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ARLIS-L Archives

February 2008


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Table of Contents:

2008 ARLIS/NE Awards and Scholarship winners (1 message)
3 Day UCLA Extension Course: Document Imaging and Document Management: Spring 2008 (1 message)
ACRL Immersion participants/alumni (1 message)
Announce: New Catalogue: Artist as Curator, Museum as Site 2 (1 message)
Announcement from the Getty Vocabulary Program (1 message)
Announcement: ARLIS/Southern California Chapter Judith A. Hoffberg Travel Award (1 message)
Announcement: ARLIS/Southern California Chapter Student Travel Award (1 message)
Announcement: New MoMA Exhibition (1 message)
Arch Lib-query - German journals on architecture (1 message)
Archives Management & Preservation Program for the Library Professional - Register Now! (1 message)
ARLIS Denver a reminder of special events!!!! AND Registration (1 message)
ARLIS-L Digest - 4 Feb 2008 to 5 Feb 2008 (#2008-27) (1 message)
ARLIS/NA at Altitude – Silent Auction (1 message)
ARLIS/NA at Altitude - Denver Parks and Neighborhoods tour (1 message)
ARLIS/NA Delaware Valley Chapter Spring Meeting (1 message)
ARLIS/NA Year-Long Mentoring Program Workshop Fri. May 2 (1 message)
Art + Design Schools: Request for Survey Participation (1 message)
Art Sales Index (1 message)
Art Sales Index & Gordon's (1 message)
Art Sales Index and Gordon's (1 message)
Articles of interest (1 message) (1 message)
Attention ARLIS/NA Travel Award Applicants (1 message)
avail until Feb 8: Preservation News & Historic Preservation News (old) (1 message)
Available issues of Border Crossings (1 message)
Available: Art Magazines (1 message)
available: Historic Preservation (1 message)
Available: International Review of African American Art (1 message)
available: Worldwide Books various catalogs/journals (1 message)
B.J. Kish Irvine Graduate Scholarship at Indiana University (1 message)
Bienes Museum - New Publication (1 message)
Book Symposium @ Duke University (1 message)
Bylaws Ballot Correction (1 message)
Cahiers Centre Pompidou available (1 message)
Call for Virtual Poster Proposals!! There's Still Time! (1 message)
can anyone point me in direction to find this image? Painting by Anton von Maron (1 message)
Central Plains Chapter Conference Travel Grant awarded (1 message)
Cross posted question about resource statistics (1 message)
Curatorial Clinics (1 message)
Daphne Cross Roloff (2 messages)
Deadline Extension for H.W. Wilson Foundation Research Grant Applications (1 message)
Deadline Reminder - ARLIS/NA 2008 Travel Awards - Friday Feb. 29 (1 message)
Denver (1 message)
Denver 2008 Conference Blog! (1 message)
Denver conference poster sessions (1 message)
Duplicate Periodicals (1 message)
Exhibition Images and Podcast of Metaphor Taking Shape: Poetry, Art, and the Book (1 message)
Exhibition Update: Metaphor Taking Shape: Poetry, Art, and the Book at Yale University (1 message)
Extended Deadline for Worldwide Books Publication Award (1 message)
Feb. 11th - Artist Career Development Lecture (1 message)
found it thanks Painting by Anton von Maron (1 message)
Geovisualization software (1 message)
GRAV citation help (1 message)
Guide International des Experts & Specialistes, 2008 (1 message)
Helene E. Roberts (3 messages)
Helmut Newton's SUMO (1 message)
History of the tomato pincushion (2 messages)
In memoriam: Judith Holliday (2 messages)
Inserted material in a book: how to use it? (1 message)
Introduction to Media Preservation Workshops (1 message)
Jaume Plensa exhibition catalog (1 message)
Job exchange opportunity to London (1 message)
Job Posting - Part-time Visual Resources Librarian - UW-Stout, Art and Design (1 message)
Job Posting: Byzantine Assistant Curator - Dumbarton Oaks Research Library (1 message)
Job Posting: Cataloguer Project Assistant - The Jewish Museum (1 message)
Job Posting: Head of the Art & Architecture Library - Virginia Tech (1 message)
Job Posting: Head, Arts and Special Collections - Carnegie Mellon University (1 message)
Job Posting: Pre-Columbian Assistant Curator - Dumbarton Oaks Research Library (1 message)
Job Posting: Visual Resources Manager - The Barnes Foundation (1 message)
Journal of Artist's Books new website (1 message)
