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ARLIS-L Archives

March 2011


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Table of Contents:

2011 VRA and ARLIS/NA 2nd Joint Conference, Minneapolis - our dynamic SCHED (1 message)
2nd Annual Veg*n ARLIS/NA dinner (1 message)
4th Annual Artist's Book Symposium at SCAD Atlanta (1 message)
8th Annual Exhibition of Special Library Projects (1 message)
A museum book club resource (1 message)
A new face at the ARLIS/NA Conference... (1 message)
A Toronto event , May 6-7 free (1 message)
Academic Division Mtg notetaker found! (1 message)
ADSL Division meeting agenda (1 message)
Agenda Call: Academic Division Meeting (1 message)
An exemplary art librarian! (1 message)
an IFAR program on the Rembrandt Research Project (1 message)
Announcement - Museums acquire Bill Burns Edition (1 message)
announcing 2-week summer copyright class (1 message)
Announcing ArLiSNAP's Next Coordinator (1 message)
Announcing the ARLIS/NA Libguide & Pathfinder Directory (2 messages)
Announcing the Award Recipients of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation Summer Educational Institute Scholarships (1 message)
Annual Reports (1 message)
April Printmaking trip to Cuba (1 message)
Architectural information encoding (1 message)
Architecture Section Meeting Agenda! (1 message)
ARLIS NA Toronto 2012 : Demande de soumissions pour des communications et des ateliers (1 message)
ARLIS/NA Conference Evaluation and Feedback (1 message)
ARLIS/NA Membership Meeting - March 26 (1 message)
ARLIS/NA Public Policy Committee Business Meeting, Thursday, March 24 (1 message)
ARLIS/NA Strategic Plan - Call for Focus Groups Participation (1 message)
ARLIS/NA Strategic Planning - Next Step - Focus Groups (1 message)
ARLIS/NY & Thomas J. Watson Library present a Career Advisement Program for Students and Recent Graduates (1 message)
ArLiSNAP Section Petition (1 message)
Ars Libri in the Boston Globe on Facebook (1 message)
Art & Design School Division Members (1 message)
Art & Design School Libraries Division-recorder needed (1 message)
Art Bulletin duplicates (1 message)
Artfinder - Social media + Art (1 message)
Article needed (desperately) (2 messages)
article request (2 messages)
article requested (1 message)
Articles Needed (1 message)
Articles Received (1 message)
Artist Files Working Group - volunteer located. (1 message)
Artist Files Working Group meeting - recorder needed (1 message)
Artists' Books Collection for sale (1 message)
Artists' Books from Women's Studio Workshop exhibition catalog (1 message)
ARTstor Travel Awards 2011—Deadline extended to Monday, April 4, 2011 (1 message)
Assistance needed with a French thesis (1 message)
Attendees from Canada and WNY (1 message)
Attention ADSL Memebers (1 message)
Attention Reference Archivists: I have a question for you. (1 message)
Auditorium design (1 message)
AULA (1 message)
avail periodicals (thru 3/10/2011): arch / int des / pres (1 message)
avail: U & lc (Upper and Lower Case) (1 message)
Available periodical issues : Artist's Proof (1 message)
available periodicals (1 message)
Available Periodicals (duplicates) (1 message)
Available: Fine Woodworking and Woodworker's Journal various issues from 1977-1988 (1 message)
available: Journal of the American Planning Association (bound: 1980-1996) (1 message)
Berlin Open Access Conference Series Number 9, November 9-10, 2011 (1 message)
Book club themes (1 message)
book sales? (6 messages)
Bound serials available (1 message)
Built Works Registry update at VRA + ARLIS/NA conference (1 message)
C&RL open access (1 message)
call for minutes and notes from VRA + ARLIS/NA joint conference (1 message)
Call for notetaker for the Academic Division Meeting (1 message)
Call for proposals - ALA 2011 Presentation & Visual Literacy Standards Implementation (1 message)
Call for volunteer recorder, Architecture Section meeting at ARLIS/NA/VRA Minneapolis (1 message)
Cataloging Question (1 message)
Cataloging Section Meeting, Sunday March 27th (1 message)
Classics & Archaeology at VRA & ARLIS/NA? (1 message)
Classics & Archaeology Meeting--Thursday, 5 pm (1 message)
Claude de France (1 message)
Collection Development Special Interest Group Meeting (1 message)
Conference Photos on Flickr (2 messages)
Conference: Fashion, Textile & Costume Special Interest Group Meeting (1 message)
Contemporary Inuit art online symposium (1 message)
Convocatoria abierta a propuestas para ponencias y talleres en ARLIS/NA Toronto 2012 (1 message)
Curators and Archivists Collaborate: Building Contextual Richness in Art Exhibitions (1 message)
Dance article needed (1 message)
DEADLINE TODAY @ 5PM PST Public Library Subject Specialists SURVEY DUE 3/11/11 (1 message)
designinform databases - Free to Access (1 message)
Digital archives of Contract magazine (1 message)
Digital document retention and archiving policy (1 message)
Duplicate Issues of "View Camera" and "Camera Arts" Available (1 message)
Electronic Cataloging In Publication (ECIP) (1 message)
European Commission Rules That Dan Flavin and Bill Viola's Art is Actually "Wall Lighting Fittings" (1 message)
exhibition catalog (1 message)
Fashion, Textile & Costume Librarians: New ARLIS/NA Special Interest Group (SIG) (1 message)
Fashion, Textile & Costume Librarians: New ARLIS/NA Special Interest Group (SIG)] (1 message)
Fashion, Textile & Costume SIG time change: Sunday 1:30 (1 message)
Fashion, Textiles & Costume SIG Meeting (1 message)
Fashion: Now & Then Symposium at LIM College (1 message)
Film Periodicals for Donation (1 message)
Free One-Day Symposium at the Corcoran in Washington, DC: Saturday, March 26 (1 message)
free Thieme-Becker (1 message)
FRENCH ART & ARCHITECTURE, New Catalogue (1 message)
Frick Art Reference Library: RLG Round Robin for 2011 (1 message)
From the ALA Washington Office: Judge Rejects Google Book Search Amended Settlement Agreement (1 message)
Gertrude Stein quote (1 message)
Getty Research Institute RLG Round Robin Report (1 message)
Google Images search questions (1 message)
Gordon Lebredt Nonworks now available for purchase (1 message)
Graduate Student Opportunity: Writing With Images: An Art Symposium (1 message)
Great deals are to be had for your libraries at next week's Silent Auction in Minneapolis! (1 message)
Harvard GSD news (1 message)
Help Finding a Publisher of Art Books in Arabic (3 messages)
Image Reference Question (1 message)
Industrial Arts and other design journals (1 message)
Interlibrary Loan SIG (1 message)
IRIS Collaborative Meeting at VRA/ARLIS Conference: Call for Agenda Items (1 message)
Issues Available: National Gallery of Art Annual Report (1 message)
Jenny on the Job artist, Kula Robbins (1 message)
Job Posting - Architecture and Planning Librarian, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY (1 message)
