contributors

Yvette Cortes

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 14:34:45 +0000

450 lines

New Thread

Chrysler Museum Library Moves to ODU

Chrysler Museum Library Moves to ODU

Jessica Ritchie

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 11:19:58 -0400

415 lines

New Thread

Collection Development SIG: Last Call for Agenda Items

Collection Development SIG: Last Call for Agenda Items

Day, Ross

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 14:46:05 +0000

191 lines

New Thread

Columbia Libraries Symposium 2013: video on YouTube

Columbia Libraries Symposium 2013: video on YouTube

Carole Ann Fabian

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 10:10:03 -0400

59 lines

New Thread

Continue the discussion! Join the #arlischat on Twitter this evening.

Continue the discussion! Join the #arlischat on Twitter this evening.


Tue, 9 Apr 2013 16:22:08 -0400

116 lines

New Thread

CPDG at ARLIS/NA in Pasadena

CPDG at ARLIS/NA in Pasadena

Ann Fath

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 13:00:22 -0700

1037 lines

New Thread

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Due Apr. 19: Silent Auction Pasadena Edition

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Due Apr. 19: Silent Auction Pasadena Edition

Teresa Soleau

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 12:56:56 -0700

225 lines

New Thread

Deadline is TODAY! for Conference Networking in Pasadena

Deadline is TODAY! for Conference Networking in Pasadena

Maggie Portis

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 14:58:03 -0400

325 lines

New Thread

Decorative Arts ar ARLIS

FW: Decorative Arts ar ARLIS

Seckelson, Linda

Tue, 16 Apr 2013 14:57:07 +0000

845 lines

New Thread

Development Committee Agenda

Development Committee Agenda

Kathryn Wayne

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 17:30:23 -0700

25 lines

New Thread

Digital Imaging Labs -- physical layout

Digital Imaging Labs -- physical layout

Joel Parham

Tue, 2 Apr 2013 17:13:53 +0000

105 lines

New Thread

Diversity Committee Conference Meeting Agenda

Diversity Committee Conference Meeting Agenda

Tomlin, Patrick

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 14:07:23 -0400

33 lines

New Thread

Don't miss the Convocation and Reception!

Don't miss the Convocation and Reception!

Henney, Dawn

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 17:58:51 +0000

625 lines

New Thread

Duplicate periodicals to give away

Duplicate periodicals to give away


Mon, 1 Apr 2013 23:54:41 +0000

398 lines

New Thread

Early bird pricing for the ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference ending soon!

Early bird pricing for the ARLIS/NA 41st Annual Conference ending soon!

Norris, Nancy

Mon, 1 Apr 2013 18:50:00 +0000

531 lines

New Thread

Exhibitors! Welcome to Pasadena

Exhibitors! Welcome to Pasadena

Susan Flanagan

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 13:49:15 -0700

341 lines

New Thread

FIAA Alumni Grant and Award - Deadline Extended!

FIAA Alumni Grant and Award - Deadline Extended!

Effie Patelos

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 17:35:38 -0400

240 lines

New Thread

Finance Committee Agenda

Finance Committee Agenda

Riedel, Thomas

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 20:47:46 -0600

150 lines

New Thread

Fleet Library at Rhode Island School of Design Receives IMLS Grant for Materials Forum

Fleet Library at Rhode Island School of Design Receives IMLS Grant for Materials Forum

Mark Pompelia

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 11:14:25 -0400

373 lines

Re: Fleet Library at Rhode Island School of Design Receives IMLS Grant for Materials Forum

Elisa Lanzi

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 11:36:52 -0400

367 lines

New Thread

Free tix to Los Angeles Museum of Art/Watts Tower Tour

Free tix to Los Angeles Museum of Art/Watts Tower Tour

Anna Simon

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 13:00:46 -0400

1118 lines

New Thread

Free Webinar: Copyright in Academia, offered by Copyright Clearance Center

Free Webinar: Copyright in Academia, offered by Copyright Clearance Center

Kempe, Deborah

Mon, 1 Apr 2013 19:47:24 +0000

621 lines

New Thread

Fresno Met. Museum final strategic plan

Fresno Met. Museum final strategic plan

MacDonald, Sara

Tue, 2 Apr 2013 15:06:32 -0400

102 lines

New Thread

FYI - Coordinated Visual Literacy program example

FYI - Coordinated Visual Literacy program example

Lee Sorensen

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 16:23:57 +0000

162 lines

New Thread

Getty Foundation Grant Recipients to Attend the 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference

Getty Foundation Grant Recipients to Attend the 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference

Norris, Nancy

Tue, 16 Apr 2013 20:22:26 +0000

500 lines

New Thread

Getty Vocabularies: AAT Chinese translation

Getty Vocabularies: AAT Chinese translation

Antonio Beecroft

Tue, 16 Apr 2013 13:19:22 -0700

145 lines

New Thread

gio ponti

gio ponti

Annamaria Poma-Swank

Sat, 6 Apr 2013 09:38:20 +0200

66 lines

New Thread

Guides Needed for Conference Networking in Pasadena

Guides Needed for Conference Networking in Pasadena

Maggie Portis

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 13:59:10 -0400

263 lines

New Thread

Happy 40th Anniversary NEDCC!

Happy 40th Anniversary NEDCC!

Julie Martin

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 19:53:29 +0000

131 lines

New Thread

Have you considered publishing your ARLIS/NA conferencepresentation?

Have you considered publishing your ARLIS/NA conferencepresentation?

Judy Dyki

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 01:23:38 +0000

247 lines

New Thread

Hunt Library - NCSU

Hunt Library - NCSU

Susan Severtson

Mon, 8 Apr 2013 19:56:53 -0400

48 lines

New Thread

IFLA WLIC 2013 Art Libraries Section Offsite Workshop registration now open!

FW: IFLA WLIC 2013 Art Libraries Section Offsite Workshop registration now open!

Kempe, Deborah

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 13:55:09 +0000

762 lines

New Thread

Index of Christian Art news

Index of Christian Art news

Trudy Jacoby

Tue, 16 Apr 2013 21:11:55 +0000

155 lines

New Thread

International Attendees Forum - Saturday 12:15-1:15

International Attendees Forum - Saturday 12:15-1:15

Gonzalez Palacios, Martha P

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 06:33:18 +0000

179 lines

New Thread

Internship opportunity at the Smithsonian Libaries

Internship opportunity at the Smithsonian Libaries

Litts, Doug

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 09:25:10 -0400

134 lines

New Thread

Interview with Larry McGilvery

Interview with Larry McGilvery

Thomas Hill

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 23:06:46 -0400

93 lines

New Thread

Invitation to a Colloquium in Berlin, June 13-14, 2013: From Wunderkammer to e-Resource: Promoting Art Information Across Borders in the 21st Century

Invitation to a Colloquium in Berlin, June 13-14, 2013: From Wunderkammer to e-Resource: Promoting Art Information Across Borders in the 21st Century

Kempe, Deborah

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 16:07:16 +0000

9710 lines

New Thread

iPads and iBooks: circulation and cataloging

iPads and iBooks: circulation and cataloging

Pregill, Lily

Thu, 4 Apr 2013 15:01:44 +0000

269 lines

New Thread

IRC Committee Agenda Pasadena: Saturday 4/27, 8AM

IRC Committee Agenda Pasadena: Saturday 4/27, 8AM

Hatheway, Holly

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 20:26:13 +0000

345 lines

New Thread

Job Posting - Director of Libraries, The Society of the Four Arts,Palm Beach, FL

Job Posting - Director of Libraries, The Society of the Four Arts,Palm Beach, FL

Judy Dyki

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 01:42:41 +0000

213 lines

New Thread

Job Posting - Fine and Performing Arts Librarian, University ofNorthern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA

Job Posting - Fine and Performing Arts Librarian, University ofNorthern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA

Judy Dyki

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 03:19:46 +0000

119 lines

New Thread



Henney, Dawn

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 18:25:49 +0000

620 lines

New Thread

Just a few spots remain for SEI 2013!

Just a few spots remain for SEI 2013!