Journals Available - 9 titles - various issues (1 message)
Journals Available - ART & AUCTION (1 message)
Journals Available - ART IN AMERICA (1 message)
Journals Available - ART NEWS (1 message)
Journals Available - ART NEWS ANNUAL (1 message)
Journals Available - Artist's Magazine (1 message)
Journals Available - ARTS MAGAZINE (1 message)
Journals Available - AZURE (1 message)
Journals Available --AMERICAN ART REVIEW (1 message)
Journals Available: American Artist (1 message)
Journals Available: Architectural Digest (1 message)
Journals Available: ART & ANTIQUES (1 message)
Journals Available: Various Architecture Related - 7 titles (1 message)
largess (1 message)
largesse -- duplicate periodicals, 2007 (1 message)
Last Chance - Apply for an ARLIS/NA Travel Award! (1 message)
library grants (1 message)
looking for replacement journals (1 message)
March 3rd - Art:21 at Mid-Manhattan Library (1 message)
Marietta Bushnell Boyer Conference Travel Award. (1 message)
Media Collection and movie rental service Question (2 messages)
Meet the Exhibitors at the Denver Conference (1 message)
Monet (1 message)
National Gallery Technical Bulletin - online (1 message)
need: American Photo (1 message)
need: Designer/Builder - 12: 2, Jul/Aug 2005 (1 message)
need: Fiberarts (4 issues - 2004 & 2006) (1 message)
need: House & Garden (London) 2007 (1 message)
New Addition to the Website (1 message)
new Book: Salmagundi Club Painting Exhibition Records 1889-1939 (1 message)
New Canadian Book (1 message)
New LC Permalink Service in production (1 message)
New Spanish art conservation book collection (1 message)
news from Virginia (1 message)
NYTSL Spring Reception, March 7, 2008 at NYPL (1 message)
OCLC - WorldCat (1 message)
Online CCO-Standardized Records (1 message)
Our latest bulletin (1 message)
Periodicals available (1 message)
Periodicals offered (1 message)
President's Message (1 message)
Publication Announcement: Trends in Rare Book & Documents Special Collections (1 message)
Purgatory Pie Press at RISD (1 message)
Queens College Art Center presents White Landscape: Drawings by Jin Lee (1 message)
query - German journals on architecture -soryy-not need to respond (1 message)
query about Architectural record online (1 message)
query about publications exchange (1 message)
recommended blogs for art exhibit reviews? (3 messages)
Reference question (3 messages)
Reference question - answered (1 message)
reference question: 20th C architect, poet and painter (1 message)
Register Now! CCAHA Disaster, Protection and Security Program in May 2008 (1 message)
Reminder -- Ballots Due (1 message)
Replacement Journals Request I (1 message)
Replacement Journals Request II (1 message)
Robert Beverly Hale on DVD (1 message)
Room sharing (1 message)
roommate (1 message)
Roommate(s) for ARLIS/NA Conference in Denver (1 message)
Sacra Conversazione - books and articles? (1 message)
Save the Date for ARLIS/NA Year Long Mentoring Program Workshop in Denver (1 message)
Sculpture Journal article (1 message)
SEI 2008 is filling up fast! (1 message)
SEI 2008 Registration to Open Monday, Feb. 4 (1 message)
SEI Reunion at VRA Conference in San Diego! (1 message)
Society Circle membership (1 message)
Spiral Jetty & oil drilling within sight (1 message)
Stock Footage (1 message)
student's query on Jackie Kennedy's pink suit (2 messages)
Subject headings of interest to art librarians (1 message)
Support for practiced-based research? (1 message)
Symposium of 19th C. Publishers' Bindings Feb. 22 (1 message)
The Well-Dressed Book: A Symposium on Nineteenth-Century American Cloth Binding (1 message)
Tonight - Art:21 at Mid-Manhattan Library (1 message)
Vacuum Cleaner (1 message)
Virtual Museums - need information (1 message)
where I found Painting by Anton von Maron (1 message)
William C. Bunce Travel Award announced (1 message)
Wilson Art Abstracts (1 message)
Winberta Yao Travel Award announced (1 message)
Workshops and Tours in Denver 2008! (1 message)
Worldwide Books Award for Electronic Publications Deadline Extended (1 message)
Writing about Art resource (1 message)
[Spam] Job Posting: Processing Archivist - Quadriga Art Inc. (1 message)
[Spam] Search Competition for Librarians at New Information Portal (1 message)





