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January 2004


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Duplicate Periodicals Available

Mon, 5 Jan 2004 09:51:41 -0800

2668 lines


Mon, 5 Jan 2004 12:07:44 -0700

40 lines

ARLIS/MW Winberta Yao Travel Award deadline

Mon, 5 Jan 2004 15:04:09 -0700

100 lines

National Gallery of Art Internships: deadline approaching!

Mon, 5 Jan 2004 17:21:45 -0500

319 lines

Hanshan Tang New List 119

Tue, 6 Jan 2004 10:58:51 +0000

52 lines

Senior Library Supervisor - Brand Art & Music Library

Tue, 6 Jan 2004 08:41:50 -0500

143 lines

Deadline correction, National Gallery of Art Internships

Tue, 6 Jan 2004 10:33:21 -0500

310 lines

Albert Zahn: I'll Fly Away - New Publication

Tue, 6 Jan 2004 11:00:31 -0600

54 lines

Book edge and book-cradle photocopiers

Tue, 6 Jan 2004 09:26:18 -0800

317 lines

Archival Tissue papers

Tue, 6 Jan 2004 14:28:37 -0700

46 lines

catalogers attending ALA

Tue, 6 Jan 2004 17:46:23 -0500

56 lines

Art & Architecture Reference Librarian - University of Colorado at Boulder

Wed, 7 Jan 2004 08:50:03 -0500

57 lines

Book edge and book-cradle photocopiers

Wed, 7 Jan 2004 09:54:17 -0500

38 lines

Job Posting

Wed, 7 Jan 2004 09:01:46 -0600

100 lines

Book friendly copiers

Wed, 7 Jan 2004 11:44:05 -0500

399 lines

Just published: Visual Resources XIX:4 (2003)

Wed, 7 Jan 2004 09:05:50 -0800

62 lines

query regarding slide labels

Wed, 7 Jan 2004 13:37:12 -0600

40 lines

Misc. museum publications

Wed, 7 Jan 2004 11:47:12 -0800

34 lines

ARLIS/NA '04 special event

Wed, 7 Jan 2004 15:10:07 -0500

58 lines

Wolfgang Fretag ARLIS/NE Professional Development Award

Wed, 7 Jan 2004 15:22:06 -0500

40 lines

Wed, 7 Jan 2004 15:28:02 -0500

40 lines


Thu, 8 Jan 2004 09:37:19 -0500

34 lines

position announcement

Thu, 8 Jan 2004 10:45:44 -0500

110 lines


Thu, 8 Jan 2004 11:27:12 -0500

36 lines

Deadline Extended: Visual Resource Specialist, Syracuse

Thu, 8 Jan 2004 11:49:42 -0500

197 lines

Desktop security for Mac OSX?

Thu, 8 Jan 2004 10:51:25 -0600

35 lines

Summer Institute Website

Thu, 8 Jan 2004 13:03:41 -0500

49 lines

Weekly News Digest, Dec 29 (USA, UK)

Thu, 8 Jan 2004 14:37:21 -0500

363 lines

Weekly News Digest, Dec 29 (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)

Thu, 8 Jan 2004 14:38:02 -0500

427 lines

H-MUSEUM Monthly Conference Digest Vol. 19 (January 2004)

Thu, 8 Jan 2004 15:51:52 -0500

110 lines

dealers in remainders

Thu, 8 Jan 2004 15:45:21 -0800

33 lines

New York dealers

Fri, 9 Jan 2004 13:08:47 +1000

296 lines

Kristin Tague/RLG is out of the office.

Fri, 9 Jan 2004 01:01:26 -0800

23 lines

Periodical Request

Fri, 9 Jan 2004 12:23:37 -0600

30 lines

rights and permissions for a 19th-c Mexican imprint!