Job Posting - Art Librarian, Barnes Foundation (Merion, PA) (1 message)
Job Posting - Director of Hamon Arts Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas (1 message)
Job Posting - Photographer II / Digital Imaging Specialist, Massachusetts College of Art and Design (1 message)
Joint conference (1 message)
Judge Rules Against Richard Prince in Copyright Case (1 message)
Kate Steinitz (2 messages)
Kate Trauman Steinitz - art librarian (3 messages)
LACMA, IAP, and Bibliography (1 message)
Let Books Be Your Pleasure Gardens: Modern Artists Illustrate Jewish Texts (exhibition and panel discussion) (1 message)
Live from Minneapolis, it's ARLIS/NY! (1 message)
Lunchtime Chat on Friday: "Meet Me in Minneapolis" (1 message)
Lunchtime Chat, Friday March 18: "Meet Me In Minneapolis: The 2011 VRA + ARLIS-NA Joint Conference" (1 message)
Mar. 23 - Chuck Close + Lyle Ashton Harris - An Artist Dialogue (1 message)
March 31 Deadline for VRA Foundation Project Grant (1 message)
March 31 Deadline for VRA Foundation Project Grant Application (1 message)
Materials Libraries SIG Meeting (1 message)
Materials Special Interest Group Blog: material|resource (1 message)
Meet Greg Borman, ArLiSNAP Conference Blogger (1 message)
Metadata May Events Help Build Your Toolkit - 15-Mar-11: METRO Feature Story article (1 message)
Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives is pleased to announce that a newly processed collection is now open for scholarly research (1 message)
MIA exhibition free to conference attendees (1 message)
Minneapolis conference - Add a workshop, event or tour! (1 message)
Minneapolis Conference last blog report! (1 message)
Minneapolis conference weekly blog report (3 messages)
Museum Library Division Meeting Agenda (1 message)
National Gallery of Art Annual Reports update: Year 2002 unavailable (1 message)
National Gallery of Art Library RLG "Round Robin" Report (1 message)
Needed: Art Libraries Journal (1 message)
Needed: Film Bulletin (NY) (1 message)
New Anthology on Chapel Decoration (1 message)
New anthology on Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1 message)
New book on American artist Jon Corbino (1 message)
New book: Splendor and Pageantry: Textile Treasures from the Armenian Orthodox Churches of Istanbul (1 message)
New books from Women's Studio Workshop (1 message)
new edition of ARLIS/NA Reviews (1 message)
New Image Set from Scholars Resource (1 message)
new publication announcement - The New Woman International: Representations in Photography and Film from the 1870s through the 1960s (1 message)
New York Technical Services Librarians Annual Reception for Librarians, Information Professionals and Library School Students, April 1, 2011 (1 message)
Nicandri article received (1 message)
Nice coverage of the new book (1 message)
Nominations for 2012-2016 CAA Board (1 message)
Note-takers needed for Postcards Workshop and FTC SIG Meeting (1 message)
notes from two VRA +ARLIS 2011 conference sessions (1 message)
One or two scans, please.... (1 message)
Open Studio on Thursday - Express + Local: NYC Aesthetics Exhibition at Queens College Art Center (1 message)
Organizational Collaboration: Building Bridges between ARLIS/NA and VRA (1 message)
PDF Preview now online (1 message)
Peck & Newman article received (1 message)
Periodical Indexes (1 message)
periodicals missing issues sought (2 messages)
Photo SIG I & II (1 message)
Photography Librarians SIG (1 message)
Plan for Emergencies to Avert Disasters! - Save the date: May 3, 2011 in Chicago (1 message)
Pls RSVP by Mar 7: RLG Round Robin Q's (3 messages)
PM / A-D (1 message)
Position available: ARLIS/NA Professional Resources Editor (1 message)
Prepare for the Unexpected! Disaster Planning for Cultural Collections - May 3, 2011 in Chicago (1 message)
Public Library Subject Specialists SURVEY DUE 3/11/11 (1 message)
Rare Books and Archives in museum libraries (2 messages)
RDA and art libraries? (3 messages)
Reference and Information Services (RISS) meeting agenda (1 message)
Remembrances at ARLIS/NA Membership Meeting (1 message)
Reminder - Sunday Event in Minneapolis (1 message)
Reminder--Kress Award for European Travel (1 message)
Reminder: ARTstor Travel Awards Deadline Extended to Monday April 4th (1 message)
Reminder: Call for proposals - ALA 2011 Presentation & Visual Literacy Standards Implementation (1 message)
Research & Intersections Within Practice (1 message)
review of the year in art cataloging 2010-2011 (1 message)
RLG Round Robin Qs: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (1 message)
Save the Date! ARLIS/NA, Northern CA. Spring Meeting (1 message)
Save the date! IAIN BAXTER& Talk @ York University, Apr. 21 12:00-1:30 (1 message)
Scanning companies (1 message)
Scholarship Reminder for Exhibition Design and Management (1 message)
Scott Andrew McDowell (1 message)
Second International Conference on the Image (1 message)
Seeking article (2 messages)
SEI 2011: Register Now! (1 message)
serial exchange (1 message)
Serials available (1 message)
Shhh.... Silent Auction! Deadline Reminder and Announcing Another Outstanding Donation. (1 message)
SLA 2011 Conference Preview Program Now Available (2 messages)
Specific Object at The Dependent Art Fair (1 message)
Specific Object Presents: Sammlung Ludwig : Art of the Sixties & Hans Haacke : The Chocolate Master (1 message)
subscription services (1 message)
Suggestions please on fiber arts magazines (2 messages)
Teaching Librarians Discussion Group - Call for volunteers (1 message)
Textile/fiber arts magazines.... (1 message)
The Kodachrome Toronto archive (2 messages)
The Modern Art Iraq Archive (MAIA) (1 message)
The Morgan Library & Museum: RLG Round Robin (1 message)
Today! Lunchtime Chat: "Meet Me In Minneapolis" (1 message)
Toronto 2012 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Papers and Workshops (2 messages)
Toronto 2012 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Process (1 message)
TWO CAT DIGITAL gift certificates at the conference (1 message)
Uncovering the photography/painting link (1 message)
Upcoming ARLIS/NA Book Arts Special Interest Group (1 message)
Vasari concordanza (1 message)
VCat User Survey--last call! (1 message)
Vendor Slam (1 message)
Viva Voce (1 message)
VRA and ARLIS/NA 2011 Joint Conference - Final changes and Self-Scheduled Meetings (1 message)
Web Edits: DEADLINE! (1 message)
What could RDA do better than AACR2? (1 message)
Who's using Who's Who (1 message)
World Art - First Issue Now Available Free Online (1 message)
WPA or Federal Art Project ArtArt (1 message)
Xpert Media Search and Attribution service (1 message)
Young Japanese Artists' Books (1 message)
[ARLIS-L] RDA and art libraries? (1 message)
[District Dispatch] ALA: Senate Judiciary Committee takes step toward fix for PATRIOT’s ‘library provision’ (1 message)