Subject Sorted by Subject, Most Recent First




New Thread

2008 ARLIS/NE Awards and Scholarship winners

2008 ARLIS/NE Awards and Scholarship winners

Darin Murphy

Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:43:03 -0500

95 lines

New Thread

3 Day UCLA Extension Course: Document Imaging and Document Management: Spring 2008

3 Day UCLA Extension Course: Document Imaging and Document Management: Spring 2008

Steve Gilheany

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 00:29:25 -0800

288 lines

New Thread

ACRL Immersion participants/alumni

ACRL Immersion participants/alumni

Coco Halverson

Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:41:00 -0800

45 lines

New Thread

Announce: New Catalogue: Artist as Curator, Museum as Site 2

Announce: New Catalogue: Artist as Curator, Museum as Site 2

Judith Pynchon

Tue, 26 Feb 2008 13:07:17 -0500

48 lines

New Thread

Announcement from the Getty Vocabulary Program

Announcement from the Getty Vocabulary Program

Jonathan Ward

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:41:54 -0800

47 lines

New Thread

Announcement: ARLIS/Southern California Chapter Judith A. Hoffberg Travel Award

Announcement: ARLIS/Southern California Chapter Judith A. Hoffberg Travel Award

Skye Lacerte

Tue, 5 Feb 2008 09:06:34 -0800

689 lines

New Thread

Announcement: ARLIS/Southern California Chapter Student Travel Award

Announcement: ARLIS/Southern California Chapter Student Travel Award

Skye Lacerte

Tue, 5 Feb 2008 09:06:42 -0800

658 lines

New Thread

Announcement: New MoMA Exhibition

Announcement: New MoMA Exhibition

Lill, Jonathan

Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:52:34 -0500

131 lines

New Thread

Arch Lib-query - German journals on architecture

Arch Lib-query - German journals on architecture

Michaela Zonnenshain

Sun, 24 Feb 2008 09:02:10 +0200

95 lines

New Thread

Archives Management & Preservation Program for the Library Professional - Register Now!

Archives Management & Preservation Program for the Library Professional - Register Now!

Andrews, Kim

Tue, 26 Feb 2008 14:41:47 -0500

572 lines

New Thread

ARLIS Denver a reminder of special events!!!! AND Registration

ARLIS Denver a reminder of special events!!!! AND Registration

Wolfe, Paula

Fri, 1 Feb 2008 11:17:18 -0700

511 lines

New Thread

ARLIS-L Digest - 4 Feb 2008 to 5 Feb 2008 (#2008-27)

Re: ARLIS-L Digest - 4 Feb 2008 to 5 Feb 2008 (#2008-27)

Joel J. Rane

Thu, 7 Feb 2008 12:27:30 -0800

232 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA at Altitude – Silent Auction

ARLIS/NA at Altitude – Silent Auction

Nancy Pistorius

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 13:33:28 -0700

46 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA at Altitude - Denver Parks and Neighborhoods tour

ARLIS/NA at Altitude - Denver Parks and Neighborhoods tour

Riedel, Thomas

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 20:25:25 -0700

32 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA Delaware Valley Chapter Spring Meeting

ARLIS/NA Delaware Valley Chapter Spring Meeting

Andrea S. Goldstein

Wed, 20 Feb 2008 15:05:58 -0500

51 lines

New Thread

ARLIS/NA Year-Long Mentoring Program Workshop Fri. May 2

ARLIS/NA Year-Long Mentoring Program Workshop Fri. May 2

V. Heidi Hass

Thu, 21 Feb 2008 12:36:40 -0500

148 lines

New Thread

Art + Design Schools: Request for Survey Participation

Art + Design Schools: Request for Survey Participation

Amy Naughton

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 16:16:12 -0600

144 lines

New Thread

Art Sales Index

Art Sales Index

Brodhead, Heather

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 15:45:46 -0800

218 lines

New Thread

Art Sales Index & Gordon's

Re: Art Sales Index & Gordon's

Daniel B. Soules

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 13:44:03 -0500

318 lines

New Thread

Art Sales Index and Gordon's

Art Sales Index and Gordon's

Harper, Lucy

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:51:14 -0500

114 lines

New Thread

Articles of interest

Articles of interest

Leigh Gates

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 07:57:56 -0600

112 lines

New Thread

Sarah Quimby

Fri, 8 Feb 2008 10:44:27 -0600

33 lines

New Thread

Attention ARLIS/NA Travel Award Applicants

Attention ARLIS/NA Travel Award Applicants

Jennifer N Parker

Fri, 29 Feb 2008 14:18:03 -0700

43 lines

New Thread

avail until Feb 8: Preservation News & Historic Preservation News (old)

avail until Feb 8: Preservation News & Historic Preservation News (old)