Trendler, Amy

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 21:00:49 +0000

193 lines

New Thread

Just Published: Visual Resources 29-1-2 - Special Issue - Digital Art History

Just Published: Visual Resources 29-1-2 - Special Issue - Digital Art History

Christine L. Sundt

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 14:35:31 -0700

523 lines

New Thread

LA: Found Watch at Society Circle Party

LA: Found Watch at Society Circle Party

Hatheway, Holly

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 15:41:23 +0000

22 lines

New Thread

Last chance for Early bird pricing to attend the ARLIS/NA 41th Annual Conference “Crafting our Future"

Last chance for Early bird pricing to attend the ARLIS/NA 41th Annual Conference “Crafting our Future"

Norris, Nancy

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 05:45:47 +0000

66 lines

New Thread

LAST DAY: Systems at ARLIS Libraries - 2013 Survey

LAST DAY: Systems at ARLIS Libraries - 2013 Survey

Pregill, Lily

Fri, 5 Apr 2013 15:35:29 +0000

250 lines

New Thread

LGBTQ SIG Meeting Finalized Agenda, Friday, April 26th - 4:45 PM

LGBTQ SIG Meeting Finalized Agenda, Friday, April 26th - 4:45 PM

Deborah Evans-Cantrell

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 22:29:18 -0400

139 lines

New Thread

LGBTQ SIG Meeting in Pasadena, Friday, April 26th - 4:45 PM

LGBTQ SIG Meeting in Pasadena, Friday, April 26th - 4:45 PM

Deborah Evans-Cantrell

Tue, 16 Apr 2013 16:37:43 -0400

95 lines

New Thread

Long-time ARLIS/NA member to exhibit!

Long-time ARLIS/NA member to exhibit!

Maryly Snow

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 16:09:59 -0700

152 lines

New Thread

Looking for article from Design Week

Looking for article from Design Week

Lindsay Harmon

Thu, 4 Apr 2013 13:34:01 -0500

125 lines

New Thread

Looking for vertical files on Norma Bassett Hall

Looking for vertical files on Norma Bassett Hall

Kitty Jansen

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 16:30:03 +0000

210 lines

New Thread

Materials Special Interest Group MATSIG - Pasadena meeting

Materials Special Interest Group MATSIG - Pasadena meeting

Mark Pompelia

Sat, 20 Apr 2013 13:11:40 -0400

98 lines

New Thread

May 24 / Joint Meeting / VRA & ARLIS o/ Northern California Chapters

May 24 / Joint Meeting / VRA & ARLIS o/ Northern California Chapters

Carrie McDade

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 23:54:55 +0000

274 lines

New Thread

Meet the Getty Foundation Grant Recipients

Meet the Getty Foundation Grant Recipients

Graney, Carol

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 09:50:09 -0400

794 lines

New Thread

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Agendas

Most, Gregory P.J.

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 12:52:37 -0400

172 lines

Meeting agendas

Most, Gregory P.J.

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 17:09:11 -0400

166 lines

New Thread

MFA theses - archiving questions

MFA theses - archiving questions

Akins, Jennifer

Mon, 1 Apr 2013 21:19:42 +0000

631 lines

New Thread

More Museum Library thoughts

More Museum Library thoughts

Harper, Lucy

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 09:20:07 -0400

289 lines

New Thread

Museum library cuts in hours/service - Museum Division meeting

Museum library cuts in hours/service - Museum Division meeting

Litts, Doug

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 12:46:00 +0000

846 lines

Re: Museum library cuts in hours/service - Museum Division meeting

Kevin Mullen

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 10:44:01 -0400

2873 lines

Re: Museum library cuts in hours/service - Museum Division meeting

Julian Woodruff

Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:14:32 +0000

2835 lines

New Thread

need: Auto & Design (2012)

need: Auto & Design (2012)

Steve Majure

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 12:18:41 -0400

81 lines

New Thread

Needing advice on slides and carousels

Needing advice on slides and carousels

Jennifer Finley-McGill

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 15:02:51 -0700

61 lines

Re: Needing advice on slides and carousels

Brodhead, Heather

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 23:26:30 +0000

357 lines

New Thread

New and Changed LCSH for Art and Architecture approved March 2013

New and Changed LCSH for Art and Architecture approved March 2013

Allison L Hausladen

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 10:36:31 -0500

157 lines

New Thread

New Exhibition '“In the Midst of the Jovial Crowd”: Young James Boswell in London, 1762–1763' on view at the Lewis Walpole Library

New Exhibition '“In the Midst of the Jovial Crowd”: Young James Boswell in London, 1762–1763' on view at the Lewis Walpole Library

Walker, Susan

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 13:52:01 +0000

146 lines

New Thread

New Finding Aids from Dumbarton Oaks (ICFA)

New Finding Aids from Dumbarton Oaks (ICFA)