Subject Sorted by Subject, Chronologically




New Thread

2011 VRA and ARLIS/NA 2nd Joint Conference, Minneapolis - our dynamic SCHED

2011 VRA and ARLIS/NA 2nd Joint Conference, Minneapolis - our dynamic SCHED

Heidi Raatz

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 09:43:59 -0600

116 lines

New Thread

2nd Annual Veg*n ARLIS/NA dinner

2nd Annual Veg*n ARLIS/NA dinner

Heather Slania

Tue, 22 Mar 2011 15:26:32 -0400

36 lines

New Thread

4th Annual Artist's Book Symposium at SCAD Atlanta

4th Annual Artist's Book Symposium at SCAD Atlanta

Mary Murphy

Fri, 4 Mar 2011 14:28:11 -0500

67 lines

New Thread

8th Annual Exhibition of Special Library Projects

8th Annual Exhibition of Special Library Projects

Katya Pereyaslavska

Fri, 18 Mar 2011 15:48:42 -0400

28627 lines

New Thread

A museum book club resource

A museum book club resource

Greg Albers

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 10:02:04 -0700

50 lines

New Thread

A new face at the ARLIS/NA Conference...

A new face at the ARLIS/NA Conference...

[log in to unmask]

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 22:44:07 +0100

63 lines

New Thread

A Toronto event , May 6-7 free

A Toronto event , May 6-7 free

Zita Murphy

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 17:04:09 -0400

36898 lines

New Thread

Academic Division Mtg notetaker found!

Academic Division Mtg notetaker found!

Patricia Kosco Cossard

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 11:40:18 -0400

143 lines

New Thread

ADSL Division meeting agenda

ADSL Division meeting agenda

Elinor Nacheman

Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:15:45 -0400

206 lines

New Thread

Agenda Call: Academic Division Meeting

Agenda Call: Academic Division Meeting

Patricia Kosco Cossard

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:39:10 -0400

108 lines

New Thread

An exemplary art librarian!

An exemplary art librarian!

Chris Mees

Sun, 20 Mar 2011 11:11:46 +0000

208 lines

New Thread

an IFAR program on the Rembrandt Research Project

FW: an IFAR program on the Rembrandt Research Project

Soehner, Ken

Sat, 5 Mar 2011 15:33:42 -0500

429 lines

New Thread

Announcement - Museums acquire Bill Burns Edition

Announcement - Museums acquire Bill Burns Edition

Miles Collyer

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 15:33:42 -0500

788 lines

New Thread

announcing 2-week summer copyright class

announcing 2-week summer copyright class

Howard Besser

Thu, 3 Mar 2011 23:08:37 -0500

58 lines

New Thread

Announcing ArLiSNAP's Next Coordinator

Announcing ArLiSNAP's Next Coordinator

Bryan Loar

Tue, 22 Mar 2011 07:43:47 -0400

978 lines

New Thread

Announcing the ARLIS/NA Libguide & Pathfinder Directory

Announcing the ARLIS/NA Libguide & Pathfinder Directory

Virginia Allison

Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:36:30 -0700

72 lines

Re: Announcing the ARLIS/NA Libguide & Pathfinder Directory

Billings, Cathy

Tue, 22 Mar 2011 13:55:00 -0700

331 lines

New Thread

Announcing the Award Recipients of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation Summer Educational Institute Scholarships

Announcing the Award Recipients of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation Summer Educational Institute Scholarships

Schaub, Elizabeth

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:40:55 -0500

158 lines

New Thread

Annual Reports

Annual Reports

Nedda Ahmed

Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:18:33 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

April Printmaking trip to Cuba

April Printmaking trip to Cuba

Steve Daiber

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 19:35:45 -0500

332 lines

New Thread

Architectural information encoding

FW: Architectural information encoding

Barbara Ann Opar

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 13:44:23 -0500

32 lines

New Thread

Architecture Section Meeting Agenda!

Architecture Section Meeting Agenda!

Kathy Edwards

Fri, 18 Mar 2011 15:33:56 -0400

301 lines

New Thread

ARLIS NA Toronto 2012 : Demande de soumissions pour des communications et des ateliers

ARLIS NA Toronto 2012 : Demande de soumissions pour des communications et des ateliers

Patrick, Jill

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:10:33 -0400

384 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA Conference Evaluation and Feedback

ARLIS/NA Conference Evaluation and Feedback

Patrick, Jill

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 16:32:25 -0400

44 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA Membership Meeting - March 26

ARLIS/NA Membership Meeting - March 26

Marilyn Russell

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:37:38 -0500

248 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA Public Policy Committee Business Meeting, Thursday, March 24

ARLIS/NA Public Policy Committee Business Meeting, Thursday, March 24

Lawson, Roger

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:01:04 -0400

461 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA Strategic Plan - Call for Focus Groups Participation

ARLIS/NA Strategic Plan - Call for Focus Groups Participation

Patricia Barnett

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 16:57:21 -0400

937 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA Strategic Planning - Next Step - Focus Groups

ARLIS/NA Strategic Planning - Next Step - Focus Groups

Patricia Barnett

Tue, 22 Mar 2011 13:05:42 -0400

799 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NY & Thomas J. Watson Library present a Career Advisement Program for Students and Recent Graduates

ARLIS/NY & Thomas J. Watson Library present a Career Advisement Program for Students and Recent Graduates

Karyn Anonia

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 09:14:52 -0400

363 lines

New Thread

ArLiSNAP Section Petition

ArLiSNAP Section Petition

Bryan Loar

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 07:23:01 -0500

197 lines

New Thread

Ars Libri in the Boston Globe on Facebook

Ars Libri in the Boston Globe on Facebook

Gabriele Ouellette

Mon, 28 Mar 2011 11:47:32 -0400

316 lines

New Thread

Art & Design School Division Members

Art & Design School Division Members

Elinor Nacheman

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 12:04:46 -0500

127 lines

New Thread

Art & Design School Libraries Division-recorder needed

Art & Design School Libraries Division-recorder needed

Gabrielle Reed

Fri, 11 Mar 2011 09:26:04 -0500

198 lines

New Thread

Art Bulletin duplicates

Art Bulletin duplicates

Alison Huftalen

Mon, 14 Mar 2011 15:41:10 -0400

51 lines

New Thread

Artfinder - Social media + Art

Artfinder - Social media + Art

Bailey Diers

Sat, 5 Mar 2011 10:57:27 -0800

37 lines

New Thread

Article needed (desperately)

Article needed (desperately)

Bill Cole

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 23:46:35 +0100

32 lines

Re: Article needed (desperately)

Bill Cole

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 13:34:37 +0100

44 lines

New Thread

article request

article request

Jenniffer Hudson Connors

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 09:29:14 -0500

121 lines

article request

Jenniffer Hudson Connors

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 10:21:13 -0500

123 lines

New Thread

article requested

article requested

Jamie McFarlane

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 12:16:13 -0500

129 lines

New Thread

Articles Needed

Articles Needed

Karen Hutchison

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 13:09:12 -0500

150 lines

New Thread

Articles Received

Articles Received

Karen Hutchison

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 14:52:07 -0500

191 lines

New Thread

Artist Files Working Group - volunteer located.

Artist Files Working Group - volunteer located.

Sally McKay

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 14:52:09 -0700

180 lines

New Thread

Artist Files Working Group meeting - recorder needed

Artist Files Working Group meeting - recorder needed

Sally McKay

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:00:05 -0700

108 lines

New Thread

Artists' Books Collection for sale

Artists' Books Collection for sale

Steve Clay

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 10:24:06 -0400

74 lines

New Thread

Artists' Books from Women's Studio Workshop exhibition catalog

Artists' Books from Women's Studio Workshop exhibition catalog


Mon, 7 Mar 2011 10:05:17 -0500

131 lines

New Thread

ARTstor Travel Awards 2011—Deadline extended to Monday, April 4, 2011

ARTstor Travel Awards 2011—Deadline extended to Monday, April 4, 2011

Caroline Caviness

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:12:32 -0400

129 lines

New Thread

Assistance needed with a French thesis

Assistance needed with a French thesis

Ravas, Tammy

Mon, 28 Mar 2011 13:21:24 -0600

221 lines

New Thread

Attendees from Canada and WNY

Attendees from Canada and WNY

Patrick, Jill

Sat, 19 Mar 2011 17:35:54 -0400

239 lines

New Thread

Attention ADSL Memebers

Attention ADSL Memebers

Gabrielle Reed

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 14:49:36 -0400

297 lines

New Thread

Attention Reference Archivists: I have a question for you.