Stephen (Steve) Majure

Wed, 6 Feb 2008 14:15:30 -0500

74 lines

New Thread

Available issues of Border Crossings

Available issues of Border Crossings


Thu, 28 Feb 2008 10:36:27 -0500

152 lines

New Thread

Available: Art Magazines

Available: Art Magazines

Emily Rafferty

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 13:27:21 -0500

1751 lines

New Thread

available: Historic Preservation

available: Historic Preservation

Stephen (Steve) Majure

Wed, 27 Feb 2008 14:22:07 -0500

80 lines

New Thread

Available: International Review of African American Art

Available: International Review of African American Art

Patrick Tomlin

Thu, 21 Feb 2008 14:34:33 -0500

138 lines

New Thread

available: Worldwide Books various catalogs/journals

available: Worldwide Books various catalogs/journals

Cyndi Adamo

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 10:14:00 -0500

426 lines

New Thread

B.J. Kish Irvine Graduate Scholarship at Indiana University

B.J. Kish Irvine Graduate Scholarship at Indiana University

White, Tony

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 18:19:22 -0500

192 lines

New Thread

Bienes Museum - New Publication

Bienes Museum - New Publication

Findlay, James

Tue, 5 Feb 2008 08:52:03 -0500

331 lines

New Thread

Book Symposium @ Duke University

Book Symposium @ Duke University

John Taormina

Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:56:22 -0500

228 lines

New Thread

Bylaws Ballot Correction

Bylaws Ballot Correction

Rebecca Price

Fri, 15 Feb 2008 14:50:44 -0500

50 lines

New Thread

Cahiers Centre Pompidou available

Cahiers Centre Pompidou available

Jennifer Van Etten

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 16:10:46 -0500

291 lines

New Thread

Call for Virtual Poster Proposals!! There's Still Time!

Call for Virtual Poster Proposals!! There's Still Time!

Joan Stahl

Mon, 11 Feb 2008 15:59:53 -0500

66 lines

New Thread

can anyone point me in direction to find this image? Painting by Anton von Maron

can anyone point me in direction to find this image? Painting by Anton von Maron

Wolfe, Paula

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 15:40:28 -0700

408 lines

New Thread

Central Plains Chapter Conference Travel Grant awarded

Central Plains Chapter Conference Travel Grant awarded

Frechette, Mary E.

Sat, 16 Feb 2008 14:55:09 -0600

36 lines

New Thread

Cross posted question about resource statistics

Cross posted question about resource statistics

Merriann Bidgood

Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:50:25 -0800

41 lines

New Thread

Curatorial Clinics

Curatorial Clinics

Ellen Rohmiller

Wed, 6 Feb 2008 10:28:39 -0500

36 lines

New Thread

Daphne Cross Roloff

Daphne Cross Roloff


Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:55:08 -0500

66 lines

Daphne Cross Roloff

Jack Brown

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 16:04:36 -0600

82 lines

New Thread

Deadline Extension for H.W. Wilson Foundation Research Grant Applications

Deadline Extension for H.W. Wilson Foundation Research Grant Applications

Alan R. Michelson

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 15:18:36 -0800

46 lines

New Thread

Deadline Reminder - ARLIS/NA 2008 Travel Awards - Friday Feb. 29

Deadline Reminder - ARLIS/NA 2008 Travel Awards - Friday Feb. 29

Jennifer N Parker

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:54:28 -0700

53 lines

New Thread



linda psomas

Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:28:59 -0800

71 lines

New Thread

Denver 2008 Conference Blog!

Denver 2008 Conference Blog!

Peggy Keeran

Sat, 9 Feb 2008 10:11:36 -0700

171 lines

New Thread

Denver conference poster sessions

Denver conference poster sessions

Jeanne Brown

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:43:50 -0800

122 lines

New Thread

Duplicate Periodicals

Duplicate Periodicals

Marsha Stevenson

Thu, 21 Feb 2008 16:37:41 -0500

833 lines

New Thread

Exhibition Images and Podcast of Metaphor Taking Shape: Poetry, Art, and the Book

Exhibition Images and Podcast of Metaphor Taking Shape: Poetry, Art, and the Book

Jae Rossman

Tue, 5 Feb 2008 09:07:14 -0500

38 lines

New Thread

Exhibition Update: Metaphor Taking Shape: Poetry, Art, and the Book at Yale University

Exhibition Update: Metaphor Taking Shape: Poetry, Art, and the Book at Yale University