Fri, 9 Jan 2004 15:13:10 -0500

39 lines

VRA Portland COnference

Fri, 9 Jan 2004 16:29:39 -0500

111 lines

ARLIS:Tacoma, Northwest Chapter Winter Meeting

Fri, 9 Jan 2004 20:11:13 -0800

114 lines


Mon, 12 Jan 2004 09:34:36 -0500

91 lines

OPAC Vendor Recommendations Needed

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 10:33:52 -0500

334 lines

2004 VRA Conference Early-Bird Registration Deadline Feb. 6th

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 10:41:51 -0500

58 lines

auction catalogs

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 12:29:38 -0500

36 lines

Seeking back issues

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 10:30:09 -0700

45 lines

Re: auction catalogs

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 13:04:15 -0500

77 lines

Re: OPAC Vendor Recommendations Needed

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 10:43:29 -0800

395 lines

Vacancy: Director, British Architectural Library, RIBA, London

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 18:52:18 -0000

132 lines

Re: auction catalogs

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 14:08:01 -0500

109 lines

periodicals available

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 14:37:10 -0500

82 lines

Re: OPAC Vendor Recommendations Needed

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 10:00:56 -1000

66 lines

W.Stoddard Slide Set

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 15:34:40 -0500

28 lines

Re: duplicate periodicals available - VMFA

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 15:49:56 -0500

204 lines

Pronunciation Question

Mon, 12 Jan 2004 16:50:23 -0700

39 lines

3 Day Course in Document Management and Document Imaging: Winter 2004, Spring 2004, Summer 2004

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 00:05:08 -0800

233 lines

Ohio Valley Chapter

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 08:28:29 -0500

30 lines

News from SLA

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 09:10:00 -0500

81 lines

FW: From digital-copyright Digest 12 Jan 2004

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 09:13:10 -0500

104 lines


Tue, 13 Jan 2004 09:38:12 -0500

36 lines

New York Conference Mentor Program

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 09:13:19 -0600

143 lines

Periodicals Give Away

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 10:26:16 -0500

38 lines

H-Museum News Digest, Jan 11 (USA, UK)

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 12:29:02 -0500

244 lines

Re: New York Conference Mentor Program

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 13:01:03 -0500

87 lines

Where to purchase BAAL

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 16:13:59 -0500

84 lines

index iconologicus

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 13:26:40 -0800

33 lines

Duplicate periodicals 2002 and 2003

Tue, 13 Jan 2004 17:24:07 -0500

35 lines

FW: [ARLIS-L] index iconologicus

Wed, 14 Jan 2004 09:55:12 -0500

65 lines

Juan Munoz catalogue

Wed, 14 Jan 2004 12:39:16 -0500

234 lines

Query re artist Gilberto Almeida

Wed, 14 Jan 2004 11:00:13 -0700

30 lines

Lois Swan Jones Award 2004: winner announced

Wed, 14 Jan 2004 14:47:33 -0500

46 lines

Duplicate periodicals

Wed, 14 Jan 2004 16:13:37 -0500

33 lines

Notice of Vacancy - Univ. of Washington

Thu, 15 Jan 2004 15:07:49 -0800

180 lines

Art & Design School Library Division

Fri, 16 Jan 2004 12:01:17 -0500

50 lines

Proununciation Question

Fri, 16 Jan 2004 11:06:33 -0700

116 lines

CFP: MCN 2004 - Great Technology for Collections, Confluence, and Community

Sat, 17 Jan 2004 16:34:15 -0400

88 lines

botanical illustrations

Sun, 18 Jan 2004 11:34:37 -0600

24 lines

FW: Journal of Digital Contents (From Digital-copyright Digest 20 Jan 2004 16:00:00 -0000 Issue 318)

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 11:15:39 -0500

129 lines

2004 VRA Conference Registration Deadline Approaches

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 11:59:21 -0500

59 lines

Frank Toker to Be on Book-TV: Speaking about New Book - Fallingwater Rising!