Attention Reference Archivists: I have a question for you.

Amanda Meeks

Sat, 12 Mar 2011 17:39:00 -0800

62 lines

New Thread

Auditorium design

Auditorium design

Alison Huftalen

Mon, 28 Mar 2011 09:23:46 -0400

80 lines

New Thread



Barbara Ann Opar

Mon, 14 Mar 2011 14:36:59 -0400

73 lines

New Thread

avail periodicals (thru 3/10/2011): arch / int des / pres

avail periodicals (thru 3/10/2011): arch / int des / pres

Steve Majure

Fri, 4 Mar 2011 11:43:07 -0500

146 lines

New Thread

avail: U & lc (Upper and Lower Case)

avail: U & lc (Upper and Lower Case)

Steve Majure

Wed, 23 Mar 2011 08:23:31 -0400

116 lines

New Thread

Available periodical issues : Artist's Proof

Fwd: Available periodical issues : Artist's Proof

Stephen McCaughey

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 22:42:06 -0500

69 lines

New Thread

available periodicals

available periodicals


Thu, 17 Mar 2011 14:30:54 +0000

487 lines

New Thread

Available Periodicals (duplicates)

Available Periodicals (duplicates)

Lightner, Karen

Mon, 14 Mar 2011 13:28:54 -0400

318 lines

New Thread

Available: Fine Woodworking and Woodworker's Journal various issues from 1977-1988

Available: Fine Woodworking and Woodworker's Journal various issues from 1977-1988

Lopez, Margaret

Sun, 6 Mar 2011 15:38:08 -0800

265 lines

New Thread

available: Journal of the American Planning Association (bound: 1980-1996)

available: Journal of the American Planning Association (bound: 1980-1996)

Steve Majure

Fri, 25 Mar 2011 10:07:49 -0400

96 lines

New Thread

Berlin Open Access Conference Series Number 9, November 9-10, 2011

FW: Berlin Open Access Conference Series Number 9, November 9-10, 2011

Lawson, Roger

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 09:37:51 -0400

462 lines

New Thread

Book club themes

Book club themes

Alison Huftalen

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 17:35:19 -0400

74 lines

New Thread

book sales?

book sales?

Lauren Paustian

Tue, 15 Mar 2011 17:15:03 +0000

277 lines

Re: book sales?

Leigh Gates

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 08:32:55 -0500

490 lines

Re: book sales?

Christine Sammon

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 08:52:33 -0600

8371 lines

Re: book sales?

Brodhead, Heather

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 18:38:29 +0000

622 lines

Re: book sales?

Debby Aframe

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 15:36:29 -0400

568 lines

Re: book sales?

Susan Ferrer-Vinent

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 21:55:04 +0000

743 lines

New Thread

Bound serials available

Bound serials available

Daniel Biddle

Mon, 14 Mar 2011 13:24:11 -0400

365 lines

New Thread

Built Works Registry update at VRA + ARLIS/NA conference

Built Works Registry update at VRA + ARLIS/NA conference

Carole Ann Fabian

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 16:32:34 -0400

42 lines

New Thread

C&RL open access

C&RL open access

Gendron, Heather Hope

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:17:23 +0000

157 lines

New Thread

call for minutes and notes from VRA + ARLIS/NA joint conference

call for minutes and notes from VRA + ARLIS/NA joint conference

Amy Naughton

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 15:13:57 -0500

90 lines

New Thread

Call for notetaker for the Academic Division Meeting

Call for notetaker for the Academic Division Meeting

Patricia Kosco Cossard

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:46:08 -0400

88 lines

New Thread

Call for proposals - ALA 2011 Presentation & Visual Literacy Standards Implementation

Call for proposals - ALA 2011 Presentation & Visual Literacy Standards Implementation

Denise Hattwig

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 13:42:30 -0800

656 lines

New Thread

Call for volunteer recorder, Architecture Section meeting at ARLIS/NA/VRA Minneapolis

Call for volunteer recorder, Architecture Section meeting at ARLIS/NA/VRA Minneapolis

Kathy Edwards

Tue, 15 Mar 2011 17:44:10 -0400

136 lines

New Thread

Cataloging Question

Cataloging Question

Sylvia Welsh

Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:12:35 -0400

27 lines

New Thread

Cataloging Section Meeting, Sunday March 27th

Cataloging Section Meeting, Sunday March 27th

Laurie H Chipps

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 12:55:14 -0500

98 lines

New Thread

Classics & Archaeology at VRA & ARLIS/NA?

Classics & Archaeology at VRA & ARLIS/NA?

Amy Ciccone

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 15:54:38 -0700

27 lines

New Thread

Classics & Archaeology Meeting--Thursday, 5 pm

Classics & Archaeology Meeting--Thursday, 5 pm

Amy Ciccone

Tue, 22 Mar 2011 15:45:23 -0700

419 lines

New Thread

Claude de France

Claude de France

jean luc deuffic / pecia

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 19:04:07 +0100

74 lines

New Thread

Collection Development Special Interest Group Meeting

Collection Development Special Interest Group Meeting

Hannah B. Bennett

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:46:56 +0000

132 lines

New Thread

Conference Photos on Flickr

Conference Photos on Flickr

Rebecca Moss

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 14:16:35 -0500

37 lines

Re: Conference Photos on Flickr

rachel resnik

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 18:00:02 -0400

190 lines

New Thread

Conference: Fashion, Textile & Costume Special Interest Group Meeting

Conference: Fashion, Textile & Costume Special Interest Group Meeting

Ley, Sandra

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 12:28:36 -0700

123 lines

New Thread

Contemporary Inuit art online symposium

Contemporary Inuit art online symposium

McKenzie, Karen

Tue, 8 Mar 2011 01:20:03 +0000

327 lines

New Thread

Convocatoria abierta a propuestas para ponencias y talleres en ARLIS/NA Toronto 2012

Convocatoria abierta a propuestas para ponencias y talleres en ARLIS/NA Toronto 2012

Patrick, Jill

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:28:33 -0400

55 lines

New Thread

Curators and Archivists Collaborate: Building Contextual Richness in Art Exhibitions

Curators and Archivists Collaborate: Building Contextual Richness in Art Exhibitions

rosemary k. j. davis

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 16:54:43 -0400

71 lines

New Thread

Dance article needed

Dance article needed

Virginia Allison

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 16:10:22 -0700

49 lines

New Thread

DEADLINE TODAY @ 5PM PST Public Library Subject Specialists SURVEY DUE 3/11/11

DEADLINE TODAY @ 5PM PST Public Library Subject Specialists SURVEY DUE 3/11/11

Resnick, Alyssa

Fri, 11 Mar 2011 10:24:28 -0800

319 lines

New Thread

designinform databases - Free to Access

designinform databases - Free to Access

Chris Mees

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 18:26:43 +0000

160 lines

New Thread

Digital archives of Contract magazine

Digital archives of Contract magazine

Leigh Gates

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 12:22:11 -0600

222 lines

New Thread

Digital document retention and archiving policy

Digital document retention and archiving policy

Christine L. Sundt

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 12:06:48 -0700

197 lines

New Thread

Duplicate Issues of "View Camera" and "Camera Arts" Available

Duplicate Issues of "View Camera" and "Camera Arts" Available

Samuel Duncan

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 22:34:17 +0000

287 lines

New Thread

Electronic Cataloging In Publication (ECIP)