Jae Rossman

Fri, 29 Feb 2008 16:04:38 -0500

105 lines

New Thread

Extended Deadline for Worldwide Books Publication Award

Extended Deadline for Worldwide Books Publication Award

Alan R. Michelson

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 15:11:26 -0800

161 lines

New Thread

Feb. 11th - Artist Career Development Lecture

Feb. 11th - Artist Career Development Lecture

Arezoo Moseni

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 13:20:44 -0500

266 lines

New Thread

found it thanks Painting by Anton von Maron

found it thanks Painting by Anton von Maron

Wolfe, Paula

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 15:50:12 -0700

582 lines

New Thread

Geovisualization software

Geovisualization software

Amy Naughton

Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:34:40 -0600

32 lines

New Thread

GRAV citation help

GRAV citation help

Tom Caswell

Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:08:00 -0500

119 lines

New Thread

Guide International des Experts & Specialistes, 2008

Guide International des Experts & Specialistes, 2008

Jeri Byrne

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 13:27:10 -0800

89 lines

New Thread

Helene E. Roberts

Re: Helene E. Roberts

Helen Chillman

Tue, 26 Feb 2008 14:16:03 -0500

62 lines

Re: Helene E. Roberts

Jonathan Ward

Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:15:18 -0800

28 lines

Helene E. Roberts

Christine L. Sundt

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 23:06:53 -0800

72 lines

New Thread

Helmut Newton's SUMO

Helmut Newton's SUMO

Anne Morris

Thu, 7 Feb 2008 16:17:17 -0500

55 lines

New Thread

History of the tomato pincushion

Re: History of the tomato pincushion

Nancy Allen

Sun, 3 Feb 2008 10:25:00 -0500

679 lines

Re: History of the tomato pincushion

Gregory, Tori

Sat, 2 Feb 2008 00:48:35 -0600

303 lines

New Thread

In memoriam: Judith Holliday

In memoriam: Judith Holliday

Jeff Weidman

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 14:12:02 -0600

173 lines

In memoriam: Judith Holliday

Sherman Clarke

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 16:03:32 -0500

71 lines

New Thread

Inserted material in a book: how to use it?

Inserted material in a book: how to use it?