Shalimar Abigail Fojas White

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 09:30:21 -0400

207 lines

New Thread

New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish — Rembrandt

New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish — Rembrandt

Alison Huftalen

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 17:11:23 -0400

146 lines

New Thread

New Schedule

New Schedule

William Peniston

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 12:04:00 -0400

146 lines

Re: New Schedule

Alba Fernandez-Keys

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 14:40:13 +0000

325 lines

FW: New Schedule

Julian Woodruff

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 22:37:14 +0000

573 lines

Re: FW: New Schedule

Alison Huftalen

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:52:40 -0400

662 lines

Re: FW: New Schedule

Jessica Ritchie

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 14:43:38 -0400

643 lines

Re: FW: New Schedule

Billings, Cathy

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:36:37 -0700

630 lines

New Thread

New Schedule/Museum Library Future

New Schedule/Museum Library Future

William Peniston

Tue, 16 Apr 2013 18:53:15 -0400

201 lines

New Thread

NG/Getty Conference: London and the Emergence of a European Art Market (c.1780-1820) - Details of programme and ticket link

NG/Getty Conference: London and the Emergence of a European Art Market (c.1780-1820) - Details of programme and ticket link

Hector, Elspeth

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 14:31:54 +0100

450 lines

New Thread

non-financial benefits

non-financial benefits

Karen Schneider

Mon, 8 Apr 2013 11:54:56 -0400

158 lines

New Thread

One Day Conference on Preserving Paper-Based Ephemera in Providence, RI! Registration deadline approaching!

One Day Conference on Preserving Paper-Based Ephemera in Providence, RI! Registration deadline approaching!

Magyar, Kimberly

Fri, 5 Apr 2013 13:55:55 -0400

571 lines

New Thread

Order Your Conference Goodies!!

FW: Order Your Conference Goodies!!

Henney, Dawn

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 00:49:26 +0000

1022 lines

New Thread

Paris Photo Los Angeles

Paris Photo Los Angeles

Amy Ciccone

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 08:17:40 -0700

1186 lines

New Thread



Alison Pinsler

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 12:22:39 -0700

21 lines


Billings, Cathy

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 15:11:39 -0700

50 lines

New Thread

Pasadena "roses" photo

Pasadena "roses" photo

Lee Eltzroth

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 14:18:29 -0700

22990 lines

New Thread

Pasadena - free access to designinform during the conference !

Pasadena - free access to designinform during the conference !

Chris Mees

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 19:40:21 +0100

58830 lines

New Thread

Pasadena - Instagram Photo Feed!

Pasadena - Instagram Photo Feed!

Billings, Cathy

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 10:54:19 -0700

7799 lines

New Thread

Pasadena 2013 Conference Proceedings and Publication Agreement

Pasadena 2013 Conference Proceedings and Publication Agreement

Krista D Ivy

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 22:39:42 +0000

1419 lines

New Thread

Pasadena Conference Self-Schedule Rooms

Pasadena Conference Self-Schedule Rooms

Sarah Sherman

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 17:32:47 -0700

364 lines

New Thread

Pasadena congratulations!!!!

Pasadena congratulations!!!!

Edward C. Goodman

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 15:01:19 -0400

35 lines

Re: Pasadena congratulations!!!!

Eumie Imm-Stroukoff

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 20:10:58 +0000

67 lines

Re: Pasadena congratulations!!!!

Eric Wolf

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 21:25:35 +0000

112 lines

New Thread

Pasadena Dance Festival 4/27/13

Pasadena Dance Festival 4/27/13

Resnick, Alyssa

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 23:53:13 -0700

11603 lines

New Thread

Pasadena Room Changes

Pasadena Room Changes

Billings, Cathy

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:29:40 -0700

1568 lines

New Thread

Pasadena Transportation tips

Pasadena Transportation tips

Henney, Dawn

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 21:18:50 +0000

564 lines

New Thread

Pasadena Workshop: Don't miss out!

Pasadena Workshop: Don't miss out!

Norris, Nancy

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 15:54:31 +0000

2811 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Alastair Johnston: Stephen A. Kanter Lecture on California Fine Printing at the Clark Library

Pasadena: Alastair Johnston: Stephen A. Kanter Lecture on California Fine Printing at the Clark Library

Norris, Nancy

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 17:42:54 +0000

1292 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: ARLIS/SC Cafe Press site is up and open for business!