Electronic Cataloging In Publication (ECIP)

Wisniewski, Julia

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 06:51:37 -0400

49 lines

New Thread

European Commission Rules That Dan Flavin and Bill Viola's Art is Actually "Wall Lighting Fittings"

Fwd: European Commission Rules That Dan Flavin and Bill Viola's Art is Actually "Wall Lighting Fittings"

Laurence McGilvery

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 13:00:39 -0700

81 lines

New Thread

exhibition catalog

exhibition catalog

Annamaria Poma-Swank

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 11:44:26 -0500

56 lines

New Thread

Fashion, Textile & Costume Librarians: New ARLIS/NA Special Interest Group (SIG)

Fashion, Textile & Costume Librarians: New ARLIS/NA Special Interest Group (SIG)

Ley, Sandra

Mon, 28 Feb 2011 22:55:30 -0700

182 lines

New Thread

Fashion, Textile & Costume Librarians: New ARLIS/NA Special Interest Group (SIG)]

Fwd: Fashion, Textile & Costume Librarians: New ARLIS/NA Special Interest Group (SIG)]

Annamaria Poma-Swank

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 17:45:57 +0100

92 lines

New Thread

Fashion, Textile & Costume SIG time change: Sunday 1:30

Fashion, Textile & Costume SIG time change: Sunday 1:30

Ley, Sandra

Thu, 24 Mar 2011 16:19:26 -0700

178 lines

New Thread

Fashion, Textiles & Costume SIG Meeting

Fashion, Textiles & Costume SIG Meeting

Ley, Sandra

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 13:20:11 -0700

199 lines

New Thread

Fashion: Now & Then Symposium at LIM College

Fashion: Now & Then Symposium at LIM College

Lisa Ryan

Fri, 4 Mar 2011 12:59:35 -0500

132 lines

New Thread

Film Periodicals for Donation

Film Periodicals for Donation

Morrison, Rachael

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 12:07:26 -0400

197 lines

New Thread

Free One-Day Symposium at the Corcoran in Washington, DC: Saturday, March 26

Free One-Day Symposium at the Corcoran in Washington, DC: Saturday, March 26

Jacqueline Protka

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 10:55:52 -0700

256 lines

New Thread

free Thieme-Becker

free Thieme-Becker

Ted Goodman

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 10:14:25 -0400

26 lines

New Thread




Wed, 30 Mar 2011 19:43:03 +0000

122 lines

New Thread

Frick Art Reference Library: RLG Round Robin for 2011

Frick Art Reference Library: RLG Round Robin for 2011

Kempe, Deborah

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 19:17:31 +0000

726 lines

New Thread

From the ALA Washington Office: Judge Rejects Google Book Search Amended Settlement Agreement

From the ALA Washington Office: Judge Rejects Google Book Search Amended Settlement Agreement

Lawson, Roger

Wed, 23 Mar 2011 09:33:26 -0400

183 lines

New Thread

Gertrude Stein quote

Gertrude Stein quote


Thu, 10 Mar 2011 21:53:11 +0000

170 lines

New Thread

Getty Research Institute RLG Round Robin Report

Getty Research Institute RLG Round Robin Report

Kathleen Salomon

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 14:59:50 -0800

585 lines

New Thread

Google Images search questions

Google Images search questions

Peggy Keeran

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 13:05:12 -0600

314 lines

New Thread

Gordon Lebredt Nonworks now available for purchase

Gordon Lebredt Nonworks now available for purchase

Miles Collyer

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 14:06:05 -0500

759 lines

New Thread

Graduate Student Opportunity: Writing With Images: An Art Symposium

Graduate Student Opportunity: Writing With Images: An Art Symposium

Lonbom, Kathleen

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 14:29:59 -0600

104 lines

New Thread

Great deals are to be had for your libraries at next week's Silent Auction in Minneapolis!

Great deals are to be had for your libraries at next week's Silent Auction in Minneapolis!

Janice Lurie

Mon, 14 Mar 2011 17:21:53 -0500

114 lines

New Thread

Harvard GSD news

Harvard GSD news

Whiteside, Ann Baird

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 15:27:55 -0400

147 lines

New Thread

Help Finding a Publisher of Art Books in Arabic

Help Finding a Publisher of Art Books in Arabic

Moira Steven

Mon, 28 Mar 2011 15:22:21 -0400

88 lines

Re: Help Finding a Publisher of Art Books in Arabic

Julie Jones

Mon, 28 Mar 2011 16:11:05 -0400

84 lines

Re: Help Finding a Publisher of Art Books in Arabic

Claire Dannenbaum

Mon, 28 Mar 2011 14:53:43 -0700

174 lines

New Thread

Image Reference Question

Image Reference Question

Lockard, Ray Anne

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 12:40:51 -0400

166 lines

New Thread

Industrial Arts and other design journals

Industrial Arts and other design journals

Chris Mees

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 12:20:29 +0000

195 lines

New Thread

Interlibrary Loan SIG

Interlibrary Loan SIG

Alba Fernandez-Keys

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 14:47:52 +0000

148 lines

New Thread

IRIS Collaborative Meeting at VRA/ARLIS Conference: Call for Agenda Items

IRIS Collaborative Meeting at VRA/ARLIS Conference: Call for Agenda Items

Musolff, Meghan

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 10:23:59 -0500

146 lines

New Thread

Issues Available: National Gallery of Art Annual Report

Issues Available: National Gallery of Art Annual Report

Morrison, Rachael

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 11:37:07 -0400

245 lines

New Thread

Jenny on the Job artist, Kula Robbins

Jenny on the Job artist, Kula Robbins

Lonbom, Kathleen

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 14:00:43 -0600

35 lines

New Thread

Job Posting - Architecture and Planning Librarian, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

Job Posting - Architecture and Planning Librarian, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

Judy Dyki

Sat, 19 Mar 2011 00:50:49 +0000

146 lines

New Thread

Job Posting - Art Librarian, Barnes Foundation (Merion, PA)

Job Posting - Art Librarian, Barnes Foundation (Merion, PA)

Judy Dyki

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 17:09:36 +0000

182 lines

New Thread

Job Posting - Director of Hamon Arts Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas

Job Posting - Director of Hamon Arts Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas

Judy Dyki

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 16:27:54 +0000

375 lines

New Thread

Job Posting - Photographer II / Digital Imaging Specialist, Massachusetts College of Art and Design

Job Posting - Photographer II / Digital Imaging Specialist, Massachusetts College of Art and Design