Kay Streng

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:06:54 -0600

106 lines

New Thread

Introduction to Media Preservation Workshops

Introduction to Media Preservation Workshops

Ann Butler

Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:47:59 -0500

155 lines

New Thread

Jaume Plensa exhibition catalog

Jaume Plensa exhibition catalog

Shelly Kilroy

Thu, 7 Feb 2008 11:22:35 -0500

270 lines

New Thread

Job exchange opportunity to London

Job exchange opportunity to London

Antonia Williamson

Fri, 1 Feb 2008 11:35:37 -0000

368 lines

New Thread

Job Posting - Part-time Visual Resources Librarian - UW-Stout, Art and Design

Job Posting - Part-time Visual Resources Librarian - UW-Stout, Art and Design


Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:48:22 -0700

265 lines

New Thread

Job Posting: Byzantine Assistant Curator - Dumbarton Oaks Research Library

Job Posting: Byzantine Assistant Curator - Dumbarton Oaks Research Library


Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:17:10 -0700

228 lines

New Thread

Job Posting: Cataloguer Project Assistant - The Jewish Museum

Job Posting: Cataloguer Project Assistant - The Jewish Museum


Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:34:57 -0700

408 lines

New Thread

Job Posting: Head of the Art & Architecture Library - Virginia Tech

Job Posting: Head of the Art & Architecture Library - Virginia Tech


Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:07:43 -0700

272 lines

New Thread

Job Posting: Head, Arts and Special Collections - Carnegie Mellon University

Job Posting: Head, Arts and Special Collections - Carnegie Mellon University


Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:36:24 -0700

497 lines

New Thread

Job Posting: Pre-Columbian Assistant Curator - Dumbarton Oaks Research Library

Job Posting: Pre-Columbian Assistant Curator - Dumbarton Oaks Research Library


Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:15:48 -0700

230 lines

New Thread

Job Posting: Visual Resources Manager - The Barnes Foundation

Job Posting: Visual Resources Manager - The Barnes Foundation


Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:25:10 -0700

274 lines

New Thread

Journal of Artist's Books new website

Journal of Artist's Books new website

White, Tony

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 18:03:10 -0500

62 lines

New Thread

Journals Available - 9 titles - various issues

Journals Available - 9 titles - various issues

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:46:25 -0500

457 lines

New Thread

Journals Available - ART & AUCTION

Journals Available - ART & AUCTION

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:37:17 -0500

313 lines

New Thread

Journals Available - ART IN AMERICA

Journals Available - ART IN AMERICA

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:33:17 -0500

506 lines

New Thread

Journals Available - ART NEWS

Journals Available - ART NEWS

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:30:13 -0500

527 lines

New Thread

Journals Available - ART NEWS ANNUAL

Journals Available - ART NEWS ANNUAL

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:26:45 -0500

267 lines

New Thread

Journals Available - Artist's Magazine

Journals Available - Artist's Magazine

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:22:49 -0500

350 lines

New Thread

Journals Available - ARTS MAGAZINE

Journals Available - ARTS MAGAZINE

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:48:49 -0500

297 lines

New Thread

Journals Available - AZURE

Journals Available - AZURE

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:50:48 -0500

267 lines

New Thread

Journals Available --AMERICAN ART REVIEW

Journals Available --AMERICAN ART REVIEW

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:12:29 -0500

298 lines

New Thread

Journals Available: American Artist

Journals Available: American Artist

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:17:09 -0500

604 lines

New Thread

Journals Available: Architectural Digest

Journals Available: Architectural Digest

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:21:33 -0500

355 lines

New Thread

Journals Available: ART & ANTIQUES

Journals Available: ART & ANTIQUES

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:24:41 -0500

347 lines

New Thread

Journals Available: Various Architecture Related - 7 titles

Journals Available: Various Architecture Related - 7 titles

Cyndi Adamo

Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:33:47 -0500

441 lines

New Thread



Gail R Gilbert

Thu, 7 Feb 2008 09:37:46 -0500

195 lines

New Thread

largesse -- duplicate periodicals, 2007

largesse -- duplicate periodicals, 2007

Karyn Hinkle

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 14:55:04 -0500

124 lines

New Thread

Last Chance - Apply for an ARLIS/NA Travel Award!

Last Chance - Apply for an ARLIS/NA Travel Award!

Jennifer N Parker

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 10:50:08 -0700

42 lines

New Thread

library grants

library grants

Annamaria Poma-Swank

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 10:17:43 +0100

36 lines

New Thread

looking for replacement journals

looking for replacement journals

Jillene Syphus

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 10:03:44 -0500

58 lines

New Thread

March 3rd - Art:21 at Mid-Manhattan Library

March 3rd - Art:21 at Mid-Manhattan Library

Arezoo Moseni

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 10:50:53 -0500

317 lines

New Thread

Marietta Bushnell Boyer Conference Travel Award.

Marietta Bushnell Boyer Conference Travel Award.

Andrea S. Goldstein

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 15:45:49 -0500

38 lines

New Thread

Media Collection and movie rental service Question

Re: Media Collection and movie rental service Question

Nora Daly

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 09:24:46 +0000

162 lines

Media Collection and movie rental service Question

Karen Cognato

Sat, 2 Feb 2008 16:12:07 +0000

53 lines

New Thread

Meet the Exhibitors at the Denver Conference

Meet the Exhibitors at the Denver Conference

Alba Fernandez-Keys

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:55:51 -0500

366 lines

New Thread



Shelly Kilroy

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 11:53:48 -0500

248 lines

New Thread

National Gallery Technical Bulletin - online

National Gallery Technical Bulletin - online

Susan Davi

Fri, 8 Feb 2008 12:55:53 -0500

51 lines

New Thread

need: American Photo

need: American Photo

Stephen (Steve) Majure

Tue, 26 Feb 2008 14:59:54 -0500

44 lines

New Thread

need: Designer/Builder - 12: 2, Jul/Aug 2005

need: Designer/Builder - 12: 2, Jul/Aug 2005

Stephen (Steve) Majure

Mon, 11 Feb 2008 12:07:50 -0500

39 lines

New Thread

need: Fiberarts (4 issues - 2004 & 2006)

need: Fiberarts (4 issues - 2004 & 2006)