Pasadena: ARLIS/SC Cafe Press site is up and open for business!

Norris, Nancy

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 18:56:48 +0000

630 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Big-ticket Items in the Silent Auction

Pasadena: Big-ticket Items in the Silent Auction

Teresa Soleau

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 11:33:37 -0700

121 lines

Re: Pasadena: Big-ticket Items in the Silent Auction

Henney, Dawn

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 23:02:30 +0000

271 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Bits 'n' Bobs: fun, food, sights, happenings

Pasadena: Bits 'n' Bobs: fun, food, sights, happenings

Norris, Nancy

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 22:20:40 +0000

572 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Bits 'n' Bobs: Radio

Pasadena: Bits 'n' Bobs: Radio

Norris, Nancy

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 17:46:27 +0000

493 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Bring Your Own Conference (BYOC)

Pasadena: Bring Your Own Conference (BYOC)

Norris, Nancy

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 17:21:31 +0000

551 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Colorado Street Bridge Restoration (1991-93) Featured in Photo Exhibit at Pasadena Central Library in April

Pasadena: Colorado Street Bridge Restoration (1991-93) Featured in Photo Exhibit at Pasadena Central Library in April

Norris, Nancy

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 23:07:30 +0000

771 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Get the Conference Program On-The-Go!

Pasadena: Get the Conference Program On-The-Go!

Norris, Nancy

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 17:27:19 +0000

2916 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Navigating the Conference

Pasadena: Navigating the Conference

Norris, Nancy

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:53:05 +0000

898 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Social Media Sites and Blog!

Pasadena: Social Media Sites and Blog!

Norris, Nancy

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 00:47:17 +0000

649 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Tours: ONE Archives, Outfest Legacy Project, and UCLA’s Clark Library, Chicano Studies Research Center and Special Collections tour canceled.

Pasadena: Tours: ONE Archives, Outfest Legacy Project, and UCLA’s Clark Library, Chicano Studies Research Center and Special Collections tour canceled.

Norris, Nancy

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 23:35:34 +0000

303 lines

New Thread

Pasadena: Visit the Exhibits

Pasadena: Visit the Exhibits

Norris, Nancy

Tue, 16 Apr 2013 23:28:11 +0000

505 lines

Re: Pasadena: Visit the Exhibits

Henney, Dawn

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:56:40 +0000

648 lines

Re: Pasadena: Visit the Exhibits

Joan Benedetti

Tue, 16 Apr 2013 21:06:44 -0600

799 lines

Re: Pasadena: Visit the Exhibits

Giovanni Scorcioni

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 11:05:00 -0500

88 lines

New Thread

Penguin collection being offered by Quaritch

Penguin collection being offered by Quaritch

Kelly M. Fiske

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 15:17:53 -0400

46 lines

New Thread

Periodicals on microfilm to give away

Periodicals on microfilm to give away

Brenda Besser

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 15:39:26 +0000

212 lines

Periodicals on microfilm to give away

Brenda Besser

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 18:09:48 +0000

219 lines

New Thread

Peter & Donna Thomas make a visit to the Museum . . .

Fwd: Peter & Donna Thomas make a visit to the Museum . . .

Amy Ciccone

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 09:38:05 -0700

1016 lines

New Thread

Photography Librarians SIG meeting agenda, Friday 4/26, 4:45pm

Photography Librarians SIG meeting agenda, Friday 4/26, 4:45pm

Leigh Gleason

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 10:21:18 -0700

128 lines

New Thread

Please join us at Friendly Gestures [namaste] exhibition at Queens College Art Center

Please join us at Friendly Gestures [namaste] exhibition at Queens College Art Center


Tue, 16 Apr 2013 17:16:28 -0400

102 lines

New Thread

Poster Session plus Ice Cream and Frozen Fruit Bars!

Poster Session plus Ice Cream and Frozen Fruit Bars!

Norris, Nancy

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 00:34:14 +0000

536 lines

New Thread

Pratt-SILS alums & students gathering at ARLIS conference, Saturday April 27, 5 pm

Pratt-SILS alums & students gathering at ARLIS conference, Saturday April 27, 5 pm

Soehner, Ken

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 18:20:26 +0000

238 lines

Pratt-SILS alums & students gathering at ARLIS conference, Saturday April 27, 5 pm

Soehner, Ken

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 18:49:12 +0000

239 lines

New Thread

Pre-conference chat transcript posted!