Judy Dyki

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 03:18:57 +0000

132 lines

New Thread

Joint conference

Joint conference

Evans, Jon

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 09:20:49 -0500

367 lines

New Thread

Judge Rules Against Richard Prince in Copyright Case

Judge Rules Against Richard Prince in Copyright Case

Lawson, Roger

Tue, 22 Mar 2011 14:52:49 -0400

130 lines

New Thread

Kate Steinitz

Kate Steinitz

Raymond Smith

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 17:37:44 -0500

181 lines

Re: Kate Steinitz

Lee Sorensen

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 18:43:38 -0400

467 lines

New Thread

Kate Trauman Steinitz - art librarian

Kate Trauman Steinitz - art librarian

Chris Mees

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 21:21:02 +0000

122 lines

Re: Kate Trauman Steinitz - art librarian

Collins, Kim

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 16:34:43 -0400

348 lines

Kate Trauman Steinitz - art librarian

Chris Mees

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 22:27:05 +0000

156 lines

New Thread

LACMA, IAP, and Bibliography

LACMA, IAP, and Bibliography

Christine Kuan

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 12:08:54 -0400

535 lines

New Thread

Let Books Be Your Pleasure Gardens: Modern Artists Illustrate Jewish Texts (exhibition and panel discussion)

Let Books Be Your Pleasure Gardens: Modern Artists Illustrate Jewish Texts (exhibition and panel discussion)

Rossman, Jae

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 14:02:59 -0400

131 lines

New Thread

Live from Minneapolis, it's ARLIS/NY!

Live from Minneapolis, it's ARLIS/NY!

Lane, Elizabeth

Wed, 23 Mar 2011 23:02:21 +0000

200 lines

New Thread

Lunchtime Chat on Friday: "Meet Me in Minneapolis"

Lunchtime Chat on Friday: "Meet Me in Minneapolis"

Heather Koopmans

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 08:40:17 -0400

137 lines

New Thread

Lunchtime Chat, Friday March 18: "Meet Me In Minneapolis: The 2011 VRA + ARLIS-NA Joint Conference"

Lunchtime Chat, Friday March 18: "Meet Me In Minneapolis: The 2011 VRA + ARLIS-NA Joint Conference"

Heather Koopmans

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 08:50:30 -0500

139 lines

New Thread

Mar. 23 - Chuck Close + Lyle Ashton Harris - An Artist Dialogue

Mar. 23 - Chuck Close + Lyle Ashton Harris - An Artist Dialogue


Wed, 16 Mar 2011 10:10:10 -0400

341 lines

New Thread

March 31 Deadline for VRA Foundation Project Grant

March 31 Deadline for VRA Foundation Project Grant

David Green

Tue, 22 Mar 2011 16:26:11 -0400

149 lines

New Thread

March 31 Deadline for VRA Foundation Project Grant Application

March 31 Deadline for VRA Foundation Project Grant Application

David Green

Tue, 8 Mar 2011 19:55:05 -0500

111 lines

New Thread

Materials Libraries SIG Meeting

Materials Libraries SIG Meeting

Mark Pompelia

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 09:54:39 -0400

88 lines

New Thread

Materials Special Interest Group Blog: material|resource

Materials Special Interest Group Blog: material|resource

Mark Pompelia

Wed, 16 Mar 2011 10:33:40 -0400

104 lines

New Thread

Meet Greg Borman, ArLiSNAP Conference Blogger

Meet Greg Borman, ArLiSNAP Conference Blogger

Bryan Loar

Tue, 22 Mar 2011 15:40:23 -0400

154 lines

New Thread

Metadata May Events Help Build Your Toolkit - 15-Mar-11: METRO Feature Story article

Metadata May Events Help Build Your Toolkit - 15-Mar-11: METRO Feature Story article

Kempe, Deborah

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 18:27:29 +0000

267 lines

New Thread

Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives is pleased to announce that a newly processed collection is now open for scholarly research

Metropolitan Museum of Art Archives is pleased to announce that a newly processed collection is now open for scholarly research

Bowling, Melissa

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 13:09:18 -0500

61 lines

New Thread

MIA exhibition free to conference attendees

MIA exhibition free to conference attendees


Thu, 3 Mar 2011 13:29:04 -0600

148 lines

New Thread

Minneapolis conference - Add a workshop, event or tour!

Minneapolis conference - Add a workshop, event or tour!


Tue, 1 Mar 2011 11:41:32 -0600

154 lines

New Thread

Minneapolis Conference last blog report!

Minneapolis Conference last blog report!


Tue, 22 Mar 2011 14:06:55 -0500

308 lines

New Thread

Minneapolis conference weekly blog report

Minneapolis conference weekly blog report


Thu, 3 Mar 2011 12:21:56 -0600

266 lines

Minneapolis conference weekly blog report


Fri, 11 Mar 2011 07:58:58 -0600

249 lines

Minneapolis conference weekly blog report


Wed, 16 Mar 2011 14:48:35 -0500

253 lines

New Thread

Museum Library Division Meeting Agenda

Museum Library Division Meeting Agenda

Viverette, Lee (VMFA)

Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:41:49 -0400

262 lines

New Thread

National Gallery of Art Annual Reports update: Year 2002 unavailable

National Gallery of Art Annual Reports update: Year 2002 unavailable

Lawson, Roger

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 14:29:52 -0500

239 lines

New Thread

National Gallery of Art Library RLG "Round Robin" Report

Re: National Gallery of Art Library RLG "Round Robin" Report

Lawson, Roger

Fri, 4 Mar 2011 12:18:32 -0500

500 lines

New Thread

Needed: Art Libraries Journal

Needed: Art Libraries Journal

Morrison, Rachael

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 11:32:20 -0500

219 lines

New Thread

Needed: Film Bulletin (NY)

Needed: Film Bulletin (NY)

Morrison, Rachael

Fri, 4 Mar 2011 11:59:00 -0500

176 lines

New Thread

New Anthology on Chapel Decoration

New Anthology on Chapel Decoration

Lilian Zirpolo

Tue, 8 Mar 2011 11:34:24 -0500

131 lines

New Thread

New anthology on Francesco di Giorgio Martini

New anthology on Francesco di Giorgio Martini

Eric Wolf

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 16:37:30 -0600

97 lines

New Thread

New book on American artist Jon Corbino

New book on American artist Jon Corbino

McKee, Linda

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 15:20:42 -0500

7302 lines

New Thread

New book: Splendor and Pageantry: Textile Treasures from the Armenian Orthodox Churches of Istanbul

New book: Splendor and Pageantry: Textile Treasures from the Armenian Orthodox Churches of Istanbul

Riedlmayer, Andras

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 09:59:04 -0400

38 lines

New Thread

New books from Women's Studio Workshop

New books from Women's Studio Workshop


Wed, 16 Mar 2011 16:20:57 -0400

123 lines

New Thread

new edition of ARLIS/NA Reviews

new edition of ARLIS/NA Reviews

Wilson, Terrie

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 15:33:52 +0000

156 lines

New Thread

New Image Set from Scholars Resource

New Image Set from Scholars Resource

Renate Wiedenhoeft

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 06:49:36 -0600

107 lines

New Thread

new publication announcement - The New Woman International: Representations in Photography and Film from the 1870s through the 1960s

new publication announcement - The New Woman International: Representations in Photography and Film from the 1870s through the 1960s

Cheryl M Costello

Tue, 15 Mar 2011 11:25:34 -0400

311 lines

New Thread

New York Technical Services Librarians Annual Reception for Librarians, Information Professionals and Library School Students, April 1, 2011

New York Technical Services Librarians Annual Reception for Librarians, Information Professionals and Library School Students, April 1, 2011

Krauss, Rodica Tanjala

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 17:24:21 +0000

243 lines

New Thread

Nicandri article received

Nicandri article received

Jenniffer Hudson Connors

Wed, 9 Mar 2011 10:40:06 -0500

93 lines

New Thread

Nice coverage of the new book

Nice coverage of the new book

Richard Minsky

Thu, 24 Mar 2011 07:31:04 -0400

22 lines

New Thread

Nominations for 2012-2016 CAA Board

Nominations for 2012-2016 CAA Board

Laura K. Graveline

Thu, 3 Mar 2011 11:41:05 -0500

56 lines

New Thread

Note-takers needed for Postcards Workshop and FTC SIG Meeting

Note-takers needed for Postcards Workshop and FTC SIG Meeting

Ley, Sandra

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 14:47:05 -0700

116 lines

New Thread

notes from two VRA +ARLIS 2011 conference sessions

notes from two VRA +ARLIS 2011 conference sessions

Amy Naughton

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 11:48:31 -0500

32 lines

New Thread

One or two scans, please....