Stephen (Steve) Majure

Wed, 27 Feb 2008 14:26:59 -0500

40 lines

New Thread

need: House & Garden (London) 2007

need: House & Garden (London) 2007

Stephen (Steve) Majure

Fri, 1 Feb 2008 14:29:49 -0500

37 lines

New Thread

New Addition to the Website

New Addition to the Website

Andrew Beccone

Tue, 19 Feb 2008 08:43:22 -0500

43 lines

New Thread

new Book: Salmagundi Club Painting Exhibition Records 1889-1939

new Book: Salmagundi Club Painting Exhibition Records 1889-1939


Thu, 14 Feb 2008 17:02:53 -0500

271 lines

New Thread

New Canadian Book

New Canadian Book

Eleanor Johnston

Tue, 26 Feb 2008 16:17:28 -0500

84 lines

New Thread

New LC Permalink Service in production

New LC Permalink Service in production

Sherman Clarke

Sun, 17 Feb 2008 15:37:55 -0500

54 lines

New Thread

New Spanish art conservation book collection

New Spanish art conservation book collection

Judy Dyki

Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:27:28 -0500

95 lines

New Thread

news from Virginia

news from Virginia

Gendron, Heather

Fri, 8 Feb 2008 13:48:25 -0500

330 lines

New Thread

NYTSL Spring Reception, March 7, 2008 at NYPL

NYTSL Spring Reception, March 7, 2008 at NYPL

Eric Wolf

Fri, 29 Feb 2008 16:09:43 -0500

292 lines

New Thread

OCLC - WorldCat

OCLC - WorldCat

Christine Sammon

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:01:23 -0700

293 lines

New Thread

Online CCO-Standardized Records

Online CCO-Standardized Records

Dov Frede

Tue, 19 Feb 2008 15:59:55 -0500

49 lines

New Thread

Our latest bulletin

Our latest bulletin

Michael Shamansky

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 22:09:10 -0500

183 lines

New Thread

Periodicals available

Periodicals available

Sheri Rosenzweig

Fri, 8 Feb 2008 15:37:44 -0500

1748 lines

New Thread

Periodicals offered

Periodicals offered

Moye, Stephanie

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 12:14:25 -0500

806 lines

New Thread

President's Message

President's Message

Deborah K. Ultan Boudewyns

Mon, 18 Feb 2008 15:31:08 -0600

192 lines

New Thread

Publication Announcement: Trends in Rare Book & Documents Special Collections

Publication Announcement: Trends in Rare Book & Documents Special Collections

James Moses

Wed, 6 Feb 2008 10:33:24 EST

293 lines

New Thread

Purgatory Pie Press at RISD

Purgatory Pie Press at RISD

Laurie Whitehill Chong

Fri, 1 Feb 2008 15:12:58 -0500

71 lines

New Thread

Queens College Art Center presents White Landscape: Drawings by Jin Lee

Queens College Art Center presents White Landscape: Drawings by Jin Lee


Tue, 5 Feb 2008 17:40:58 -0500

160 lines

New Thread

query - German journals on architecture -soryy-not need to respond

query - German journals on architecture -soryy-not need to respond

Michaela Zonnenshain

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 07:38:48 +0200

143 lines

New Thread

query about Architectural record online

query about Architectural record online

Michaela Zonnenshain

Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:41:49 +0200

97 lines

New Thread

query about publications exchange

query about publications exchange

Michaela Zonnenshain

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 14:47:35 +0200

79 lines

New Thread

recommended blogs for art exhibit reviews?

Re: recommended blogs for art exhibit reviews?

Jennifer Faist

Thu, 7 Feb 2008 16:32:14 -0800

281 lines

recommended blogs for art exhibit reviews?

Day, Ross

Tue, 5 Feb 2008 12:24:17 -0500

1076 lines

recommended blogs for art exhibit reviews?

Rachel Beckwith

Tue, 5 Feb 2008 08:54:11 -0500

105 lines

New Thread

Reference question

Reference question

Andre Ambrus

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:23:01 -0800

48 lines

Re: Reference Question

Fry, P. Eileen

Fri, 1 Feb 2008 10:35:32 -0500

378 lines

Reference Question

Craig, Susan V

Fri, 1 Feb 2008 08:55:56 -0600

105 lines

New Thread

Reference question - answered

Reference question - answered

Andre Ambrus

Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:13:55 -0800

49 lines

New Thread

reference question: 20th C architect, poet and painter

reference question: 20th C architect, poet and painter

Martha Walker

Wed, 27 Feb 2008 17:20:50 -0500

108 lines

New Thread

Register Now! CCAHA Disaster, Protection and Security Program in May 2008

Register Now! CCAHA Disaster, Protection and Security Program in May 2008

Andrews, Kim

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 11:07:06 -0500

713 lines

New Thread



Keefe, Jeanne M

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 13:52:27 -0500

341 lines

New Thread

Reminder -- Ballots Due

Reminder -- Ballots Due

Price, Rebecca

Fri, 29 Feb 2008 10:18:08 -0500

107 lines

New Thread

Replacement Journals Request I

Replacement Journals Request I

Keli Rylance

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:22:45 -0600

190 lines

New Thread

Replacement Journals Request II

Replacement Journals Request II

Keli Rylance

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:19:29 -0600

145 lines

New Thread

Robert Beverly Hale on DVD

Robert Beverly Hale on DVD

Margaret Ericson

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 15:24:21 -0500

29 lines

New Thread

Room sharing

Room sharing

David Sume

Mon, 18 Feb 2008 19:34:38 -0500

28 lines

New Thread



Liv Valmestad

Fri, 29 Feb 2008 12:05:40 -0600

77 lines

New Thread

Roommate(s) for ARLIS/NA Conference in Denver

Roommate(s) for ARLIS/NA Conference in Denver

Leanne Hindmarch

Mon, 18 Feb 2008 14:42:07 -0800

122 lines

New Thread

Sacra Conversazione - books and articles?

Sacra Conversazione - books and articles?