Pre-conference chat transcript posted!

Alice Whiteside

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 12:19:05 -0400

74 lines

New Thread

Press release - Bridgeman Education reaches a milestone!

Press release - Bridgeman Education reaches a milestone!

Wendy Zieger

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 11:55:24 -0400

1307 lines

New Thread

Professional Development Committee, Education Subcommittee, Mentoring Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

Professional Development Committee, Education Subcommittee, Mentoring Subcommittee Meeting Agenda

Brinkman, Stacy

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 09:02:53 -0400

177 lines

New Thread

ProQuest Forum on Digital Resources for Art, Archaeology and Design research

ProQuest Forum on Digital Resources for Art, Archaeology and Design research

Childers, Janice

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:30:39 +0000

189 lines

New Thread

Public Librarians SIG

Public Librarians SIG

Resnick, Alyssa

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 20:03:45 -0700

101 lines

New Thread

Publishers' Bindings at UNCG

Publishers' Bindings at UNCG

Richard Minsky

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 10:25:31 -0400

33 lines

New Thread



Kempe, Deborah

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 15:24:36 +0000

225 lines

New Thread

quantifying the value of creative businesses

quantifying the value of creative businesses

Lee Eltzroth

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 14:16:22 -0700

43 lines

New Thread

RDA (& beyond) session in Pasadena

RDA (& beyond) session in Pasadena

Bronwen Bitetti

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 11:41:02 -0400

93 lines

New Thread

Reading Room - Elizabeth Felicella - Art Wall on Third Exhibition Series

Reading Room - Elizabeth Felicella - Art Wall on Third Exhibition Series

Arezoo Moseni

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 16:58:28 -0400

212 lines

New Thread

Reference and Information Services Section Meeting - Final Agenda

Reference and Information Services Section Meeting - Final Agenda

Emilee Mathews

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 10:16:45 -0400

157 lines

New Thread

Remember the University Prints series (Cambridge, Mass.)?

Remember the University Prints series (Cambridge, Mass.)?

Peter P Blank

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 12:46:13 -0700

156 lines

Re: Remember the University Prints series (Cambridge, Mass.)?

Margaret English

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 16:46:59 -0400

329 lines

Re: Remember the University Prints series (Cambridge, Mass.)?

Henri, Janine

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 21:47:56 +0000

361 lines

Re: Remember the University Prints series (Cambridge, Mass.)?

Peter P Blank

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 18:44:54 -0700

569 lines

New Thread

Reminder: Special Interest Group meeting: Digital Humanities

Reminder: Special Interest Group meeting: Digital Humanities

Greta Bahnemann

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 09:59:00 -0500

82 lines

New Thread

RISS Meeting in Pasadena: Friday the 26th at 12:30-1:30 Call for Agenda Items

RISS Meeting in Pasadena: Friday the 26th at 12:30-1:30 Call for Agenda Items

Emilee Mathews

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 09:28:51 -0400

109 lines

New Thread

Roommate for Pasadena Conference

Roommate for Pasadena Conference

Barham, Rebecca

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 21:19:43 +0000

142 lines

New Thread

SAH 2014 Call For Papers and Fellowship Announcement

FW: SAH 2014 Call For Papers and Fellowship Announcement

Whiteside, Ann Baird

Mon, 1 Apr 2013 19:34:13 +0000

376 lines

New Thread

Samuel H. Kress Foundation Grant Recipients to Attend the 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference

Samuel H. Kress Foundation Grant Recipients to Attend the 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference

Kempe, Deborah

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 01:48:33 +0000

243 lines

New Thread

Sat & Sun Yoga at the Conference

Sat & Sun Yoga at the Conference

Deborah Boudewyns

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 09:31:03 -0500

86 lines

New Thread

Sched and Google Calendar

Sched and Google Calendar

Amy Ciccone

Sat, 20 Apr 2013 14:05:35 -0700

25 lines

Re: Sched and Google Calendar

Sarah Sherman

Sun, 21 Apr 2013 13:14:09 -0700

88 lines

Re: Sched and Google Calendar

Mark Pompelia

Sun, 21 Apr 2013 17:52:33 -0400

147 lines

Re: Sched and Google Calendar

Pregill, Lily

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 14:41:16 +0000

85 lines

Re: Sched and Google Calendar

Amy Ciccone

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 09:40:16 -0700

165 lines

New Thread

Scholars Resource Image Set: Richard Wagner

Scholars Resource Image Set: Richard Wagner

Renate Wiedenhoeft

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 10:48:02 -0400

1125 lines

New Thread

Scholars Resource: Highlighting Vendors

Scholars Resource: Highlighting Vendors

Renate Wiedenhoeft

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 12:55:50 -0400

1127 lines

New Thread

Scholars Resource: Highlighting Vendors: Dr. Kiracofe

Scholars Resource: Highlighting Vendors: Dr. Kiracofe

Renate Wiedenhoeft

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 09:49:06 -0400

445 lines

New Thread

SCIP SIG Meeting Agenda

SCIP SIG Meeting Agenda

Annette Haines

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 11:59:13 -0400

160 lines

New Thread

SCIPIO Users Group meeting at ARLIS/NA annual conference: Sunday 4/28, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

SCIPIO Users Group meeting at ARLIS/NA annual conference: Sunday 4/28, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Hauser, Erika

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 23:00:10 +0000

172 lines

New Thread

SE Chapter meeting Pasadena

SE Chapter meeting Pasadena

Lee Eltzroth

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 06:32:08 -0700

55 lines

New Thread

Seeking list of Jewish art museums

Seeking list of Jewish art museums

McKee, Linda

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 08:53:56 -0400

273 lines

Re: Seeking list of Jewish art museums

Jet Prendeville

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 08:49:21 -0500

70 lines

Re: Seeking list of Jewish art museums

Claire Dannenbaum

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 10:01:54 -0700

182 lines

New Thread

seeking share during Conference for Wed and Sun

seeking share during Conference for Wed and Sun

Cheryl M Costello

Mon, 1 Apr 2013 10:38:39 -0400

58 lines

New Thread

shuttle--to reserve or not to reserve?

shuttle--to reserve or not to reserve?

Anne Haas

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 18:45:21 +0000

74 lines

Re: shuttle--to reserve or not to reserve?

Joan Benedetti

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 13:11:21 -0600

161 lines

Re: shuttle--to reserve or not to reserve?

Richard Minsky

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 15:17:18 -0400

142 lines

Re: shuttle--to reserve or not to reserve?

Anne Haas

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:32:50 +0000

220 lines

Re: shuttle--to reserve or not to reserve?

Thomas, Ruth S

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 20:27:47 +0000

396 lines

New Thread

Silent Auction donations

Silent Auction donations

Henney, Dawn

Mon, 1 Apr 2013 17:28:34 +0000

119 lines

New Thread

Silent Auction FAQ Responses

Silent Auction FAQ Responses

Teresa Soleau

Tue, 2 Apr 2013 07:55:56 -0700

297 lines

New Thread

Sneak Peek into your Registration Bag

Sneak Peek into your Registration Bag

Henney, Dawn

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 17:55:45 +0000

610 lines

New Thread

Social Media Sewing Circle

Social Media Sewing Circle

Nedda Hassan Ahmed

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 14:39:30 +0000

239 lines

New Thread

Some results from the Survey of the use of Tablet Computers by Academic & Special Libraries

Some results from the Survey of the use of Tablet Computers by Academic & Special Libraries

James Moses

Thu, 4 Apr 2013 09:08:24 -0500

48 lines

New Thread

Still time to sign up for Conference Networking!!

Still time to sign up for Conference Networking!!

Maggie Portis

Fri, 5 Apr 2013 14:23:09 -0400

322 lines

New Thread

Summary: MFA theses - archiving questions

Summary: MFA theses - archiving questions

Akins, Jennifer

Tue, 9 Apr 2013 16:06:28 +0000

8757 lines

New Thread

Sunshine, Rainbows and Elk in a Little Yellowstone Book

Sunshine, Rainbows and Elk in a Little Yellowstone Book

Jill Timm

Tue, 2 Apr 2013 17:09:40 -0400

2681 lines

New Thread

Take the survey of musuem and library special collection use of major internet sites and receive a free copy of the ensiung report

Take the survey of musuem and library special collection use of major internet sites and receive a free copy of the ensiung report

James Moses

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 09:55:02 -0400

117 lines

New Thread

Teaching Librarians SIG meeting, 4/26 4.45 pm

Teaching Librarians SIG meeting, 4/26 4.45 pm

Ballmer, Amy

Wed, 17 Apr 2013 19:16:45 -0400

107 lines

New Thread

Thank you ARLIS/NA Pasadena Conference Sponsors!