One or two scans, please....

Bill Cole

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 16:51:42 +0100

40 lines

New Thread

Open Studio on Thursday - Express + Local: NYC Aesthetics Exhibition at Queens College Art Center

Open Studio on Thursday - Express + Local: NYC Aesthetics Exhibition at Queens College Art Center


Tue, 22 Mar 2011 18:24:32 -0400

317 lines

New Thread

Organizational Collaboration: Building Bridges between ARLIS/NA and VRA

Organizational Collaboration: Building Bridges between ARLIS/NA and VRA

Elaine Paul

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 16:49:34 -0700

240 lines

New Thread

PDF Preview now online

PDF Preview now online

Richard Minsky

Fri, 4 Mar 2011 14:02:30 -0500

34 lines

New Thread

Peck & Newman article received

Peck & Newman article received

Jenniffer Hudson Connors

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 14:05:41 -0500

150 lines

New Thread

Periodical Indexes

Periodical Indexes

Sheila A. Cork

Tue, 15 Mar 2011 08:57:44 -0700

71 lines

New Thread

periodicals missing issues sought

periodicals missing issues sought


Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:00:15 -0400

460 lines

periodicals missing issues sought


Wed, 16 Mar 2011 15:46:47 -0400

86 lines

New Thread

Photo SIG I & II

Photo SIG I & II

Deirdre Donohue

Thu, 24 Mar 2011 09:15:50 -0400

45 lines

New Thread

Photography Librarians SIG

Photography Librarians SIG

Deirdre Donohue

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 17:17:28 -0400

121 lines

New Thread

Plan for Emergencies to Avert Disasters! - Save the date: May 3, 2011 in Chicago

Plan for Emergencies to Avert Disasters! - Save the date: May 3, 2011 in Chicago


Thu, 3 Mar 2011 14:06:08 -0500

98 lines

New Thread

Pls RSVP by Mar 7: RLG Round Robin Q's

Re: Pls RSVP by Mar 7: RLG Round Robin Q's


Fri, 4 Mar 2011 16:52:31 -0500

320 lines

Re: Pls RSVP by Mar 7: RLG Round Robin Q's

Marianne Cavanaugh

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 09:31:15 -0600

361 lines

Re: Pls RSVP by Mar 7: RLG Round Robin Q's

Eric Wolf

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 11:49:31 -0600

322 lines

New Thread

PM / A-D

PM / A-D

Chris Mees

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 18:42:34 +0000

128 lines

New Thread

Position available: ARLIS/NA Professional Resources Editor

FW: Position available: ARLIS/NA Professional Resources Editor


Fri, 11 Mar 2011 13:29:04 -0500

559 lines

New Thread

Prepare for the Unexpected! Disaster Planning for Cultural Collections - May 3, 2011 in Chicago

Prepare for the Unexpected! Disaster Planning for Cultural Collections - May 3, 2011 in Chicago


Tue, 15 Mar 2011 10:28:02 -0400

132 lines

New Thread

Public Library Subject Specialists SURVEY DUE 3/11/11

Public Library Subject Specialists SURVEY DUE 3/11/11

Resnick, Alyssa

Fri, 4 Mar 2011 09:55:42 -0800

236 lines

New Thread

Rare Books and Archives in museum libraries

Rare Books and Archives in museum libraries

Susan Ferrer-Vinent

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 17:34:47 +0000

94 lines

Re: Rare Books and Archives in museum libraries

Joan Benedetti

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 12:06:44 -0700

253 lines

New Thread

RDA and art libraries?

RDA and art libraries?

Heidi Rempel

Mon, 28 Feb 2011 20:52:41 -0800

48 lines

RDA and art libraries?

Sherman Clarke

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 20:54:35 -0500

27 lines

Re: RDA and art libraries?

Stylianopoulos, Louann (lws4n)

Thu, 3 Mar 2011 14:33:02 -0500

73 lines

New Thread

Reference and Information Services (RISS) meeting agenda

Reference and Information Services (RISS) meeting agenda


Tue, 22 Mar 2011 13:17:57 -0700

59 lines

New Thread

Remembrances at ARLIS/NA Membership Meeting

Remembrances at ARLIS/NA Membership Meeting

Marilyn Russell

Tue, 8 Mar 2011 11:59:52 -0600

149 lines

New Thread

Reminder - Sunday Event in Minneapolis

Reminder - Sunday Event in Minneapolis

Richard Minsky

Sat, 26 Mar 2011 07:39:32 -0400

29 lines

New Thread

Reminder--Kress Award for European Travel

Reminder--Kress Award for European Travel

Kristen Regina

Tue, 8 Mar 2011 22:21:40 +0000

227 lines

New Thread

Reminder: ARTstor Travel Awards Deadline Extended to Monday April 4th

Reminder: ARTstor Travel Awards Deadline Extended to Monday April 4th

Caroline Caviness

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 20:06:37 -0400

80 lines

New Thread

Reminder: Call for proposals - ALA 2011 Presentation & Visual Literacy Standards Implementation

Reminder: Call for proposals - ALA 2011 Presentation & Visual Literacy Standards Implementation

Denise Hattwig

Tue, 15 Mar 2011 13:51:43 -0700

691 lines

New Thread

Research & Intersections Within Practice

Research & Intersections Within Practice

Tammy Moorse

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 11:49:38 -0500

234 lines

New Thread

review of the year in art cataloging 2010-2011

review of the year in art cataloging 2010-2011

Sherman Clarke

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 10:58:45 -0400

25 lines

New Thread

RLG Round Robin Qs: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

RLG Round Robin Qs: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Marilyn Carbonell

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 12:50:45 -0600

333 lines

New Thread

Save the Date! ARLIS/NA, Northern CA. Spring Meeting

Save the Date! ARLIS/NA, Northern CA. Spring Meeting

Leia Casey

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 18:25:45 -0700

94 lines

New Thread

Save the date! IAIN BAXTER& Talk @ York University, Apr. 21 12:00-1:30

Save the date! IAIN BAXTER& Talk @ York University, Apr. 21 12:00-1:30

Adam Lauder

Wed, 23 Mar 2011 07:36:26 -0400

4370 lines

New Thread

Scanning companies

Scanning companies

Kempe, Deborah

Fri, 4 Mar 2011 19:48:51 +0000

192 lines

New Thread

Scholarship Reminder for Exhibition Design and Management

Scholarship Reminder for Exhibition Design and Management

Image Science

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 12:45:26 +0100

61 lines

New Thread

Scott Andrew McDowell

Scott Andrew McDowell

Jane Carlin

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 08:25:13 -0800

298 lines

New Thread

Second International Conference on the Image

Second International Conference on the Image

Henri, Janine

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 10:32:49 -0700

171 lines

New Thread

Seeking article

Seeking article

Rachael DiEleuterio

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 18:58:47 +0000

566 lines

Re: Seeking article

Rachael DiEleuterio

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 16:00:51 +0000

737 lines

New Thread

SEI 2011: Register Now!