Peggy Keeran

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 13:53:58 -0700

200 lines

New Thread

Save the Date for ARLIS/NA Year Long Mentoring Program Workshop in Denver

Save the Date for ARLIS/NA Year Long Mentoring Program Workshop in Denver

V. Heidi Hass

Wed, 6 Feb 2008 17:52:22 -0500

160 lines

New Thread

Sculpture Journal article

Sculpture Journal article

Rachael Duffin

Fri, 8 Feb 2008 13:32:32 -0500

248 lines

New Thread

SEI 2008 is filling up fast!

SEI 2008 is filling up fast!

Keefe, Jeanne M

Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:55:13 -0500

372 lines

New Thread

SEI 2008 Registration to Open Monday, Feb. 4

SEI 2008 Registration to Open Monday, Feb. 4

Amy Lucker

Fri, 1 Feb 2008 12:15:17 -0500

86 lines

New Thread

SEI Reunion at VRA Conference in San Diego!

SEI Reunion at VRA Conference in San Diego!

Keefe, Jeanne M

Wed, 6 Feb 2008 10:03:08 -0500

197 lines

New Thread

Society Circle membership

Society Circle membership

Evans, Jon

Tue, 26 Feb 2008 16:01:42 -0600

133 lines

New Thread

Spiral Jetty & oil drilling within sight

Spiral Jetty & oil drilling within sight

Sherman Clarke

Tue, 5 Feb 2008 07:44:35 -0500

58 lines

New Thread

Stock Footage

Stock Footage

Larissa Beringer

Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:02:16 -0800

45 lines

New Thread

student's query on Jackie Kennedy's pink suit

Re: student's query on Jackie Kennedy's pink suit

Amy Naughton

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 14:04:09 -0600

58 lines

student's query on Jackie Kennedy's pink suit

Amy Naughton

Mon, 11 Feb 2008 16:49:59 -0600

37 lines

New Thread

Subject headings of interest to art librarians

Subject headings of interest to art librarians

Sidman, Angela

Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:02:33 -0500

90 lines

New Thread

Support for practiced-based research?

Support for practiced-based research?

Gwen Ryan

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 15:10:42 -0000

165 lines

New Thread

Symposium of 19th C. Publishers' Bindings Feb. 22

Symposium of 19th C. Publishers' Bindings Feb. 22

Richard Minsky

Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:07:28 -0500

56 lines

New Thread

The Well-Dressed Book: A Symposium on Nineteenth-Century American Cloth Binding

The Well-Dressed Book: A Symposium on Nineteenth-Century American Cloth Binding

Joan Stahl

Wed, 6 Feb 2008 14:25:26 -0500

65 lines

New Thread

Tonight - Art:21 at Mid-Manhattan Library

Tonight - Art:21 at Mid-Manhattan Library

Arezoo Moseni

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 13:25:32 -0500

339 lines

New Thread

Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum Cleaner

Judy Brzosko

Sat, 16 Feb 2008 07:51:34 -0500

60 lines

New Thread

Virtual Museums - need information

Virtual Museums - need information

Anandasivam Geraldene Kasthuri

Tue, 5 Feb 2008 13:58:44 +0800

363 lines

New Thread

where I found Painting by Anton von Maron

where I found Painting by Anton von Maron

Wolfe, Paula

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 16:20:02 -0700

632 lines

New Thread

William C. Bunce Travel Award announced

Re: William C. Bunce Travel Award announced

Fry, P. Eileen

Fri, 15 Feb 2008 14:33:34 -0500

49 lines

New Thread

Wilson Art Abstracts

Wilson Art Abstracts

Suzy Westenkirchner

Thu, 21 Feb 2008 10:55:10 -0600

88 lines

New Thread

Winberta Yao Travel Award announced

Winberta Yao Travel Award announced

Nina Stephenson

Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:58:58 -0700

50 lines

New Thread

Workshops and Tours in Denver 2008!

Workshops and Tours in Denver 2008!

Mary Graham

Wed, 20 Feb 2008 14:11:10 -0700

45 lines

New Thread

Worldwide Books Award for Electronic Publications Deadline Extended

Worldwide Books Award for Electronic Publications Deadline Extended

Alan R. Michelson

Mon, 4 Feb 2008 15:14:18 -0800

43 lines

New Thread

Writing about Art resource

Writing about Art resource


Sun, 17 Feb 2008 13:33:21 -0500

34 lines

New Thread

[Spam] Job Posting: Processing Archivist - Quadriga Art Inc.

[Spam] Job Posting: Processing Archivist - Quadriga Art Inc.


Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:38:32 -0700

285 lines

New Thread

[Spam] Search Competition for Librarians at New Information Portal

[Spam] Search Competition for Librarians at New Information Portal


Sun, 24 Feb 2008 07:38:49 -0800

178 lines

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