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 12:00:33 -0500

56 lines

Missing issues needed

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 12:12:44 -0500

48 lines

CAA -- Feedback opportunity during the conference

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 09:48:56 -0800

55 lines

Thank You for OPAC Vendor Info and Summary

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 13:09:39 -0500

314 lines


Tue, 20 Jan 2004 15:16:33 -0500

309 lines

Re: Ohio Valley Chapter

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 16:43:52 -0500

40 lines

Reference question: Vermeer

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 16:15:58 -0600

135 lines

Copyright & New Media Law Newsletter promotion

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 21:39:57 -0500

57 lines

Journal of Architectural and Planning Research

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 09:44:35 +0200

96 lines


Wed, 21 Jan 2004 10:57:46 +0200

80 lines

ARLIS/NA editorial position

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 09:53:12 -0500

430 lines


Wed, 21 Jan 2004 09:58:47 -0500

39 lines

Re: Reference question: Vermeer sales, 1860s

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 10:46:23 -0500

811 lines

News of academic librarians in New York

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 10:55:39 -0600

41 lines

Call for volunteers to serve on Research Awards Committee

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 10:24:37 -0700

127 lines

Job opening in Texas

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 11:59:44 -0600

88 lines

A message from the President about the posting of open positions on ARLIS-L

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 12:38:50 -0600

277 lines

Re: A message from the President about the posting of open positions on ARLIS-L

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 15:09:05 -0500

125 lines

Re: A message from the President about the posting of o pen positions on ARLIS-L

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 12:19:08 -0800

201 lines

job postings

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 15:35:04 -0500

43 lines

Re: posting of open positions on ARLIS-L

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 16:04:01 -0500

70 lines

Re: posting of open positions on ARLIS-L

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 14:13:14 -0700

290 lines

Diversity Cucus

Wed, 21 Jan 2004 18:17:50 -0500

30 lines

Encore! Book Structure and Bookbinding Techniques

Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:05:18 -0500

125 lines

TerraServer & TopoZone licensing

Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:07:22 -0500

41 lines

Fwd: Museo del Barrio Catalog (fwd)

Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:13:29 -0500

49 lines

Encore! Book Structure and Bookbinding Techniques

Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:32:08 -0500

165 lines

VRA roommate needed

Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:34:13 -0500

35 lines

Research Awards Committee

Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:01:19 -0700

92 lines

FW: You are invited

Thu, 22 Jan 2004 14:28:14 -0700

66 lines

Art Bulletin duplicates available

Thu, 22 Jan 2004 16:53:48 -0500

84 lines

Temporary Art Librarian Position Available

Fri, 23 Jan 2004 11:20:08 -0500

97 lines

The January meeting of the Midwestern Art Cataloging Discussion Group

Fri, 23 Jan 2004 11:31:43 -0600

52 lines

Czech scholar/art historian

Fri, 23 Jan 2004 13:22:22 -0500

59 lines

need CONTEMPORARY issues

Fri, 23 Jan 2004 16:00:35 -0500

42 lines

Important LC subject heading changes to Costume and Clothing

Fri, 23 Jan 2004 13:29:01 -0800

37 lines

Special Libraries Budgeting

Fri, 23 Jan 2004 16:52:52 -0500

26 lines

Announcing two new brochures

Fri, 23 Jan 2004 16:51:43 -0600

53 lines

Image Database question

Fri, 23 Jan 2004 16:03:50 -0800

33 lines

query-Int. journal of public-private partnerships

Sun, 25 Jan 2004 10:03:09 +0200

62 lines

Head of Acquisitions - Getty Research Institute

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 08:54:48 -0500

61 lines

Head Librarian - University of Texas at Austin

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 08:54:49 -0500

56 lines

Re: Image Database question

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 08:56:25 -0500

58 lines


Mon, 26 Jan 2004 10:02:23 -0500

70 lines

Duplicate Periodicals

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 10:12:28 -0500

579 lines

Re: Duplicate Periodicals

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 09:34:24 -0600

606 lines

Integrating Visual Collections

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 11:59:36 -0500

48 lines

Re: Image databases

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 13:13:03 -0500

58 lines

February Update is UP!

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 13:18:14 -0500

34 lines


Mon, 26 Jan 2004 14:41:40 -0500

25 lines

Annual Reports

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 16:38:38 -0500

228 lines

Photo-Librarians Meeting at ICP on Monday, April 19

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 16:04:51 -0700

465 lines

Duplicate periodicals - List A

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 17:17:39 -0600

215 lines

Craft Horizons Magazine Issues

Mon, 26 Jan 2004 19:58:33 -0800

74 lines

farewell for a while...

Tue, 27 Jan 2004 14:26:40 -0500

40 lines

ARLIS/TACOMA updates & reminders

Tue, 27 Jan 2004 12:30:16 -0800

42 lines

Warman's Antiques and Collectibles Price Guide and the like

Tue, 27 Jan 2004 17:26:49 -0800

109 lines

Need periodical

Wed, 28 Jan 2004 10:32:36 -0500

32 lines

The bitter and the sweet

Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:54:45 -0500

58 lines

New Phone #

Wed, 28 Jan 2004 15:53:16 -0500

39 lines

ARLIS DC/MD/VA Caroline Backlund Award

Thu, 29 Jan 2004 05:42:27 -0800

114 lines

Artforum needed

Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:11:23 -0500

35 lines

Whitney Biennial open during ARLIS

Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:15:39 -0500

99 lines

VRA Conference Announcement

Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:27:22 -0500

124 lines

FW: The Culture of Periodicals (Budapest/Hungary, 21-22 May, 2004 )

Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:46:11 -0500

127 lines

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