SEI 2011: Register Now!

Schaub, Elizabeth

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 12:28:14 -0500

122 lines

New Thread

serial exchange

serial exchange

Weber, Elka

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 20:30:44 +0000

256 lines

New Thread

Serials available

Serials available

Daniel Biddle

Mon, 14 Mar 2011 13:23:32 -0400

618 lines

New Thread

Shhh.... Silent Auction! Deadline Reminder and Announcing Another Outstanding Donation.

Shhh.... Silent Auction! Deadline Reminder and Announcing Another Outstanding Donation.

Janice Lurie

Tue, 8 Mar 2011 10:24:41 -0600

92 lines

New Thread

SLA 2011 Conference Preview Program Now Available

FW: SLA 2011 Conference Preview Program Now Available

Marianne Cavanaugh

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 14:41:08 -0600

630 lines

Re: FW: SLA 2011 Conference Preview Program Now Available

Linda Andrews

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 16:52:46 -0600

859 lines

New Thread

Specific Object at The Dependent Art Fair

Specific Object at The Dependent Art Fair

David Platzker

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 11:41:24 -0500

217 lines

New Thread

Specific Object Presents: Sammlung Ludwig : Art of the Sixties & Hans Haacke : The Chocolate Master

Specific Object Presents: Sammlung Ludwig : Art of the Sixties & Hans Haacke : The Chocolate Master

David Platzker

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 15:51:30 -0500

399 lines

New Thread

subscription services

subscription services


Mon, 7 Mar 2011 15:19:29 +0000

135 lines

New Thread

Suggestions please on fiber arts magazines

Suggestions please on fiber arts magazines

Moira Steven

Fri, 25 Mar 2011 13:42:24 -0400

78 lines

Re: Suggestions please on fiber arts magazines


Mon, 28 Mar 2011 16:51:23 -0400

208 lines

New Thread

Teaching Librarians Discussion Group - Call for volunteers

Teaching Librarians Discussion Group - Call for volunteers

Krista Ivy

Fri, 4 Mar 2011 10:54:04 -0800

221 lines

New Thread

Textile/fiber arts magazines....

Textile/fiber arts magazines....

Ley, Sandra

Fri, 25 Mar 2011 22:04:17 -0700

66 lines

New Thread

The Kodachrome Toronto archive

The Kodachrome Toronto archive

Lee Eltzroth

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 09:01:24 -0700

39 lines

Re: The Kodachrome Toronto archive

Margaret English

Wed, 30 Mar 2011 11:46:35 -0400

152 lines

New Thread

The Modern Art Iraq Archive (MAIA)

The Modern Art Iraq Archive (MAIA)

Charles E. Jones

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 12:54:55 -0600

37 lines

New Thread

The Morgan Library & Museum: RLG Round Robin

The Morgan Library & Museum: RLG Round Robin

V. Heidi Hass

Mon, 7 Mar 2011 15:55:57 -0500

411 lines

New Thread

Today! Lunchtime Chat: "Meet Me In Minneapolis"

Today! Lunchtime Chat: "Meet Me In Minneapolis"

Heather Koopmans

Fri, 18 Mar 2011 10:10:30 -0400

139 lines

New Thread

Toronto 2012 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Papers and Workshops

Toronto 2012 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Papers and Workshops

Patrick, Jill

Sat, 26 Mar 2011 19:19:19 -0400

57 lines

Toronto 2012 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Papers and Workshops

Patrick, Jill

Sun, 27 Mar 2011 18:04:15 -0400

219 lines

New Thread

Toronto 2012 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Process

Toronto 2012 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Process

Patrick, Jill

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 15:48:30 -0400

27 lines

New Thread

TWO CAT DIGITAL gift certificates at the conference

TWO CAT DIGITAL gift certificates at the conference

Howard Brainen

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 12:03:19 -0700

137 lines

New Thread

Uncovering the photography/painting link

Uncovering the photography/painting link

Lee Eltzroth

Thu, 31 Mar 2011 12:59:33 -0700

60 lines

New Thread

Upcoming ARLIS/NA Book Arts Special Interest Group

Upcoming ARLIS/NA Book Arts Special Interest Group

Teresa Burk

Tue, 8 Mar 2011 17:37:00 -0500

48 lines

New Thread

Vasari concordanza

Vasari concordanza

Amanda Gluibizzi

Thu, 3 Mar 2011 09:54:11 -0500

179 lines

New Thread

VCat User Survey--last call!

Re: VCat User Survey--last call!

Fry, P. Eileen

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 16:40:42 +0000

40 lines

New Thread

Vendor Slam

Vendor Slam

Rebecca Moss

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 19:41:50 -0500

76 lines

New Thread

Viva Voce

Viva Voce


Tue, 22 Mar 2011 11:00:34 EDT

143 lines

New Thread

VRA and ARLIS/NA 2011 Joint Conference - Final changes and Self-Scheduled Meetings

VRA and ARLIS/NA 2011 Joint Conference - Final changes and Self-Scheduled Meetings

Heidi Raatz

Thu, 17 Mar 2011 14:25:23 -0500

182 lines

New Thread

Web Edits: DEADLINE!

Web Edits: DEADLINE!

Nedda Ahmed

Tue, 22 Mar 2011 11:21:08 -0400

30 lines

New Thread

What could RDA do better than AACR2?

What could RDA do better than AACR2?

Heidi Rempel

Thu, 3 Mar 2011 09:52:24 -0800

45 lines

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Who's using Who's Who

Who's using Who's Who

Maryke Barber

Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:28:34 -0400

164 lines

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World Art - First Issue Now Available Free Online

World Art - First Issue Now Available Free Online

Henri, Janine

Fri, 11 Mar 2011 12:48:31 -0800

114 lines

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WPA or Federal Art Project ArtArt

WPA or Federal Art Project ArtArt

Lockard, Ray Anne

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 09:25:53 -0500

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Xpert Media Search and Attribution service

FW: Xpert Media Search and Attribution service

Henri, Janine

Fri, 18 Mar 2011 10:05:04 -0700

345 lines

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Young Japanese Artists' Books

Young Japanese Artists' Books

Catherine Krudy

Tue, 1 Mar 2011 18:55:30 -0500

46 lines

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[ARLIS-L] RDA and art libraries?

FW: [ARLIS-L] RDA and art libraries?

Barbara Ann Opar

Wed, 2 Mar 2011 11:20:01 -0500

114 lines

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[District Dispatch] ALA: Senate Judiciary Committee takes step toward fix for PATRIOT’s ‘library provision’

FW: [District Dispatch] ALA: Senate Judiciary Committee takes step toward fix for PATRIOT’s ‘library provision’

Lawson, Roger

Thu, 10 Mar 2011 15:37:20 -0500

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