Thank you ARLIS/NA Pasadena Conference Sponsors!

Kathryn Wayne

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 13:26:14 -0700

84 lines

New Thread

Thank you to our Pasadena conference sponsors!

Thank you to our Pasadena conference sponsors!

Roll, Ann

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 16:16:27 +0000

458 lines

New Thread

TODAY!! 2pm EST -- Preparing for Pasadena: Crafting Your 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference Experience

TODAY!! 2pm EST -- Preparing for Pasadena: Crafting Your 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference Experience

Patrick Tomlin

Fri, 5 Apr 2013 09:20:22 -0400

232 lines

New Thread

Top Tips for All Pasadena Conference Goers: How to dress for the Conference?

Top Tips for All Pasadena Conference Goers: How to dress for the Conference?

Henney, Dawn

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 18:26:46 +0000

532 lines

Re: Top Tips for All Pasadena Conference Goers: How to dress for the Conference?

Heather Koopmans

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 17:52:04 -0400

559 lines

New Thread

Top Tips for All Pasadena Conference Goers: The Mall, more than a shopping destination

Top Tips for All Pasadena Conference Goers: The Mall, more than a shopping destination

Henney, Dawn

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 18:14:36 +0000

601 lines

New Thread

two needles in haystacks

two needles in haystacks

Traci Timmons

Mon, 8 Apr 2013 15:56:43 -0700

255 lines

New Thread

Update from SAH

Update from SAH

Whiteside, Ann Baird

Mon, 1 Apr 2013 19:26:19 +0000

159 lines

New Thread

Urban and Regional Planning SIG Agenda at ARLIS/NA

Urban and Regional Planning SIG Agenda at ARLIS/NA

Marsha E. Taichman

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 17:49:54 +0000

140 lines

New Thread

Urgent request

Urgent request

Alison Huftalen

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 13:03:16 -0400

162 lines

Re: Urgent request

Alison Huftalen

Mon, 29 Apr 2013 13:54:57 -0400

201 lines

New Thread

Urgent! Room space available.

Urgent! Room space available.

Dan Moore

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 17:04:20 -0700

39 lines

New Thread

Veronese book on exchange

Veronese book on exchange

McKee, Linda

Fri, 5 Apr 2013 14:33:34 -0400

3239 lines

New Thread

Vine Video in Pasadena

Vine Video in Pasadena

Luke Leither

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 17:53:25 +0000

118 lines

New Thread

What a wonderful conference!

What a wonderful conference!

Eileen Markson

Tue, 30 Apr 2013 15:43:06 -0700

440 lines

New Thread

Wi-Fi at the Pasadena Conference!

Wi-Fi at the Pasadena Conference!

Norris, Nancy

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 20:34:13 +0000

490 lines

Re: Wi-Fi at the Pasadena Conference!

Graney, Carol

Fri, 19 Apr 2013 12:38:28 -0400

483 lines

New Thread

Women & Art SIG Meeting Agenda

Women & Art SIG Meeting Agenda

Melanie Emerson

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 08:34:35 -0500

103 lines

New Thread

Yale Center for British Art, building conservation project 2013

Yale Center for British Art, building conservation project 2013

Lapka, Francis

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 15:25:06 +0000

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Yoga at the conference

Yoga at the conference

Deborah Boudewyns

Tue, 23 Apr 2013 21:35:14 -0500

73 lines

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Zandra Rhodes fashion archive now online!

Zandra Rhodes fashion archive now online!

Amy Robinson

Wed, 3 Apr 2013 09:16:03 +0000

177 lines

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[acrl-ir] Time to Step Up - looking for an IRIG Convener for 2014

Fwd: [acrl-ir] Time to Step Up - looking for an IRIG Convener for 2014

Amanda Milbourn

Mon, 22 Apr 2013 12:26:15 -0700

233 lines

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[ARLIS-L] ProQuest Forum on Digital Resources for Art, Archaeology and Design research

FW: [ARLIS-L] ProQuest Forum on Digital Resources for Art, Archaeology and Design research

Childers, Janice

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 18:05:15 +0000

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